Garden Waterfall Equipment

March 23. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2993. Comments to record equipment for garden waterfall No

Falling water relieves the fatigue of a busy day and contributes to the awakening of various feelings. The movement of the water flow is a holiday for human eyes and a rest for the soul. For this reason, many country household owners are happy to create artificial waterfalls.


Main types of pumps

The most important aspect in this process is the correct acquisition of equipment for the arrangement of high-quality waterfall on the plot. One of them includes a pump.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that the most optimal option is the installation of two pumps. With one, the water filtering process is carried out. The second pump supports the continuous functioning of the waterfall.

There are two main varieties of pumps for a waterfall:

  • remote;
  • internal.

Remote equipment in power exceeds internal pumps. It is much easier to serve it. The only nuance is that the remote pump should be located in a clean and dry place. Therefore, you will have to get out for the construction of a small building. Subsequently, it decorates in such a way that it absolutely merged with the landscape design of the site.

Internal pumps for garden waterfall are usually immersed directly into the water. They are characterized by silent work. Due to the fact that such equipment does not fall into the eyes at all, it seems that in the garden natural waterfall. The most efficient internal pumps are for water bodies that have medium and small sizes.

AQUAEL, TETRA, JEBO, RESUN and ATMAN pumps use the greatest demand. All of them without problems raise water to artificial cascades and waterfalls. A wide range of equipment that is offered by these firms will satisfy even the most picky buyer.


All modern models of these pumps are characterized by:

  • continuous operation over the day;
  • almost identical productivity;
  • low consumption of electricity;
  • sufficient to raise water pressure power.

Technical features of equipment

The main criterion when purchasing water pump is its performance. For a waterfall having an average dimensions, it is necessary for the presence of a pump that transmits 350 liters of water for 1 hour of the jet width of at least 3 cm. It is natural that with an increase in the width of the jet, the pump power must also be higher.

Also compulsory conditions for the effective operation of the pump are:

  • large volume;
  • low pressure.

At the output power of the equipment, the influence of the waterfall dimensions is influenced by the speed of the moving stream - the volume of water and the height where it should rise. Low-voltage pumps that have a capacity of about 70 W, supply water at a rate of 650 l / h to the maximum height to 1.4-1.5 m.

In most cases, manufacturers for gardening waterfall are applied to a realized article by the instruction and a table, which indicates the criteria for choosing equipment according to certain parameters.


But in this case, a number of factors should be taken into account that have a significant impact on a decrease in pump performance for a waterfall. These include:

  • the presence of related structures;
  • installing additional filters;
  • existing bends of hose or pipes, etc.

For this reason, equipment with a power should be purchased, which slightly exceeds the specified parameters. Although on the other hand, the pump power can be reduced and reduced. For this purpose, special valves are used.

To start and providing a pump of electrical energy, you will need a low-voltage transformer. It is installed in a dry room. In low-voltage power cables pumps there is a flaw. Their length does not exceed 9 m.

For this reason, it is necessary to further engage in cable buildings. Moreover, the process of their elongation involves the use of only moisture-proof connector. It should be noted that the elongation of the cable is more than 12 m, will entail a decrease in the output power of the equipment. In this case, the pump is purchased with greater power.

Usually the installation of the pump is carried out on the bottom of the water object. Electric cable, hoses and pump itself should be invisible to extraneous eyes. The equipment has two holes:

  • in the first - water comes;
  • secondly - pushed to the upper point of the waterfall.

Olympus Digital Camera.

A few words about the device waterfall in the garden

The creation of a waterfall consists of the following steps:

  • digging a pit;
  • waterproofing work;
  • cascade constructions;
  • montage of the pump;
  • his decoration.

Drain is accompanied by removing all stones and branches. The bottom is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of sand and tamper.

The reliability and service life of the waterfall depends on the quality of waterproofing works. The most suitable materials are film from polyvinyl chloride and tires with butyl rubber additives. Laying the waterproofing material on the bottom of the pita suggests the presence of an allowance at the edges to 0.5 m.

Another better option will be concreting bottom. It is also necessary to be made with a dense film of the bottom (not necessarily the most expensive). After that, the neckenet of thick wire is styled, which is poured by concrete solution. Immediately the framework for the walls is made, the lower part of which is fixed in a non-frozen solution. After pouring the solution on the bottom, concreting walls are made.

The most spectacular appearance of the waterfall is achieved due to the correct design of the area of \u200b\u200bwater flow. It is best to decorate it with stones and boulders. Beautiful will be broken by a low-spirited water flow about sandstone plates.


Fascinating emotions cause a powerful wave with solid foam, which falls from height and breaks about the lowest stone. Such an effect is created by placing water flow at the top of the cascade between two large stones. Moreover, these stones are located next to each other, and the stones of the next tier - as far as possible from the flow of water.

At the edges of all cascade elements, small pebbles are stacked, alpine plants are deployed and stone slides are created. Ideally, the waterfall should be a "participant" of creating the illusion of the natural landscape.

After installing the pump, the water structure is decorated. There are many options. Here is some of them:

  • garden sculptures of fabulous heroes and animals;
  • alpinary with abundance color;
  • aquatic plants;
  • underwater or floating lights;
  • lED lights;
  • looking out the edge of the reservoir with huge cobblestones, and the beds are plates from sandstone.

Equipment for waterfall is represented by video:


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