Castles for metal doors. Choice and mounting

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To date, the locks for metal doors are complex mechanisms that are capable of performing a protective function. The optimal efficiency is achieved in the case when the door and the lock mechanism complement each other and interact with each other. Castles are divided into certain varieties depending on the type of locking and installation method. Consider in detail all kinds.

Varieties by the type of locking mechanism

  1. Cylinder locks. Cylinders containing one PIN are a fixed cylindrical body, which contains a part that has the ability to turn. This detail is called Plow. In the housing of the product and plow there are several cross sections, called cameras that contain pins. Regarding the key of Pina have spring-loaded state.

Normal pine cylinder - Directly contact with the key. Also distinguished bodipin, which does not contact the key. There are notches on the key. Their depth is inconvenient and determined by contact with Pims. The group of these notes is the key code. To open the lock should be the interaction between the length of the pins and the depth of notes. The ability of the plow turn is provided by the stay of Pina and Bodipine on the same line.

Dumpty cylinders. The structure of this castle system differs from the previous presence in its composition of two telescopic pins and two bodies. This made it possible to increase the number of possible combinations.


Disc cylinders. They differ in the code mechanism, which is represented by a set of cuts with cuts. The key also make cutouts corresponding to the size and form of disk devices. When the disk grooves coincide with the recesses on the key, the elements rotate, as a result of which the lock opens or closes. Such systems have a sufficiently high degree of secrecy, since the options for possible sizes, the angle of the groove and shape of the cutout produce a large number of combinatorial code options. You can buy a castle for a metal door of this species in a specialized store or a construction supermarket.

The absence of spring-loaded parts in the system increases the parameters of the wear resistance and reliability of disk locking mechanisms. These locks are highly resistant to possible autopsy. In the event of an attempt to drill the device, the first disk and the drill will rotate and thus will create an obstacle to access to the subsequent mechanism.


Interactive cylinders. Such locks for the input metal door have instead of a piling spring-loaded part, the response fragment of which is contained in the element harvesting. The function of such an interactive type insert is to prevent unlawful duplication of the key.

Cylinder group lock systems combines a general disadvantage: low strength mechanisms. Such locks during operation are not easy to carry significant loads of metal doors.

  1. Electromechanical code locking mechanisms provide locking by reiguel - motor or mechanical device. Such a lock opens by a set of code:
  • the code combination kit is carried out on a digital panel, as well as by using an electronic key through a contact with a system or a traditional mechanical manner;
  • the digital panel is covered with a lid. To get access to it, you need to click on the button that is on the outer panel;
  • after a set of the correct version of the Code, the Rigel acquires the open state and the cover closes;
  • further, to open the door to click on the lock handle. There are 7 seconds for this. If you do not press during this time, the locking mechanism closes;
  • after the closing occurred, the automatic closure of the mechanism is activated, and the rigl acquires a closed state. This operation is accompanied by a short characteristic sound signal. If a six-time signal was received, this suggests that the rigle helped and the mechanism did not close. In such a situation, you should perform actions aimed at determining the cause and re-attempt to close the castle.

Important! On the inside of the mechanism panel there is a button, the activation of which exercises opening from the reverse side. You can also perform opening with a mechanical path using a toggle in the handle. However, it is possible to open and close this system through remote control. If necessary, it will not be difficult to change the code combination. You can do this by changing the registration data on the inner panel.

Olympus Digital Camera.

  1. Magnetic mechanisms. In these castles, the door is held due to the power of the electromagnet. The active status of the lock is ensured by the supply of power to it. User identification is performed by a code panel that is mounted with a magnetic lock.

Important! Castle electromechanical systems are opened by a remote way. Mechanism is powered by a special power supply. The opening of the lock is provided by means of a mechanical method. Since the device does not provide sufficient protection, it is better to insert a lock into a metal door complete with the lower safety mechanism.


Types of locks by installation method

According to this criterion, the locks are divided into:

  • overhead;
  • curling.

Cutting locks for metal doors are used more often than the other mechanisms. The door canvas in which such locks are installed, perform an additional protective function. But they also have a disadvantage - installation is accompanied by damage to the side edge of the door, as a result of which the door weakens. Such locks for metal doors are price enough and sold in any construction store.

Overhead locks on metal doors are raised much less often, as it is predominantly used for wooden structures. In metal door products, such mechanisms are used as a supplement to the castles of the mortise type. Their disadvantage is easy access from the room.

Criterias of choice

  1. At the first stage of the choice of the castle, you should pay attention to its value. Low price indicates that the castle is made of poor-quality material and, accordingly, will not provide high quality protection.
  2. You also need to ask the product-producer of the product. The castles of Chinese and Italian production have proven themselves not in the best way, so they should refrain from their acquisition.
  3. It is recommended to install locks consisting of two systems. In such a mechanism, the overall corps combines two locks of different types. If the opening occurs in the wrong sequence, one lock blocks the other.
  4. Also, when choosing, one should consider such features as convenience and simplicity during operation.
  5. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as a class of sustainability of the product to hacking. There are four such classes:
  • the first is the most accessible mechanisms that are used for hacking, for the opening of which will need 5 minutes;
  • the second class is represented by locking products, for the opening of which you need 5-15 minutes;
  • hacked the third-class mechanisms will be more difficult, as they are equipped with increased protection means and will be required for this over 15 minutes;
  • the fourth class includes the most reliable locking systems so that they will need to hack 30 minutes and more.


Mounting of a mortise castle

To work, it is necessary to prepare such tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • hammer or chisel;
  • drill and drill;
  • tap;
  • roulette, if it is not available - the line is suitable;
  • file;
  • screwdriver and fastening screws.

The locking methodology is made in such a sequence:

  1. Before moving to the installation, you should perform markup on the canvas.
  2. We make a neckline according to the dimensions of the castle in the place where fixation will be performed on the door of the door. In order to facilitate the process, you can leave several millimeters as stock.
  3. Next, using a grinder with small disks, you need to cut holes for the lock. Since with the help of a grinder, you can only cut the lines vertically, the cutout of the horizontal direction should be performed by chisel or hammer. The sharp corners of the edges of the holes are processed using a file.
  4. Thus, it turns out a groove in which by installing the lock, the places where the mounting screws will be located.
  5. Using a drill and drill in the respective zones you need to make holes.
  6. Also using a tap must be cutting the thread.
  7. In addition, the holes for the larva castle will be required. In the central part of the alleged hole with a small drill should be made a small hole.
  8. Then you need to attach a lock pad, after which it is necessary to circle it. On this preparatory stage is over.
  9. We perform installation of the lock and fastening it with screws. It is necessary to ensure that the exact hit of the larvae occurred into the hole, which was prepared in advance.
  10. We produce through the mechanism of the axial pin and fix it through the screw.
  11. At the end, we screw the lock bar, and on the web we perform the installation of the bookmarks that will perform the protective function.
  12. Then the response bar mount on the door box.
  13. After that, you should close the door and turn the key towards the closing. There will be leaving in the Bolt box and thus will be marked for a groove.
  14. To execute the groove the door should be opened. The grooves the grooves with the help of a shag or drill, its depth should be peeling the length of the rigleel in the open form.
  15. After the grooves are ready to attach a metal lining to the door. Installation of locks on the metal door will be completed.


Install the overhead mechanism

The following tools will be required to work:

  • hammer;
  • file;
  • pencil with a ruler;
  • bulgarian;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

As in the previous embodiment, you must first mark the markup. A set of some models for this purpose is equipped with templates. In case of their absence, a ruler and pencil should be used for markup. Next steps look like this:

  1. Drills a hole for the larvae and process its edges.
  2. Next, we prepare the places for the attachment where we cut the thread.
  3. After these actions, you can fix the case and lining.
  4. Next, we install the response bar and mark the place of the riglel by the way that was specified when describing the installation of the mortise lock.
  5. If in the place where it is assumed to fix the response bar, it is necessary to remove part of the wall, this can be done with a hammer.
  6. In conclusion, you should consolidate the retaliatory bar. Cutting the lock in the metal door is complete.

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Modern locks are complex mechanical systems that have sufficient protective properties. The presence of several varieties of locking mechanisms will allow you to choose the required lock for any door. And the availability of the installation technology provides the ability to carry out the installation of the product independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.
Replacing locks in a metal door is shown in this video:

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