How to make a Japanese garden do it yourself

April 21. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4340. Comments to record how to make a Japanese garden do it yourself No

According to the Japanese faith, created with the help of a person landscape and contemplation of the surrounding nature - a direct way to comprehend the secretion of Being. The Japanese believe that the world is beautiful, so they are ready to perceive every artistic image and postpone it in his mind as something incomprehensible and beautiful. It is this feature of the mentality that symbolism, the multigid and conciseness of local gardens can be explained, as well as comprehend the philosophy and features of this country.


A Japanese garden is a place where the beauty, color and odor of nature affect the person, who pursues the only goal - to cut it away from the real world's burden and help find a mental balance. This is the perfect option for connoisseurs of privacy and peace, as it always looks stylish, carefully and at the same time quite simple in care.


Of course, creating such a kind of garden in our region is quite difficult, since some plants may simply not survive. But try to arrange a small corner of Japanese-style on the plot - the sink task. It should be remembered that the basic principle of Oriental beauty is the uniqueness of the composite solution.


Japanese garden design styles


A Japanese-style garden is a rather fragile and complex work of art, which is inseparable from the culture and history of this country. That is why, created by their own hands, he carries the entire symbolism of the Eastern mentality and the very existence of this nation.

Most often, starting a conversation about him, many immediately represent the sound of murmur and stones. However, due to a wide variety of plants, it is not limited solely by them.

Garden styles:

1. Japanese garden garden.

It looks impressive absolutely in any season, because its plants are evergreen, they act soothing and always make an eye. They are remarkably suitable for small spaces, create it natural and unique style.

2. Japanese garden stones.

Such a kind of garden concludes a certain philosophy that relates us to the fact that we must strive for the main ideal in life - harmony with nature. That is why it is not necessary to apply a special design - everything should occur at the subconscious level and to seem to be in this form in which we see it yourself.

Japanese stone gardens try to locate in flat space. With the help of fine gravel or pebbles, it is depicted with water, and winding and straight lines are created with wooden robbles, symbolizing the sound, circles on water or waves.


Raw gray stones marked the rocks that are washed with water. Such gardens are not intended for walks, they serve exclusively for contemplation.

3. Japanese tea garden.

This garden is different from other styles with its unique idea - to show the beauty of nature, changing after each year of the year. There is absolutely every blade, the murmur of the stream, leaflets, the location of the stones sets you on the tea ceremony and literally to endure the unique peace and peace.

4. Japanese miniature garden.

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a garden is to create an artificial perspective. For this, in the foreground there are large stones and planted large plants. The tracks make various widths, which, with removal, begin to gradually narrow and become more winding. These gardens are designed to show the immensity of the world on a fairly limited area.

5. Pleasure Japanese gardens.

Landscape style of such a garden invites visitors to take a walk and enjoy the mysterious nature. Here you will not immediately open all the secrets. The tracks are laid out of flat stones of diverse shape, which are distributed in the surface with the surface of the lawn. Little stones in the size of the foot are constantly forced to look under the feet, then they become more, allegedly offering to admire a certain eastern composition. In the gardens for walks, benches and bridges through the stream are always provided.

Elements and attributes of the Japanese Garden:

1. Stones.


According to the philosophy of the East, the stones are a symbol of inequality, the constancy of nature and infinity of time. For this reason, every Japanese gardener uses them.

Stones can be placed several pieces or one by one, most importantly - to arise the image of a dilapidated mountain range. Very naturally and harmoniously look suede stones that are covered with lichens and mkhami. As for large species, they can be slightly inserted into the ground, but should not overdo it, since the emphasis should be one. Perfectly combined stones that have different color and size.

2. Paths.


In the Japanese garden beautifully looks at the paths created from artificial or natural stone. The main principle - they should not be straight, and winding, which gives the maximum naturalness.

3. Small architectural elements and forms.


The main elements of the Japanese garden style are stone lanterns located along the edge of the pond or a stream. They put candles that light in the evening day. To reject the flashlight, it is recommended to plant a tree from behind.

Another attribute of the Eastern Garden is Tsukubai, which are a stone bowl with water, which has the appearance of a small barrel. By tradition, it should wash your hands before the start of the tea ceremony.

4. Ponds.




The reservoirs in the Japanese garden can be diverse. They can perform a stream, cascade fountain or pond. If it is a pond, then it must be irregular, and the water level is located at the same level with the shore. It can be placed in a large stone stone that will personify the cliff.

5. Bridge.


Through the stream or pond, it is recommended to place bridges that symbolize the transition from one world to another and create harmony in space. It can have a kind of stony flat block.

6. Bamboo.



East flavor will be added in the garden benches, hedge, gathering and other elements created from bamboo.

7. Plants.




The Japanese are very carefully suited to the choice of plants and prefer evergreen - Rhododendron, Samsit, spruce, pine, etc. Only in this case the garden will have an attractive view of all seasons.

Japanese garden do it yourself


Principles of planning:

  • the main secret of the Japanese garden style is harmony with nature. The Japanese do not strive to harm it, but simply bring some features into it. They wish everyone to develop in self-sufficiency, namely, so that the streams watered flowers and some plants helped survive others, etc.;
  • the second principle of garden Japanese design is confidentiality. Very often in the fence there is a small hole so that the audience can see and admire what awaits them ahead;
  • try to choose natural and fairly simple stuff materials: concrete with naked aggregate, gravel and natural stone;
  • carefully approach the choice of plants - give preference to evergreen, which have a varied texture, size and shape;
  • always strive to soften the sharp corners of tracks and courtyards, avoid straight lines and emphasize natural shapes. In this you can help such a soil plate like a moss;
  • stones are recommended to post in the center of the composition;
  • trees should be selected by those that symbolize endurance and strength;
  • pre-familiarize yourself with key Japanese ornaments;
  • create a cozy entrance to the garden with the gate of Thoria, pots with bonsai trees and arbors;


  • add water elements: ponds, stone pools, water bamboo gutters;


  • be sure to pride bamboo fences and grilles in different parts of the garden.

After you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of creating a Japanese garden, you can proceed to the implementation of the intended project. With it, it is necessary to take into account the style of composition, form and function of the site, as well as its location.

Stages of creation:

1. Garden project:


  • draw a sketch where you will subsequently apply important elements and all points of view;
  • then draw on paper a grid of 9 rectangles and highlight 4 central points (power points);
  • at one of them, place the main element of the garden, which will then become the center of attention.

2. Garden layout.


The garden should be positioned in such a way that it does not break away from the general context and harmoniously fit into the environment. It is necessary to turn it into the south-east or east, while it is better if it will be a bit of a pretext.

The basis of the Japanese Garden is a contrasting "game" of the characters "Yin" and "Yan" underlying the eastern philosophy. Therefore, the ideal will be neatly trimmed lawn and a composition of a coniferous or deciduous tree with several stones, as well as the use of herbaceous plants of various levels.


The little cunning used by Japanese gardeners is the tracks in "Nowhere", which are often disguised by greens.

Thus, the design of the Japanese garden requires you the maximum readiness to plunge into the philosophy of the East and adopt those laws that are followed by its inhabitants. Focusing on the basic principles and the necessary elements, each of us can create a unique plot saturated by harmony, even among modern buildings.

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