Device of monolithic foundation

November 30. Foundation Views 2340. Comments to record the device of the monolithic foundation No

The durability of the structure directly depends on how reliably its base is performed. One of the foundations options is the monolithic structure, which is a concrete slab connected to the formwork. This species received a significant distribution in construction due to its ability to withstand a large mass of buildings.


Advantages and disadvantages

The strength of the monolithic foundation is achieved due to reinforcement. This procedure suggests a laying of a rod frame inside the shape and subsequent fill of concrete. The reinforcing frame provides a load distribution over the entire design area, which prevents its destruction. Especially relevant construction of such a foundation in places where the soil is movable and saturated with groundwater.

The benefits of monolithic types of foundations include such factors:

  1. Efficiency. This indicator is achieved by the fact that in the process of work, the use of construction heavy equipment does not need.
  2. Also, this foundation can be used to build a house of any form, as it does not limit the project configuration.
  3. Due to the absolute lack of joints, complete tightness is ensured.

As deficiencies of the foundation from the monolithic slab, the following can be noted:

  • labor intensity of the construction process;
  • high consumption of concrete and metal;
  • the need for excavation and waterproofing work, which increases the construction period.

There are types of monolithic foundation as: pile, columnar, tape and slab bases. They differ in the form and method of support on the soil.

Monolithically ribbon foundation

This type of base is used in the construction of much more often than the other types. This is explained by his practicality and reliability. The essence of the design of the structure is that the foundation tape is erected along the perimeter of bearing walls. The tape is placed in the inner and external walls of the construction, with the form of the cross section should have equal parameters throughout the base. From the threat of deformation, this foundation eliminates the reinforcement belt, which is located inside.

For this type of construction, the following materials are used:

  • cheek stone;
  • brick;
  • concrete.

The construction of this type of foundation is compared with other varieties stands out by its simplicity. But the process is quite time consuming and requires a significant consumption of material.

Depending on the design features, the ribbon foundation is divided into two types:

  • monolithic;
  • made.

Construction of monolithic type is carried out directly at the construction site, and the precast design is mounted from finished reinforced concrete blocks anywhere.


Also, depending on the rendered load on the belt foundation, it has a fine-breed and blurred variety.

The foundation of small plug is suitable for buildings made of relatively lightweight material, such as a tree or foam concrete. The depth of the bookmark is 50-70 cm. In addition to the mass of the building, a type of soil should also be taken into account. The fine-breed base is suitable only for use on the basis with weak flowability.

The illuminated foundation is used for support for buildings, built on the bunched ground. The depth of such a base should be 30 cm below the level of soil freezing. Due to this, the design is not exposed to deformation and is characterized by sufficient strength and stability. The device of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations of this type is more suitable for large-scale buildings with an impressive mass of construction. For the construction of a plated base, you will need more material than for the foundation of a finely breed type. It is possible an embodiment of the design under the wall inside the house when the depth is less than 50-60 cm.

Device technology Monolithic foundation

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a plot for installation work.
  2. Then, on Earth, we perform marking of the axes of the future structure and with the help of stakes and wire fix the location of the main parts of the structure. When performing this procedure, a special accuracy should be revealed. Please note that the measurement process will not cause difficulties on the smooth area, and on the complex relief it is necessary to apply the rail and level.
  3. The foundation angles should be 90 °. You should also check the mark of the lower section of the trench using the theodolite. The finished area should exceed the size of the building for 2-5 m in each direction.
  4. At the next stage of work, ROOM trench. To do this, you can apply an excavator, and you can do it and manually. If an excavator was applied, the trench bottom should be aligned.
  5. Next, the pillow of sand or gravel layer is placed on a layer of 150-200 mm, after which the resulting layer should be poured with water and well tumped.
  6. On top of the pillow, we laid the polyethylene film or perform the fill with the cement solution. Such a layer will serve as waterproofing. This is necessary so that the water from the concrete test does not go into the ground, which leads to the deterioration of its strength.
  7. After the arrangement of the trench, we laid formwork. To make it need to be needed sharply on one side of a 50 mm thick boards that need to be installed inward trenches. Also for mounting formwork, you can use collapsible iron elements.
  8. The formwork from the boards should be moistened with water and attach to the walls of the trench using spacers. The design should exceed the surface of the Earth by 30 cm.
  9. Then you should cover the foundation with waterproofing materials to prevent moisture from entering the building walls.
  10. Together with the formwork, we carry out the installation of reinforcement around the perimeter of the structure. Armature is two rows of rods laid vertically and bonded with horizontal similar elements. Their number should be determined, focusing on the depth of the foundation.
  11. Wire or welding is used for mounting frame. The most convenient option will be a frame connection outside the trench and the subsequent installation of finished sections. But this method is advisable in the presence of a welding machine. If the work is performed manually, the framework must be mounted in the formwork, fastening the wire.
  12. In the following in this formwork, it is necessary to pour a concrete solution with layers up to 20 cm. You need to make the tamping of each layer in order to prevent voids in the solution.
  13. It should also be paid to ensuring that the consistency of the composition is homogeneous, and the formation of layers did not occur. This can happen if you perform the fill from a height greater than 1.5 m, so this moment should be provided in advance.
  14. To achieve the strength of the device of a monolithic ribbon foundation, a solution of rigid consistency should be used.
  15. Next, we carry out the waterproofing of the foundation. This should be done after 10-12 days after the fill was performed.
  16. Waterproofing is performed using bitumen mastic through which the outer walls are treated, after which the corresponding material is glued, such as rubberoid.
  17. At the final stage, the foundation falls asleep with sand, carrying out water in the process, as well as the tamper. It should be done manually and ensure that waterproofing damage does not occur.


Monolithically columnated foundation

The foundation of this species is characterized by the simplicity and efficiency of construction. The number of concrete and reinforcement will be relatively few. Since the support area of \u200b\u200bthis foundation is small, therefore it is used in the construction of small-sized brick buildings or wooden log cabins. Also, applying such a foundation is advisable if the dense layer of the soil is located quite deeply and another type of base is difficult to lay on this depth.

The basis of this type forms a complex of pillars, washed into the ground. Supports are placed in places of wall crossing. On the top ends of the foundation, which is called the heads, the house will be erected. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that the gloves are located at the same altitude, as a rule, it is 40-50 cm from the ground level. This will help prevent the appearance of dampness, which is especially relevant for houses erected from wood.

The foundation pillars may have a different form:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • round.

The rode shape of the column is most in demand. The reason for this is the fact that you can use a hand tool to do well. The foundation is laid slightly below the level of frozen, to a depth of about 2 m.

Since the base area is small, it is necessary that the support is installed on a soil with a good bearing capacity. Poles can be made of stone, reinforced concrete, wood, concrete.


Device of monolithic columnar foundations

There are two methods of bookmark the base of this type:

  1. The first assumes digging the pit to install the pillar, while its form can be both rectangular and square. The pits size must exceed the dimensions of the support by 25-40 cm. Next, such actions are carried out:
  • a formwork is mounted in the prepared pit and fittings are made, after which the concrete solution is poured;
  • after hardening the concrete composition, the formwork is removed, and the pillar falls asleep with sand;
  • using this technology, you can make a column of any form, however, it will be necessary to perform a significant amount of work.
  1. The second method is based on the use of a special Burra tees-f. The wells drilled with this equipment have a diameter of 200 mm, as well as broadening to the bottom to 600 mm.

To avoid cracks in the design due to the impact of the load, it is necessary to perform vertically reinforcement. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply the fittings of the ribbed type, since in this case the carcass contact with concrete is better. Vertical rods must be combined with mounting reinforcement in a holistic design.



The device of the monolithic foundation according to the technology does not represent complexity. In this case, the monolithic foundation from reinforced concrete material is distinguished by durability, durability and is a reliable basis for any building. There are several kinds of such bases from which the ribbon version can be noted and column. These types of monolithic foundation are simple in performance, quite economical and practical.

Features of the choice of monolithic foundation in video are presented below:

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