How to visually increase the plot

May 19. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2452. Comments to record how to visually increase the plot No

Not everyone can take away from a large territory around the house, on which I would like to place a lot, while create comfort and harmony. Most often have to be content with limited space. At the same time, do not be upset, the output exists. Specialists in the field of landscape design claim that there are certain secrets of how to visually increase the site near the house, without moving the fence and without capturing someone else's territory. Consider below the main ones.

Proper layout

Before proceeding to the design of a small area in front of the house, it is important to plan its space in advance, given the features of the territory and personal wishes of the owners of the house. Consider the main secrets of how to do it.

Disguise borders and smoothing corners

First of all, it concerns the disguise of borders, because in a small area they can easily view and create a drawer effect. This impression is enhanced if the plot is smooth and surrounded, for example, a brick fence. Output can be a landing along its borders of shrubs wide stripes. It will also allow you to visually eliminate all the corners.


Shirma and live hedges

Also, a very important point is the organization of the entire space, so that the garden is not to be viewed completely. He must bear some secrets and riddles for others. To do this, you can use decorative screen, arches, alive hedges, pergolas, high plants that will cover the full overview of the plot.



When planning the territory of the garden, special attention should be paid to the tracks.

  • They should not be too much so as not to create a sense of the web.
  • But, at the same time, it is best if they are small and vessels, for example, narrowing to an end.
  • If you still need to place a straight track, then it is advisable to place any bright element, for example, the original flowerbed or artificial reservoir.
  • For paving tracks, it is desirable to use natural materials, such as a stone or tree. Very original will look at the tracks paved with multi-colored pebbles.



All elements of landscape design must be located at a high distance from each other and better in a single copy.

  • When making a flower, parisades are best to give them a rounded form. With that, not strictly round or oval, but unusual, with blurred edges.
  • Tall single plants are usually planted at the edges of the site.
  • In the center you can equip a small decorative reservoir, which will create a sense of depth and thus will expand the space.



Do not forget about lawn. Thickets from weeds and high grass look at least, ugly and untidy, eating a certain part of the territory. Especially if it is a small plot in front of the house. Therefore, in order to enlarge it to visually, it is recommended to regularly carry a lawn haircut.



When arranging a small area near the house, it is necessary to treat plants with particular attention to the selection of plants.

  • They should not be too much, but the main thing is that they bloom the round summer or the bloom alone was replaced by the blossoms of others. For this, it will be suitable, for example, bushes of lilac, jasmine, rosehip, tea rose. They are distinguished by beautiful bloom and do not occupy a lot of space.
  • To create live ingreders, such curly plants are suitable better, such as wild grapes, honeysuckle, etc.
  • You can also use a fir or pine tree to decorate the landscape.
  • An important role is also played by the color gamut of flowering plants. As you know, cold shades visually expand the space, and the warm on the contrary, steal it. Therefore, the advantage is worth paying plants with blue, lilac, blue, purple flowers.


  • Plant landing on a small area should occur by a specific technology. Namely, the gradual plantation of plants: from smaller growth to the greatest. Starting from the center, the creeping and low-spirited crops are planted first, then small shrubs and trees, but only then the highest breeds.


  • Another popular way is to use aircraft with flowers and multi-tiered flower beds that will allow not only to save free space, but also become a spectacular addition to the overall picture.
  • At the same time, it is very popular today is vertical landscaping with the help of curly and intertwining plants, which are decorated, as a rule, one of the walls of the house, its terrace, decorative arch, etc. Created, thus, vertical lines will allow visually expanding the boundaries of the site and diversify the landscape.



As in the design of interiors, and in landscape design, natural and artificial lighting plays one of the fundamental roles in a visual increase in the household site.

  • First of all, it should be a light, not darkened by a variety of green plantings.


  • If we talk about artificial lighting, then experts recommend making the backlight of the garden tracks, repeating their contour. Thus, you can visually lead them away, expanding the boundaries of the territory.
  • If there is such an opportunity, you can play with brightness, reducing it gradually as you remove from the main zone of lighting.


  • Small architectural forms that were used in the process of arrangement of the site, it is best to highlight a brighter lighting. This will help distract attention from the boundaries of the site, which, in turn, is better to do without backlight.

An even more useful information on how to visually expand the site can be found in the video:

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