Floor insulation with do-it-yourself

January 31. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 3687. Comments To write the insulation of the floor by foam with his own hands No

Often the cozy microclimate in the residential room is associated with heat. What could be better than walking the barefoot on the floor when the street is frost? The thermal insulation of the house is one of the main factors that leads to family budget savings.

The advantages of thermal insulation material

First of all, attention is paid to the insulation of the floor. Among the universal thermal insulation materials, a decent place occupies a foam. This material is solved at once two tasks:

  • the maximum heat insulation is carried out;
  • prevents the penetration of steam and moisture.


The main advantages of foam are:

  • resistance to the negative impact of moisture from the soil;
  • the ability to withstand a huge load (up to 400 kg);
  • absolute compatibility with a "warm floor" system;
  • immunity to the effects of chemical biological processes;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.

Due to the presence of the last two qualities it is quite possible to carry out the insulation of the floor by foam with its own hands. For better performance, you need to buy a heater that has profiled edges. Laying the foam will prevent the appearance over the time of the cold bridges in the slots between the material sheets.


There are several options for insulation of sex by foam. In particular, it is used as a heater for:

  • wooden floor;
  • concrete base;
  • soil.

Heat insulation of wooden floor

Despite the presence of a variety of floor coverings, the creation of floors from the tree is a rather popular service. Wood floor insulation with foam plastic provides:

  • surface preparation;
  • laying the waterproofing film;
  • creating a lag shape;
  • installation of insulation;
  • close up of seams by mounting foam;
  • fill tie;
  • stacking finish coating.

Preparation of the foundation is reduced to its cleaning and close-up of various cracks. Top film is laid out. The waterproofing layer should be within 10 cm. You can use the usual polyethylene as a material.

But the best solution will be the acquisition of a special film, which has elevated water-repellent and heat-reflecting properties. After laying, the extreme parts of the film are fixed with the help of tape.


This technology of insulation of the floor of the floor by foam assumes work on the exhibition of Lag. These designs are needed for uniform load distribution to the floor. Work is carried out with such requirements:

  • lag laying is carried out at a distance of 40-60 cm (depending on the type of floor covering);
  • in the presence of plates of the floor overlap are attached to them (dowels and screws are used).

Installation of foam plates occurs between the lags on the film. The heat insulation material should be very tight to the lags. All gaps and joints are closed with a mounting foam. Polyfoam is placed in this way that the cement screed is flush with lags. After that, you can mount the finish floor covering.

Warm concrete surface

The insulation of the concrete floor by foam provides for laying insulation in two layers. Similarly, the basis is carried out:

  • the old coating is removed;
  • purchased surface from garbage and dirt;
  • climbing cracks and chips.

After the sealing of the spatula of cracks, waterproofing works are made. Typically used bitumen mastic or runner. Installation of the waterproofing material is carried out by braziness and with a pounding on the walls of 10 cm. A grid for reinforce is placed on top of it.


For the first layer, the thickness of the foam for the insulation of the floor should be up to 3 cm. The insulation plates are stacked. It is impossible to admit the appearance of gaps, since it will worsen the heat insulating quality of the floor. For reliable fixation of the foam, the surface under it is flawed with adhesive composition.

After mounting the first row of the insulation, the lighting is set and the installation of the second row of foam (thickness up to 5 cm). When exposing extreme lighthouses, it is recommended to use a laser or water level.

Other lighthouses are exhibited using a regular construction level. Lighthouses are installed on glue, which was used when laying insulation. The distance between them should be up to 1.3-1.4 m. The prepared concrete solution for the screed is applied and recalls the rule between the beacons.

This type of floor insulation foam is used under the tile. The heat insulation material is not recommended to leave open, since it:

  • easy is damaged;
  • it is a combustible product.

Polyfoam is necessarily subject to plastering using a grid for reinforcement.

Thermal insulation floor on the ground

One of the main requirements of the floor insulation of the first floor by foam on the ground is the use of thermal insulation material with a thickness of 10 cm. Such a warmed floor will look like this (bottom-up):

  • priming;
  • crushed stone with gravel;
  • sand;
  • 1st layer of waterproofing;
  • styrofoam;
  • 2nd layer of waterproofing;
  • concrete screed.

In the presence of too loose soil, it is compacted and defended during the month. A 10-centimeter cushion from gravel with gravel is created and carefully trambed. Fucking and compacted layer of sand thick up to 10 cm. Everything is covered with a waterproofing film (or rubberoid). The base under the foam should be:

  • pure;
  • dry;
  • smooth.

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The waterproofing material is laid out with an overlap at 10 cm. The walls are also made 15-centimeter science.

Work on the installation of foam plates begins with an angle. They are tightly pressed to each other. Plate laying occurs in two layers and in a checker order. And the seams between them should not stick. Only so you can prevent the occurrence of cold bridges.

To improve the strength quality of the floor, a reinforced metal mesh is used when creating a concrete screed. The screed size should be within 4-6 cm. In the cement solution, it is recommended to add a filler.

Its filling occurs between the pre-established beacons. Grasp of the concrete screed is carried out for 3 days. Then you can proceed to the finish floor covering device.

Video of insulation foam floor:


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