Installation of windows in a wooden house: step-by-step instructions

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With ever-growing energy prices, the problem of energy saving in a private house is becoming increasingly relevant. According to energy saving experts, plastic windows with high-quality double-glazed windows can save up to 20% of heat, and, it means to reduce the board for its source. Installing a plastic window in a wooden house - a matter of something simple and anyone familiar with the level, a drill and a screwdrome can cope with it. And the point here is not only to felt your pride. Such an operation will be able to save you to 30% of the cost of the plastic window, which will have to lay out for dismantling the old window and installing a new one. How to install a window in a wooden house - Next.

Choosing a metal-plastic window


So, if you need to install a plastic window in a wooden house, start with measurements. The fact is that the standard sizes of window structures are often not suitable for most houses. According to the installation technology of this window in a wooden house, the clearance must be minimal, however, sufficient to compensate for the change in the geometry of the wooden house when it is set by elements of moisture. As we know, while the tree expands, which can cause the windows skew.

It is necessary to carry out measurements, taking into account the window frame, if you are going to leave it. This can be done only after its full examination. If it is not amazed by fungus and there are no traces of rot, it can be left as the basis to which the window will be attached. In another case, it is impossible to do this.

Making measurements, go to the company that manufactures windows. When choosing a complete set of windows for a wooden house, you must pay attention to 4 elements:

  • Double glass. Glass is one of the most vulnerable places through which the highest amount of heat loss occurs. Modern double-glazed windows, as a rule, consist of 3 glasses, between which they pump a special inert gas having a smaller thermal conductivity. The thickness of the glass in a double-glazing is at least 4 mm. Currently, manufacturers of plastic windows are applied to their external surface with a special film that is used to tinted the car. It reduces the thermal conductivity of the glass package, reducing heat loss. Such a film can be both transparent and darkened. Last better ordering for windows from the south side. Then the summer in the room will not be too hot. Note that the triple glass has a lot of weight and therefore the frame of the window frame to which the window will be attached, should be powerful to withstand it.
  • Profile. Metal-plastic profile is the material from which the frame and the windows sash are manufactured. In the window design, the profile is of great importance. Its thickness is determined by the number of aircases. If you make it cross-cut, you can see the presence of air channels. They serve to reduce heat loss, because the air, which is located in them, has less thermal conductivity. The more cameras in the profile, the more energy efficient. In addition to this indicator, the five-chamber profile with a triple glass will provide excellent sound insulation, which is very important if the wooden house is in a noisy place, for example, by the road. Mandatory in the profile should be holes for moisture removal, especially the wooden house for which its concentration can be destructive.
  • Accessories. It can not save on it. The mechanism of the swivel-folding window, especially if the sash will have a lot of weight, is experiencing considerable loads. If it is made poorly, the window can be bad to open, quickly sit down, move. Over time, poor fittings will lead to the fact that the sash will not firmly fit into the window, leaving the gap.
  • Sealers. Specify which material they are made. Ordinary rubber in the cold may simply crack, making the window with a leakage. Therefore, seals must be made of a special material capable of withstanding large temperature differences.


Specifying all the necessary nuances, make an order and wait for his execution.

Accepting window


When your finished window is delivered, check its size and completeness. In the contract for the production of the product, limit deviations from the claimed parameters should be indicated. If they are more, do not sign an acceptance act and send it back. Yes, in this case, you will lose in the waiting time, but will win the installation time.

What needs to be checked?

  • Check the plane of the product. If she resembles a "helicopter blade", return.
  • The window is usually delivered with the installed sash. Check how it opens to ventilating and turning.
  • Inspect the glass. It should not have cracks and scratches. If everything is in order, take the product and get ready for installation of windows in a wooden house.

Preparatory work and dismantling of the old window


Remember, you do for yourself, so guided by the principle: it is better slower, but qualitatively. The teams of installers, even though they know better how to insert windows in a wooden house, do not care about the condition of the walls, old window flaps and glass, as well as the window block. You also can be useful to you, so it is better to dismantle them as careful as possible.

Dismantle order:

  1. First of all - remove the sash. They may well come in handy, for example, for the equipment of the greenhouse at the railway site.
  2. Pay attention to the glasses if they are not firmly attached to the stroke frame, it is better to remove them. For this operation, take a fombus or a small scrap, hold with one hand with a rod, and then easily rise using the tool up until it comes out of the curtains. Then just remove it. Do the same yourself with the rest.
  3. When the sash is dismantled, unscrew the second part of the curtain from the window block.
  4. If the new window is attached to the old block, we leave it to the frame, if not, dismantle it. To do this, take the wooden hacksaw and inscribe the frame racks in its lower part. Then feed her inward.
  5. A slightly loosened rack, it can be removed from the groove of the upper crossbar. After that, it may be possible to remove the crossbar, the next rack and, finally, the lower part with the windowsill.

Installation of windows in a wooden house with your own hands


Procedure for installation work:

  1. First of all - free the surface of the window box from garbage and clean the sizes and chips. The garbage can be shaken with a dry cloth or a soft brush.
  2. Next, the windowsill is mounted. The windowsill from PFC in the event of a window setting in a wooden house will serve as the basis for installing the window, so it is necessary to take it very carefully.
  3. When installing windows in a wooden house, it is necessary to align the windowsill in all planes. It is possible to do this with the help of adjusting plates, or thin dynamics, and levels.
  4. When using the DVP, it must be treated with an antiseptic. For the reliability of the windowsill fastening, you can make small deepening in the side racks of the box so that his ends come in them. In this case, the windowsill will not "ride" when attaching.
  5. The windowsill is mounted in the bottom of the window box. This is done using stainless steel screws. Return from the end of the window sill 20 mm and screw the screwdriver with the help of a screwdriver. Remember: PVC window sill has a hollow inside. Therefore, so that the hat of self-pressing does not break its surface and not "left inside", it is necessary to use washers. Do not be afraid to screw the fastener with a small step, it will still be hidden under the installed window.
  6. Next prepare the window to the installation. Insert the handle into the side flap and move it to the lower position "closed". Then take the holes in the windows frame, through which it will be attached to the box. The distance between them should not exceed 200-250 mm. The diameter of the vehicle of a tree from 6 to 8 mm, steel - necessarily stainless. The diameter of the opening is 1 mm less than the dimensions of the self-press. For its drillings, an electric drill is used.
  7. On the inside of the window frame, we drill holes in such a way that the self-sufficiency hat is free to enter and rigidly rested into the outside of the profile.
  8. When the holes are ready, set the window block to the seat. Since you have already set a window sill in terms of the level, adjust the horizontal window is not necessary. So that it stood evenly relative to the wall, you can attach any stops to the walls.
  9. Squeeze equal distances to the edge of the slope and set the window. To align inclination, use the level. The window must be installed in the center of the box, leaving the technological gaps that we talked above. So that the installed block does not move after alignment, immobilize it with wedges or brooms. Checking the installation correctness, start twisting the screws.
  10. After the window is fixed, you need to install double-glazed windows. It is necessary to do it carefully. For starters, the adjusting plates on which the glass will be standing. Thanks to them, the condensate removal holes will not be closed. Double-glazed windows should not enter the frame with tension. Otherwise, when the latter is disturbed, it will simply burst.
  11. Then secure the strokes. When the double-glazed glass is installed, it remains to fit the slots between the window frame and the window box, as well as at the bottom of the windowsill. The foam needs a day to finally harden, after which it can be cut off with a wallpaper knife. It is more convenient to make a knife, because it is quite flexible and can get to any place.

Important! Before mounting a metal-plastic window in a wooden house, it is not necessary to shoot a protective film and cork stops from the profile. After solidification of the foam, it must be trimmed and be sure to close with a solution, plastic or other material. The fact is that the assembly foam "does not like" ultraviolet, so quickly crumbles, leaving behind the gap.

Plastic windows in a wooden house: photo




Installing windows in Wooden House: Video

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