Close up the seams between the slabs of the overlap with their own hands. Methods for seaming seams between plates

February 24. Repair and construction work Views 683. Comments We close the seams between the slabs of the overlap with their own hands. Methods for seaming seams between plates No

Smooth ceiling indicates a qualitative repair. But sometimes it is necessary to face the fact that cracks appear on the surface. It is especially true for apartments where the ceiling consists of the slab overlap. Now we are talking about how to close the seams between such tiles.

Close up the seams between the plates. Preparatory stage

There are the following methods of seams between the stoves:

  • using mounting foam (large slots);
  • with the help of special dry mixtures (small cracks);
  • by creating a suspension or stretch ceiling.

The preparatory stage is necessary if the sealing of the seams is carried out using the first two technologies.

For high-quality execution of work, such tools for sealing seams between the stoves will be required:

  • perforator;
  • putty knife;
  • metal brush;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

The following materials will also be needed:

  • primer;
  • mounting foam;
  • sandpaper;
  • sherryanka ribbon;
  • putty.

Preparatory stage lies in:

  • removal of old coating and pieces of falling down plaster;
  • cleaning the surface from dust and small garbage;
  • crack expansion;
  • priming the grams of deep penetration.

If there are small seams between the plates (in the photo), they must first go to the chisel, and then expand the perforator with the bladder nozzle. Cleaning seams from garbage is carried out by a metal brush. As a result of this process, a cone-shaped gap should turn out, which will be easier to close.

Sealing slots between plates overlap by mounting foam

Mounting foam is used to eliminate deep cracks. For sealing seams between the slabs of the overlap, the following steps are performed:

  • seam expands the perforator;
  • the gap is covered with primer;
  • after drying, the primer is filling a filling of the foam by mounting foam;
  • creating a flat surface by cutting with a stationery knife of an extra mounting foam;
  • applying plastering;
  • printing and shpocking surface with finishing composition.

Some experts recommend using cement plaster with polymer additives. But this is completely optional. For internal works, you can use the material that consists of plaster. For such plaster, plasticity is characteristic, simplicity and fast frost.

Close up the seams between the plates. Application of special mixture

If there are small cracks and the use of paint as the finishing coating of the seal with their own sutures between the plates, it is carried out as follows:

  • cracks expand and clean;
  • the surface is ground and left for 12-16 hours for drying;
  • it is manufactured with a working mixture of construction gypsum with the addition of PVA glue;
  • the mixture with a spatula is rubbed into the seam;
  • generally removed is neatly removed;
  • the crack is covered by PVA glue;
  • sherryanka tape is placed on the glue;
  • the finish putty is applied on the tape;
  • after drying, the putty surface is polished with shallow emery paper.

Laying of sickle tape is carried out in such a way that its middle is located in the crack. In order to prevent the "Pesb" emergence, you do not need to lay a too large amount of solution or putty. In the presence of too deep and wide, it can be filled with pacles, pre-dipped in liquid gypsum solution, or use a special sealing ribbon.

Sometimes you can encounter such a problem as a large hole in the slab overlap. The elimination of such a defect occurs as follows:

  • slices of cement and dust are removed from the hole;
  • two bedding layers are applied to the inner surface of the hole;
  • after drying the second layer, the hole is filled with mounting foam;
  • excess foam cut off;
  • a layer of cement mortar is applied over the foam;
  • into the solution laid the grid for reinforcement;
  • after pouring the concrete, the surface is covered with finishing putty;
  • the ceiling grinding occurs.

And what to close the seams between the plates when the joints are visible after repair work on the ceiling? In this case, you can use Fliselin. Its stagnation is carried out before using the finish putty. Fliselin will make the ceiling perfectly even smooth. After drying, the putty ceiling is ground and painted.

Close up the seams between the plates. Using suspended systems

It is possible to solve the problem of interconnect seams and more expensive way. To do this, you need to use stretty ceiling. The use of this technology will make the ceiling as attractive as possible.

Suspended ceiling systems are created from plasterboard and plastic. There are cassette or Rush ceilings from aluminum or mirror elements.

The highest demand is the ceilings made from plasterboard. This is due to the fact that you can independently create multi-level or curly structures.

Video to eliminate seams between the stoves:

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