Installation of foam concrete with your own hands

October 12. Construction Views 1665. Comments To write the installation of foam concrete with their own hands No

With the development of the production of building materials production, numerous variations of products have appeared. The construction foam concrete in the last decade can be considered indicative.


From the mixture of cement, the foaming agent and sand turned out to be universal building material. From foam blocks, walls, overlaps, fences are erected. The product feature is vapor permeability and porosity. We will tell you how to install foam concrete with your own hands. How to make foam blocks at home?


Characteristics of foam concrete


Severe two types of material in thickness:

  • 10 cm for the construction of interroom partitions;
  • 20 cm for the construction of external walls.


Standard foam block dimensions - 20x30x60 cm. Foam concrete characteristics allow you to lay the plafhmy blocks and on the edge. At the first installation option, the total consumption of the material increases, but the walls are obtained thick and do not require additional insulation. For carrier walls is the optimal product.

Foam concrete blocks can boast a comprehensive advantage:

  • do not rot;
  • do not burn (15-centimeter layer of material can hold back the fire for 4 hours);
  • do not deform under the influence of time;
  • do not distinguish harmful volatile compounds;
  • have high insulation data (this indicator is four times better ceramic bricks).

In addition, installation is greatly simplified due to the perfectly smooth surface of the blocks. Cutting the material produced by the cutting process, resulting in size are always identical, and the edges - perfectly smooth. The blocks are cut with a simple saw, grinder or grinded large sandpaper.


How to build a wall of foam


To build a wall of foam is necessary on a solid foundation. Construction of the foam includes the following steps:

  1. To mark the external and internal walls.
  2. Several times a thick waterproofing sealant is applied across the base area.
  3. Applied cement-sand solution to 15 mm thick.
  4. Set angular concrete blocks.
  5. Pulled the rope to adjust the horizon.
  6. Fit the rest of the first row. It is necessary to strictly follow the correct level and the horizon using mallets. Another detail: on hot days, it is desirable to wet the foam when laying.
  7. It fits the second and subsequent rows; Horizon controlled level.


Useful tips for mounting foam with your hands:


  1. Foam different natural fragility. For its installation and handling is recommended to use a rubber or wooden hammer.
  2. The suture should not exceed 3 cm. Stowed unit cement-sand mortar is applied laterally. It is set in the previous row material solution.
  3. Equalize wall desirably soft rubber mallet tapped.
  4. Cut material standard hacksaw on wood.
  5. It should be carefully remove excess solution using a trowel. If one tries to push the mixture into the joint unit easily displaced.
  6. By analogy with the brickwork in the openings placed concrete or wooden beams.


How to strengthen the wall of foam


With significant operational loads walls can get cracked. To improve the stability of buildings to use external reinforcement system factors. Any pressure is well tolerated with a wall of foam padded inside fittings. As a general rule, reinforced by technology one row of four. It is highly undesirable to leave the reinforced frame without special grooves. They, in turn, created around the perimeter of the reinforcement. Otherwise reinforcement will act as a conductor of negative temperatures. As a result, the wall will always freeze, even when heating.

To remember:

  1. To effectively strengthen the walls, every fourth series of blocks will be enough to equip two rods around the perimeter with laid furrows with a size of 2x2 cm.
  2. The armature cross section can be 10-12 mm.
  3. Divals for reinforcement must be filled with cement before installing the rods.
  4. The distance from the reinforcement to the edge of the block should reach 5 cm.


How to make a foam concrete


For self-making, you will need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • foaming agent;
  • water;
  • forms;
  • compressor.

The quality of forms for foam concrete is important because with their help blocks. Incidentally, the exact size and the quality of the angles will depend on the design. The most important is the size. For example, if blocks of foam concrete are necessary for the construction of the house, the width should be at least 20 cm.

The form for the manufacture of blocks is a box with cells of the desired size. You can assemble the design yourself with the help of remedies:

  • metal;
  • plywood;
  • plastic;
  • board.

Most often, homemade forms are collected from plywood. The material is affordable, unpretentious, practical. It is enough to cut the sheet of material, connect all the details. The sizes of cells are selected based on the desired foam concrete sizes. After assembling the design, it is advisable to apply on the inside the waterproofing layer. It may be dirt paint, olifa. Alternatively, you can use the layer of polyethylene. Just spread cellophane and fix with glue.

So you are filled with enthusiasm, know the composition of foam concrete. Next, you should think about the safety and sequence of certain actions. It is recommended to work exclusively in gloves and clothing with long sleeves.

The main work includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of work space.
  2. Preparation of forms.
  3. Preparation of a mixture of foam concrete in a mobile concrete mixer.
  4. Spill solution in forms.
  5. Additional processing in the deep vibrator.
  6. Drying foam blocks (first in shape until the moment of setting, then under the sun).

With independent production, the price of foam concrete will be at times less market. Moreover, it will not be affected by this in any way if you follow the production technology.

Finally, we list the benefits of manufacturing foam concrete with their own hands:

  1. First, independent production and construction will significantly save funds. You can make enough material for any purpose and will be sure of the quality of raw materials.
  2. Secondly, the self-made plant for the production of foam concrete will allow to obtain blocks of absolutely any color and shape. All that is needed - additional cells.



Installation, exactly as the production of foam concrete, is a simple complex of work. The practicality of the material allows you to build fortified structures and ordinary households. Contact foam blocks easy and simple. They cut on wood with a tree, are effectively calculated. In this case, the proportion of structures due to porosity is from 5 kg, depending on the dimensions. Installation of blocks involves the use of a standard cement-sand solution or special glue. The process of installing foam concrete is perfectly demonstrated in the photo.

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