How to use space under the stairs

July 25. Useful advice Views 2681. Comments to record How to use space under the stairs No

Most cottages and private mansions of two or three-story. Without a staircase in such houses can not do. If you figure it out, it takes a good piece of free space. So why not use it? Thus, it will be possible to distribute a lot of things. Let's look at the ideas of the design of space under the staircase.

Space under the stairs - ideas

Everyone sees it in different ways: someone is ready to score him to the top of the toys, albums, cosmetics, and someone would have a small sofa and a coffee table there. Therefore, for a start it is worth deciding what tasks we set themselves.


Place for relaxation - why not?

Not under all the stairs it is feasible, however, the idea of \u200b\u200bmany falls to taste. Sometimes you want to retire somewhere, do not hear clanging dishes in the kitchen, passages of news from the TV and the meowakani cat in the living room. Headphones dressed, the arrival away from everyone - and, as if, was far away.

Under the stairs, you can build a so-called sports corner. Make there small shelves and place the dumbbells, phytball, hang the rope, hula-hup. In the same place to adapt the calendar on which you will celebrate the days of training, as well as personal achievements. If you are closer in the spirit of the music, then put the piano and play when you please.


A glass table and a couple-triple chairs will create an atmosphere of calm and peace. It will be pleasant here to think with a cup of hot fright. The place in this way, the place under the staircase is suitable for a small company that unexpectedly declared to visit.

Universal storage

And now consider the option that the courtesy of the owners consider the most optimal. People who loving minimalism will not allow litterness in their apartments. They are not pleasing to the shelves who store dozens of books, albums and souvenirs from different countries. They value all this, definitely, but prefer to keep not in sight.

Consider the following task - the use of space under the stairs with the mind. All the place can be furnished with boxes, provided that they will fit perfectly into the surrounding interior. Then the benefits will be apparent. If desired, under the staircase you can hide a whole linen cabinet, a chest of drawers with clothes and a book with books. But for this one desire is not enough, you need a real talent and a little imagination.


Extraordinary ideas

The easiest way to do under the stairs of unnecessary things - old toys, photos, letters and figurines. It is much more complicated, but much more interesting to build something unusual there. For example, install a huge aquarium. The idea is brave, since such an element of the interior will have to somehow clean, it will have to somehow care for its inhabitants. If this is not a problem for you, then why not try?


Another option is to install an artificial fireplace. He will create a cozy atmosphere, especially in winter evenings. In the New Year holidays, you can decompose gifts near him, and a little further install a decorated beauty-tree.

Next offer more unusual the previous one. Install the door, behind which hide a secret passage in wine cellar. Of course, with such an idea would have a lot of messing around, but what can you do. Like unusual - get. In addition to the door the space under the stairs can be filled with an exquisite table and two or three puffs. This cozy corner need to finding a treasured bottle of Italian wine in the cellar, did not have far to go. Place is suitable for meetings, and for get-togethers with friends.

The whole room under the stairs - the impossible is possible

It would seem, as the place itself under the stairs? Enough for a maximum of cabinet and a few shelves. As it turns out, with a strong desire there can fit an entire room - restroom, kitchen, nursery. Let's go in order for each of the options.


You do not believe it, but you can place under the stairs and a refrigerator, and sink, and cabinets, and even the stove. What is the only space-saving, agree. The dining table will not fit there, but it's not such a problem. Of course, the kitchen will very tiny, on her wedding is not ready. However, for those who do not like to stand for hours at the stove, and prefer to eat out, this is ideal.


Toilet under the stairs

According to the rule, for each person in the house should be a separate toilet room. Only now, few people listen to it. Why not equip the space under the stairs, creating extra restroom? Not only is it a great idea, so also useful. You do not want to put a hot tub, install at least a sink and toilet. If you are by nature a killjoy, then let it be a toilet for guests.



Full children's room under the stairs, and can not work. However, the entertainment center for child certainly will. This is where you can store all the dolls and cars, to keep developing games. Alternatively, you can put a small chest of drawers with a children's underwear.


As you can see, there are many design options of the empty space under the stairs. Look, what is the most interesting idea for you, and begin to equip the space. Come to the aid of the space under the stairs photo on the Internet.

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