Haircut of alive hedges - and how, recommendations, useful tips

April 19. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2486. Comments to the recording of a haircut of a living hedge - than and how, recommendations, useful tips No

To protect the country territory from dust and garbage that fall from the street or to exist from the annoying neighbors, it is not always necessary to deal with the construction of a high fence. It is enough "cross-border" sites to plant beautiful shrubs and trees. They require care. In this article, we will talk about how to properly carry out a haircut.


What are the hedge

In most cases, haircut methods depend on the purpose of green plantings. According to this criterion, the living hedges are divided into:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • mixed.

External green plantings are higher than internal. The first of these serve as a reliable fencing of the territory, and the second hedges are used more for decorative purposes.

Mixed types of living hedges are freely growing green plantings. Plants such:

  • do not require increased care;
  • occupy a small area;
  • superb look in any landscape design.

Hugs created from evergreen shrubs, for any pore threshold will delight an attractive view. Their main advantage is the simplicity of the haircut.

Varieties of haircuts and trimming

Caring for a lively hedge involves its haircut and trimming. These two concepts are completely different. Pruning is carried out by freely growing green plantings, and the haircut is used to form a hedge.

Trimming happens:

  • sanitary;
  • restorative;
  • rejuvenating;
  • supporting.

Sanitary trim involves removal:

  • faded plants;
  • intersecting, patients and damaged branches;
  • old and dry branches.

Replacement trimming is carried out when plants need to return the ability to flowering, growth and fruiting. It makes launched green plantings or affected by frost.


The rejuvenating trimmer is designed to enhance the growth of new shoots in plants that grow on the site for several years.

The main purpose of the supporting trim is the preservation of certain sizes and the shape of the crown, its illumination and effective proportions between flowering and fruiting processes.

The most optimal deadlines for trimming:

  • the beginning of spring, up to mid-April;
  • the end of summer, when the growth of shoots ends.

It is forbidden to engage in the creation of green plantings in winter days and during the release of juice. This can lead to their death. Cut shoots and leaves are collected and burned. So the pests and diseases will not be spread, the source of which can be plants.

Tools for work

Different tools are used to carry out a haircut in the country.

  • gardening scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • suchkores;
  • custores;
  • chainsaws;
  • trimmers equipped with special nozzles.


Despite the technological novelties, most gardeners prefer garden scissors and bushores. They are the cause of true moral pleasure from work.

Garden scissors for living hedges are characterized by an undoubted advantage. Thanks to their use, a smooth surface of the cozen is created. This reduces the likelihood of damage to plantations.

With the help of scissors, you can cut the branch without problems, which is inside the shrub. The only disadvantage of garden scissors is the maximum efforts that need to be attached during the haircut.

Brush cutters are multifunctional tools. They are classified depending on:

  • type blades;
  • power source.

According to the first criterion of brush cutters there:

  • with fixed blades;
  • with rotating cutter.

Brush cutters that are equipped with fixed blades are pretty bulky tools. Among the "pluses" of their use should be allocated the ability to cut even thick branches.

Rotating cutter brush cutters are characterized by a minimum load on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area.

Depending on the power source, the brush cutters are divided into:

  • rechargeable;
  • petrol;
  • electric.

The main advantage of battery and gasoline devices is autonomous use. You do not need to pull the carrying with the electrical wire and connect to the source of power supply. But on the other hand: gasoline grinding is distinguished by exhaust gases and works with noise, and rechargeable - requires regular recharging.

Electrical brush cutters have a small weight and no power inferior to gasoline devices. Yes, they work quieter, making a better cut of plants.


To a greater degree, the choice of custodeza depends on the area of \u200b\u200bliving hedges. So, a battery device is quite suitable for a small area, it is better to use an electric or gasoline brushes on a large area.

The effective functioning of any tool is achieved by correct sharpening blades. They must be evenly compatible. Otherwise, the ends of the branches during trimming can be damaged by making them split.

Practical aspects of haircut

Living fence in the photo and in real life should have a right profile with the optimal dense of the crown. For this, an annual haircut of green plantings is performed. In the first 2-3 years, depending on the type of plants, it is held once per season:

  • in early spring;
  • or late autumn.

In the future, the number of haircuts increases to 2-3. It all depends on the growth of plant shoots. If the haircut is carried out 2 times, then repeatedly carried out at approximately at the end of June. In summer, multiple haircuts are held. The need for their implementation appears when the clear outlines of alive hedges are lost.

As for the depth of cutting the branches of alive hedge, it should increase with an increase in age. At first, the shoots must be cut off by 50-60% of their length. When green plantings acquire the optimal height, attention is paid to the haircut in the upper part of them. It is often carried out at the same level. Espaces that act for a certain border are cut off.

It is not recommended to delete only the ends of young shoots. A few years later, such a high and dense hedge begins to blame, completely losing attractiveness. To prevent this, the branches of the branches in the height occurs closely to last year's shoots. Thus, not only the density and the form of the hedge, but also prevents damage due to the fallout of rich snowfall.

There is another natural nuance. Living hedges grow faster in width than height. For this reason, her side parts should cut into a large depth.

Sometimes the wrong haircut leads to the larger of the lower part of the alive hedge. This leads to the appearance of dry branches. In the form, these areas resemble a quadrilateral. Often, such a cross structure of plantings prevents uniform ingress of sunlight on their side surfaces. Therefore, the hedge profile, similar to a rectangle or square, is better to use for a curb.

Often, the hedge haircut involves the creation of one of two profiles:

  • trapezoidal;
  • or narrowing.


The trapezoid profile forms a flat surface of the top of the plantation. Constantly growing shoots lead to a change in profile, reducing the decorative properties of the hedge. For this reason, it is necessary to engage in a rather frequent number of haircuts.

The most optimal option is to create a narrowing to the top of the profile. In this case, growing plants shoots do not worsen the attractiveness of the hedge. They do not need to cut many times. Creating the same profile is carried out using a stretched cord or a special wire frame.

If there is a running hedge, a haircut is drawn up to 25-50% of its width and height. In some cases, plantings are cut under stump. This will lead to an intensive growth of shoots. Launched alive hedges of coniferous plants are cut in size not exceeding the increase in 3 years.

Launched and old hedges are subjected to a rejuvenating haircut. Moreover, this process is stretched for two years. In the first year, only one side of green plantings is subjected to the rejuvenating haircut. Cutting branches is carried out at a distance of 15-20 cm from the barrel.

The second side of the hedge in the first year is cutting up in the usual way. For the second year, it is rejuvenated similar to the first side. The haircut itself is accompanied by fertilizers, abundant irrigation and mulching of the soil. So plants will be able to recover in a short time.

There are several rules cutting the shoots of green plantings. The main ones are:

  • procurement of annual shoots is made for one kidney, hemps are not left;
  • the shoots that 2-4 years are cut to the place of appearance of new branches or first branching;
  • the removal of "skeletal" branches is carried out in stages: two dugs are done at the bottom (at 25-30 cm from the barrel and slightly higher at 3-5 cm), the funeral is cut into a ring, sections are cleaned;
  • cuts must necessarily be oblique;
  • they are made above a healthy and developed kidney;
  • after 20-30 minutes after haircuts, the sections are covered with oil paint or garden smear.

Features of the haircut of several species of plants

The technology of cutting largely depends on the type of plants that form a living elevation. We will look at the features of the haircut of the following green plantings:

  • coniferous plants;
  • turquish;
  • barbarisa;
  • hawthorn.


Hebees from coniferous plants are characterized by shades. Conducting regular haircuts does not allow the launches of plantations. Hollows of coniferous rocks are almost impossible to fix. The branches become very thick and cut them difficult.

Haircut of coniferous plantings is not made in the first year after landing. They must adapt on the plot. Next year, the haircut is carried out in May-June. The upper branches are shortened in approximately 1/3 of the length, and the side - on 2/3 of length.

Live hedge immediately gives the necessary profile. The most optimal is a trapezoidal form. In the future, the profile of green plantings is maintained by trimming. It is carried out at the end of June, until the growth of new kidneys occurred.

The main distinguishing feature of the turquish is the rapid formation of shoots. This allows strut shrubs up to the stump. Strike turquish needed in the earliest time when the plants went into growth. At the very beginning, the top of the shoots is cut.

The haircut is repeated when the length of the branches will be more than 15 cm. This method of forming the crown continues for two years. After that, proceed to creating a profile of a live bleed from turquish. The trapezoidal form is best suited, which is supported by periodic haircuts in May - September. Their number can reach up to 6 times.

The advantage of using Barbaris is the ability to create complex profiles and beautiful vibrant hedges. There are many varieties of barberry, which differ in a variety of color. Thanks to this, you can create multi-colored living hedges. Their haircut can be made at any time of the year. Barbaris is able to carry a haircut even at a biennium.

Timely care for shoots from a hawthorn can lead to the creation of a thick vibrant hedge. Two-year-old shoots are cut on a 15-centimeter altitude from the soil. Two escapes are left from growing shoots, and the rest are cut. Growing shoots are intertwined with each other until the height of the green plantations does not reach a certain size. The haircut of a vibrant burning from Barbaris is carried out in spring and summer.

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