What to choose windows: from plastic, aluminum, eurobruss or wood

February 2. Repair and construction work Views 1233 Comments To write what to select windows: from plastic, aluminum, eurobruss or wood No

With the question of choosing a new window, more and more people are facing, some of the second circle are replaced by glazing. Previously, in standard apartments, builders initially installed wooden structures requiring regular care. With the advent of the metal-plastic profile market, the consumer saw an explicit difference in the options.

Therefore, more than white windows with practical characteristics began to appear in homes. Now the market has many proposals from different materials, so you should know which windows it is better to choose.

Basic actions

Initially, the main thing is to determine what the windows of the windows will choose, it will make the design, then carry out installation. Now many companies specialize in various types of windows. The assortment is offered both wooden and plastic, aluminum profile.

To prevent unpleasant situations with poor-quality installation or products, it is worth considering the variants of large firms with a long period of activity in the market. The manager needs to be interested in the availability of product quality certificates and licenses for their installation. The process should be carried out in accordance with current standards. Then the contract is obligatory, with an indication of the timing of the order. The text should contain a link to regulatory documents and rules, in accordance with which the order will be fulfilled.

Consideration of options

Before deciding which profile to choose for the window you need to know the conditions of operation and characteristics of existing proposals.

It is necessary to understand that there is no ideal design, each option has advantages and disadvantages. The decision will help information about certain types of windows.

Wooden windows


The most common solution belonging to environmentally friendly options. They have exceptional properties, such as:

  • good sound and thermal insulation, wood thanks to natural characteristics detains sound. Therefore, after installing the constructions, the noise of the external environment is practically incorporated;
  • the lack of problems with accessories is achieved by simplicity of elements;
  • there is air microcirculation, because wood has a breathe property.

With its advantages, wooden windows have quite a lot of flaws that attract attention during operation:

  • the need for constant care. To preserve the appearance and operational characteristics, the frame is important to regularly vapor or dye. This is a fairly painstaking process, because there is already an existing coating. Because from above, the layers applied are not distinguished by the reliability of protection;
  • little service life. Over time, glass in the design is loosened. The places of compounds with wood increase, respectively reduces the tightness of the window;
  • during dry and wet weather, the frame sizes change, the material can swell and piss.

In addition, the price of wooden windows is high due to the cost of natural material.

Substitute for solid material


In connection with the imperfection of a wooden frame on the market there was an alternative from natural raw materials - windows from Eurobrus. Products are obtained by special processing of wood: solid material is cut into separate planks and glue in a certain order. In the production of skimming, they are perpendicular to each other, so the frame does not respond to environmental changes.

Of the advantages note:

  • high thermal insulation indicators;
  • preservation of air microcirculation;
  • lack of deformations with changes in temperature and humidity;
  • natural beauty of products.

Thanks to the unique technology of manufacturing and the presence of the glass window package, the window is obtained without cracks. In this case, there is one drawback - the windows are periodically tinted to maintain the appearance of the tree. In general, the design of the Eurobrus retains the beauty of natural material and the properties of the PVC window.

The popularity of PVC designs


Metal-plastic windows relate to the practical option. Manufacturing technology involves enhancing a plastic profile with metal, so the products obtained are distinguished by strength, but the large weight. The PVC windows are characterized by a variety of positive properties, they include:

  • high indicators of sound and thermal insulation;
  • lack of drafts through the use of the seal;
  • the ability to install folding flaps;
  • preservation of the initial parameters of the design throughout the life;
  • easy of care. To maintain the appearance of the window, it is enough to wash it with pure water.

From the flaws worth noting:

  • lack of air microcirculation, plastic windows provide complete tightness;
  • due to the severity of the material it is impossible to make long designs without backups. In long windows there is poor rigidity of the elements;
  • the case of a sharp decrease in temperature on both sides profile is compressed, slots occur. But such cases practically do not happen in everyday life, because the temperature should be -20 ° C.

Aluminum products


For the manufacture of aluminum structures, high-quality accessories and double-glazed windows are used, products are similar to PVC windows. Therefore, their advantages are the same, while you need to add a distinctive property - sufficient stiffness even with large windows dimensions.

Due to the ease of material, it is possible to glater large areas, without losing the quality of the result. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the thermal conductivity of aluminum, so it is called cold metal. Recently, frames that are not inferior to metal-plastic, but their price is at times exceeding the analogue.

Selection by criteria


Before deciding which windows to choose, you need to define the main criteria, it may be:

  • appearance;
  • frame parameters;
  • product characteristics;
  • design price.

If we consider the last question, it is worth noting the low cost and high quality of metal-plastic windows. They are universal, because the designs of PVC are used in the construction of residential and industrial facilities. The price of the standard window in the apartment begins from 2.5 thousand. rubles. It should take into account additional costs for delivery and installation.

Aluminum profile is more expensive than plastic almost 2 times. As a rule, the preference to this decision is given in the glazing of large stained glass windows. Therefore, they are used mainly in public places.

As for the wooden products, the price of them is much higher than PVC designs. Accordingly, the ordinary consumer rarely chooses them. The proposed characteristics do not justify the claimed price. Therefore, more often, people order windows from the Eurobruse, they are more expensive than metal-plastic by only 10-15%. Only when taking into account all the nuances, the consumer receives a high-quality window with a long service life.

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