Tent do it yourself

March 30. Useful advice Views 1993. Comments to the record tent do it yourself No

Unfortunately, not everyone can build a full-fledged wooden gazebo on the territory of the country or garden plot. This is a very complicated design, when the construction of which should be repelled from many building concepts. The best alternative to the wooden gazebos is a tent, which can be quite simple to build a short period of time. When buying a tent will have to spend a lot of money, and the quality of similar products is low. To create a tent with your own hands is not as easy, however, using small tips you can easily become the owner of a cozy place to relax on a hot summer day.


When choosing a place to install, you need to understand that the tent is needed to create a comfortable place to relax. Despite the fact that the tent can be quickly transferred to another place, it is necessary to take care of a cozy place in advance, which will be the best for continuous relaxation. Designs are folding and stationary. If we are dealing with the second type of tents, moving it to another place will be quite difficult.

Before installing the tent, you need to remove all vegetation, garbage and stones from the site. If possible, the surface should also be aligned to the tables and chairs installed under the tent, have not risen.

When arranging a stationary canopy, you will need to create some kind of foundation. A shovel must be removed 10-15 cm of soil and align it. The so-called "pillow" of the foundation should consist of the rammed sand. Later it is necessary to fill it and lay the paving slabs with a small thickness.


Construction of the tent with a frame

The most reliable type of awning, which can be placed on the garden or summer cottage is a tent with a frame. Such a design will last for many years, and in the cool seasons you will only need to remove the tissue (or any other material used to create a canopy).

This design consists of four pole supports, the length of which will be from 2.5 m to 3 m. The remaining elements forming the roof of the structure are metal pipes of a small diameter.

For a start, it breaks through 3 pits with a depth of 70 cm in which supports will be installed. For attaching racks not enough to fill the space sand. It is necessary to create a high-quality cement solution and pour into the holes. Calculate the material will be within a couple of days, so it is best to leave the design on this period alone.

In order for the design to be reliable, it should be connected with each other with jumpers. For this we will use pipes that were discussed a little earlier. Elements are best excited using screws and nuts. Accordingly, in this case we will need a drill to create holes. From all four corners of the design, metal pipes need to be connected in the middle point of the future tent. This will be a roof frame. If a downstream frame is required, you need to take long pipes that will create some kind of pyramid. Under such a tent, you can hide during the rain.

To create a reliable design, you can also use the central support that will be located right in the center of the tent. In this case, the space under the awning will be somewhat limited.


Selection of material for awning

Obviously, the main component of the tent is an awning that will protect us from precipitation and the sun.

Most often, people use tarpaulin as an awning. This is a high-quality material that will serve not one dozen years. To break the tarpaulin is very difficult, and it protects the best known analogs from the rain.

That fabric used in most arbors sold in stores is poor quality. It, of course, will protect from the Sun, however, it has too small thickness, so it's easier to damage such a fabric.

It is best to purchase tarpaulin material that is specifically produced for various covers. With the help of ropes, you can bind part of the tarpaulin. The extra pieces of the material can be trimmed with scissors, but after that the edge of the tarpaulin needs to be seduced, at least with conventional threads.


Cheing to create a tent

There are more simple ways to create a tent that can be collected in minutes and disassemble. Most often to create a small tent to use stakes. They can be purchased at any store where tourist accessories are sold. The stakes are driven into the ground, and it is possible to use a tarpaulin in which the holes for the stakes can be located on the edges. In the ground, the stakes are held due to ropes that create a tension for each corner of the design.

Similar tents can also be brought upon a trip to the river or even in the forest. This is a universal solution that, moreover, practically does not take up much space.


Decor of the tental canopy

The decoration of the tent is no less serious, than its construction. The correct approach to this case allows you to create a truly pleasant place for regular recreation. Much here depends on the sizes of the tent.

First of all, it is necessary to cover wood elements canopy. It is best to use dark lacquer shades so that no flaws in the tree structure can be seen.

You can also use a variety of curtains to decorate the tent. If the design itself is created from dark materials, you can make a choice in favor of white curtains. This will create a nice eye contrast.

Many owners of wooden arbors created by type of tents are located behind the window openings of pots designs with flowers. This makes a carport of truly blooming in the spring and summer periods of the year.

Even inside a small tent can be placed a small table with chairs. In this case, a vase with flowers is placed on the table. Thus, under the tent, we can make meals and just relax on hot days when it is simply impossible under the sun.

If the tent is near the reservoir, you can think about placing inside the design of the beach beds.

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