How to create a Alpine slide with a reservoir

July 7. Plot. Views 5334. Comments To record How to create an alpine slide with a reservoir No

Any owner of a private house seeks brightly and interestingly decorate its local territory with a variety of vegetation. It is not better for incarnation even the most bold and original idea such a kind of landscaped forms, like an alpine slide, whose combination with water will certainly bring a lot of pleasant moments of rest for more than one year.


Although the decoration of the site in this way and takes it initially quite a long time, having received a spectacular result, you are unlikely to regret your venture. To perform all the work as quickly and competently and competently, read below the above rules for the design of the alpine slide with a reservoir to avoid frequent errors.


Features of the Alpine Slide Device


In essence, the Alpine slide is a small mound from stones and plants, the appearance of which is a miniature imitation of the unique mountaineard. In order for the resulting landscape as accurately as possible the natural picture, the best solution will be the three-tier elevation with a water source at the foot or flowing stream. 80593419

Important! To choose the most interesting design ideas, browse the ready-made alpine slides with a reservoir, which in sufficient quantities are represented on the Internet and specialized stores of the garden inventory.


How to build a alpine slide with a reservoir?

To harmoniously combine with a water and alpine slide, perform all the work sequentially in several stages. 67

To organize yourself in advance, browse the proposed plan, in accordance with which you have to act:

  1. Select suitable area.
  2. Determine the principle of the reservoir device.
  3. Select decorative plants and stones.
  4. Create a design plan.
  5. Perform work so that the result is exactly the idea. alpiiskayAgorka12

What section is suitable for the arrangement of the Alpine slide?

The convenience of making an alpine slide with a pond is primarily in the fact that a plot with any relief is suitable for its creation - both plain and bumpy, with natural hills. Olympus Digital Camera.

In order for the attractiveness to remain for a long time, it did not need significant time spending on care, follow the following requirements when choosing a place for an artificial decorative hill:

  1. The sandy ground is preferred.
  2. The presence of a natural hill will become an additional advantage that facilitates the construction of the Alpine slide.
  3. Sunny outdoor area. aLPIYSKAYA-GORKA-78

    Important! To prevent water bloom, but at the same time provide sufficient access of natural heat plants, the best solution will be the location under the right sunlight of the slide itself, and the reservoir in the shady zone, but not under the crowns of trees.

  4. There is enough space for the arrangement of the pedestrian zone around the elevation and reservoir. floating-stones08.

What to do with reservoir?

Depending on whether you chose a project to create an alpine slide with a waterfall or a pond at the foot of the foot, choose a more appropriate reservoir bottom insulation technology. big

The most popular solutions to such a task are represented by the use of such materials:

  • ready-made plastic forms;
  • old baths or other cost-effective capacity of the desired size;
  • waterproofing canvas from plastic or rubber. 0_70
    Important! By choosing, take into account the fact that the possibility of subsequent expansion of the reservoir and the design change gives only a film for waterproofing. In other cases, the shape of the pond will remain unchanged throughout the time, if desired, to make adjustments, you will have to choose and install a new container.alpijskaja_Gorka-10.

Alpine Gorka layout


Another advantage of this landscape form is that even when using the same project scheme, each equipped slide will be unique and unique. The smallest details will become distinctive signs of the originality that all gardeners seek to achieve. 0a1186317c9783516488748ad4256F70.

Be sure to make your own individual scheme of the Alpine slide with a reservoir, clearly distinguishing the space on the scale and considering all the features of the dedicated territory. Avoid excessive saturation and diversity to recreate the most natural look of mini slide, and not emphasize its artificial origin. 54771915_102

Important! Browse the video in which the most interesting and beautiful examples of the prepared alpine slides are selected to learn from them ideas to decorate your site.

For the competent organization of the pond, in order to avoid water stagnation in the summer period, we will certainly consider the circulation system. An excellent solution will be the creation of a waterfall using a pump for water supply to the top of the roller. aLP_GORKA_S_VODOEMOM_3.

Browse the following schemes of the most interesting solutions that will certainly provide the colorful attractiveness of your local area. Unnamed-6810d742C7E0DDF57C0AF90C4759468235B2.


Rules for the preparation of the site

alpine Gorka

To properly prepare the territory, work as follows:

  1. Make the site layout by the pond and the embankment using rods or pegs and rope. 626293293
  2. Dig a trench under the pond.

    Important! Note that the optimum depth for a reservoir near the alpine garden - 0,8-1,5m. nashprud04

  3. Smooth out the surface.
  4. Pour the sand at the bottom of the well and create a layer thickness of 5 cm and lightly tamping.

    Important! In order to do the job quickly and without too much physical effort, before compacting sand, wet it.

  5. Install the pump, following the manufacturer's recommendations. 1-500x406

    Important! In the process of designing ways to upgrade the water, choose the most interesting in your opinion the decision, for example, a fountain in the middle of the pond or stream flowing avalanche flows from the top of hills, flowing into the pond at the bottom.

  6. Install the finished form or lay film on the pond bottom. v9

    Important! If you use ready-made containers to fill the gaps with sand and soil. If preferred waterproofing canvas, plastic or rubber, to secure each tier and on the surface of the stones.

  7. Remove the layer of soil to a depth of 50-80 cm in the location registration of the mound.
  8. Create drainage, using for this purpose the rubble, broken bricks and other appropriate construction debris.

    Important! Such an approach would provide a good humidity and air circulation planted plants, eliminating a surplus of water or the lack thereof. 15420135

  9. To create a mound prepare potting soil from the following materials:
    • peat - 1 part;
    • sand - 1 part;
    • initially selected primer - 1 part;
    • chippings in the amount required for completion.
  10. Shape of the resulting mound when preparing the mixture.
  11. Make a consistent laying open stones on each projected tier. 5998152
  12. Install them in groups of 3-7 pieces.

    Important! When laying large stones set them so that 1/3 was deep in the ground. 5img-02

  13. A gap fill with cement mortar to prevent the slide of boulders, especially if the preferred major elements.

    Important! Another tip for the artistic side: try to avoid deliberate symmetry of the arrangement of rock bands to emphasize the naturalness of an alpine slide.

  14. replanting follow carefully so as not to damage the root system. kamenistaya_gorka
  15. Fill the water in the reservoir and leave the day-two until the waterproofing cannon is completely recreated or the correct installation of the finished container.
  16. Decorate pockets with selected stones and plants.
  17. Turn on the system for circulating water into the pond. land (8)

    Important! Review the detailed video instructions for creating an alpine slide with your own hands to clearly imagine the amount of planned work, and correctly organize the time.

Rules for decorating Gorki


So that the Alpine Gorki really becomes the decoration of the site, not only the competent design of its design in relation to the form and principle of operation of the system of artificial reservoir, but also a suitable decoration. Check out carefully with the rules of the combination of vegetation and stones to take the right decision. 86019988_getimage__39_

What plants choose?


When choosing a combination of plants for landing on the Alpine Hill, prefer the species that meet the following requirements:

  • attractive appearance;
  • little and woody grades;
  • unpretentious care;
  • heat strength. phoca_thumb_l_vodopad s gorki

Most often, plants of the following groups are used for the arrangement of this landscape form:

  • soil;
  • carpets;
  • sockets;
  • bulbous;
  • tuber. kak_sdelat_alpijskuyu_gorku_svoimi_rukami_1

    Important! In the process of choice, be sure to consider the time of their growth and flowering. Competently combine annual and perennial individuals in such a way as to ensure the constant attractiveness of the slide and at the same time leave the opportunity to change and diversify the species row every year. Be sure to place them on the mound, taking into account the timing of flowering. 6

Check out the proposed list of plant species, which are ideal for the arrangement of various tiers of the Alpine slide and use the constant demand of professional landscape designers:

  • daisy;
  • st. John's wort;
  • veronica; 0_10E00_35372E46_-1-L
  • labor;
  • sedum;
  • thyme;
  • yarrow;
  • alpine strawberries; prof-made-cross-over-pond-water-garden
  • molded;
  • orostahis;
  • levisa;
  • manzhetnik;
  • crocus; alpijskaja-gorka
  • galanthus;
  • leucojum;
  • iberis;
  • edelweiss;
  • schmidt wormwood;
  • flox Shiloid; 2562415108_F057E98D45
  • son-grass;
  • lumbago;
  • cultural Owls;
  • alpine carnation;
  • deer language;
  • saxifrage. gorka.

To decorate the pond, such plants are perfect:

  • lilies;
  • hyacinths are water;
  • host;
  • swamp iris;
  • delphinium. 99cee848C4D5B0.

    Important! When decorating a reservoir, note that it is more unwanted to fill it with decorative plants and stones more than a quarter, otherwise the pond will not be an addition to the Alpine slide, but will become a central element of the composition, and their combination will create the impression of negrims and excessive varnishes. fontan_gorka.

What stones can be used to arrange an alpine slide?

There are several recommendations that will help you choose the most correct solution when choosing stones for decorating alpine slide and reservoir. kak_sdelat_alpijskuyu_gorku_svoimi_rukami_10

Check out some of them:

  1. Give preference to stones of different sizes:
    • crushed stone;
    • boulders;
    • boulders;
    • gravel. stone-1.
      Important! In this regard, take into account the total size of the slide and the water branch, as well as the selected style direction, both of this composition and the rest of the landscape zone.                                            alpiyskaya-Gorka6.
  2. Make a choice in favor of stones of different shapes and geometry, do not attempt to purchase the same, otherwise it will not be possible to create a natural landscape.
  3. When choosing a breed, pay attention to the slide itself on such species as:
    • limestone;
    • granite;
    • sandstone. http -
  4. To decorate the reservoir, more acceptable durable, resistant breed washing:
    • quartzite;
    • marble;
    • gneiss;
    • granite. Olympus Digital Camera.
      Important! An interesting stones of small fractions on the bottom and coast and the cornerstone of large single blocks are interesting. What kind of decoring method to give preference, select yourself, focusing on your own artistic taste. kak_sdelat_alpijskuyu_gorku_svoimi_rukami_5


Having received an excellent result after all the work done on the arrangement of the site is the time to relax, contemplating the attractive landscape of nature. 137626601_7

To preserve the beauty of the Alpine slide with a reservoir and provide yourself with the possibility of a relaxing rest, be sure to work simple care:

  • regularly add a filtration mixture in the pond to prevent the rotting of water and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • from time to time, clean the pond from the garbage, using a special device or ordinary sump for this;
  • in the dry time, perform watering plants on the Alpine slide, but not often and not very plentiful; ruchey
  • in the spring, check the reliability of the installed stones, if necessary, correct their position;
  • listen to the brudices or rotten after winter;
  • update the view series of plants every year so that the landscape does not bother you;
  • delete weeds in a timely manner;
  • to eliminate the cracking of the soil, as well as protect the plants, decorate the surface of the soil of mulch from peat or wood sawdust; 20121010alpijjskaja_gorka_svoimi_rukami.
  • in time, make preventive soil treatment to prevent pests;
  • sometimes feed the plants, but not too abundantly, in order to prevent the excessive development of some individuals and the death of others;
  • for the winter, cover with water with a water, and for a slide, make a protective design, for example, from plywood and fill in the snow space.

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