Installation of blinds with your own hands

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The greater the apartment in the apartment, the better. This is also saving electricity, and a good review, and a visual increase in space, but often through large windows is too much light, especially if they are on the south side of the house. In summer days, hot sun rays heat the room strongly, a color wallpaper can lose the color, flooring, planting soothed home plants. Especially for such cases, curtains were invented. But not everyone soul bulky fabric curtains and as a decent alternative all more people got preference blinds. This time we will talk about how to successfully pick up the model under the interior of the room and how to establish blinds.

How to pick up blinds

Newcomer in the world of blinds is difficult to navigate among the widest range of products offered, but repel first of all It follows from the type of configuration of the model and the material from which it is made. Plastic blinds are most popular, but they can also be made of fabric, wood and even aluminum.

The configuration of the models also has differences and depending on the selected type, you can add the interior or set it a special mood:

  1. Horizontal blinds - the most common type of. Plastic products give the room some officebut with a successful selection of colors and supporting elements in the decor can make a room more easy and air. Such models are usually used in the living rooms, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Wood products, on the contrary, create a feeling of comfort and calm, so they look good in desktop or bedroom. Occupy a minimum of space, especially if you attach them not over the window, and right in emmery (on edge top slope). You can set horizontal blinds directly on the window frame, but then for each window you will need a separate product so that they can be opened and ventilated.
  2. Vertical blinds - create a feeling of space, visually increase the height of the room, very comfortable in operation. The main advantage of such models is that they can replace full-fledged curtains, hiding the floor space to the ceiling.
  3. Rolled blinds are the original type that has recently been widely used by designers. Save a lot of space and look at the window very carefully - in folded form, everything cannon turns into a compact round cylinder. Rolled blinds, like horizontal, too You can mount on the window frame or on the outer edge of the slope. But the main advantage of this type of structures is that the fabric canvas, from which they are made, continuously, and it can be inflicted Any pattern.

By way of controlling the blinds can be mechanical and automatic. In the first case, the system works for check Movement rope Lace, handles or tape. Automatic models are equipped with special electric drives that can be controlled remotely. They are more expensive than mechanical, but significantly save time and make life easier - for example, if you lay on the bed and noticed that the window is not curtained, the problem is solved by pressing the button.

The apartment is best installed fabric or wooden blinds - still They are more cozy than aluminum and plastic. Care for them same way Easy - just just sometimes wipe with a wet cloth or a special device. Fissure blinds are covered with a special impregnation, which does not allow to accumulate dust and create static electricity.


Useful tips for selecting blinds:

  1. Plastic models are very simple in care, but give house office.
  2. Fabric blinds with time can burn out in the sun.
  3. Aluminum products look quite stylish, but will thunder in draft.
  4. Wooden blinds are the most preferred option for the house, but their cost is higher than that of all other types.
  5. Polyester Heavily absorb moisture and quickly polluted.

How to install horizontal blinds

So, you bought suitable blinds on the windows and now you can begin to install them. Installation can be carried out in two ways: With a drill or without hERE. Also, the specificity of the installation depends on the configuration of the blinds - horizontal models are attached not as vertical or rolled. After reading this head you are Can C. ease Install any blinds.

Montage with drilling

If at home there is a drill and you do not feel sorry to drill plastic windows, we propose to follow the instructions described below. Actually installation with drilling, except for additional holes gives The possibility is most firmly and smoothly to install any blinds.

It is important to accurately make markup and designate the location of the top plank shutter on the glass. Most often, the installation is made according to the upper edge of the window, and the blinds are only completely covered with the window frame, that is, the knobs do not interfere at all. By the way, if you need to put blinds on plastic windows, refer to this consultant during the model selection - some manufacturers have products designed specifically for double-glazed windows. To install them, you need to screw only a couple of screws.


How to fasten the blinds:

  1. Cut the carrier bar to the upper frame of the glazing sash. Note that fastening The plate can stick to the profile not tightly, because there is a different depth between the frame and the glass. To eliminate this gap and reliable Fixation of the plate disappear.
  2. Indicate the location of the carrier bar, having conducted a pencil at the bottom fastening Plates - then you will navigate on it and you can smoothly fix blinds.
  3. Before taking in hand screwdriverIt is better to note the attachment points on the plastic and make small recesses of 1.5 mm. So You eliminate the risk that when screwing in screw will shift and will go In the profile crooked, since if it happen, double-glazed car t Especially important is for wooden double-glazed windows.
  4. When you Screw the carrier bar, install the fishing line, locking the blinds in one plane with the sash so that it does not interfere with open the window. To do this, drill with a diameter of 2.5 mm. Do a couple of through holes at the edges of the lower flap. Holes should be clearly Under the leak output points on the carrier element.
  5. Swipe the line in the system and lower her Ends to the lower head.
  6. Grind the line in the plugs (come in the kit) and tie to the nodules.
  7. Grind the plugs into special holes and pull the fishing line, but not too tight so as not to break.
  8. Left Only put on the carrier bar of platbands and fix the fastenings of the lever and the control chains.

To accurately do everything as it should, we suggest watching a video about the installation of blinds on a plastic window:

Installation without drilling

If you do not want to breathe your windows, the installation of the blinds is really carried out without participating in the drill. To do this, you will need brackets that can be attached to the frame with the most in different ways. The main advantage of this system is that in the future, if you want to change the blinds or remove them to make them, you with ease You can make dismantling and get a whole window with perfect tightness.


To fix the brackets, you can use strong two-sided adhesive tape or hook them for the top of the window (this method will be carried out only on the drop-down sash). In the case of a hook, it is very convenient to use and care for the blinds, because they can be removed by one movement. If you prefer gluing, then to chop up the blinds from the window, have to A little tinker.

How to install vertical blinds

Blinds with vertical straps are used in homes and apartments not as often as horizontal, but still they occupy ttverinda Position in the market and are popular. They allow you to create original interiors, visually increase the space and help disguise various defects and communications.

Such blinds are ideal for large windows and window operactions non-standard configuration. To understand their installation, it is desirable to explore the structure of the structures.


What vertical blinds consist of:

  1. The cornice is the support portion on which the slats are fixed. In most models, the cornice is made of aluminum, but sometimes you can meet completely plastic models (budget option). From blinds with plastic cornices it is better to refuse, because very often they break under the weight of the planks, and the elements located inside the elements due to the regular rotation over time they destroy the plastic, resulting in the mechanism stops work.
  2. Runners - plastic elements, one side of which is attached to the eaves and can move along it, and the other holds the planks. When choosing a model, pay attention to the quality of the runners, since it is precisely the durable high-quality work of the entire mechanism depends on them.
  3. Georgs - details located at the bottom of the planks. They take the vertical strips, allowing them to hang exactly, freely and do not mess with each other.
  4. The connecting circuit is a thin chain that connects the lamellas at the bottom of the blinds. Most often, the chains are made of plastic, and inside stretch the transparent fishing line. It provides sufficient strength, but still with such a detail should be treated carefully.

Montage Blinds

Installation of vertical type shutters is quite simple, but still requires defined Snacks. Since the planks themselves are very long, then they need to be clinging carefully. Prepare all the necessary instruments And check that the bundle package is complete.

What will be needed for installation:

  • building level;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • kit screwdrivers;
  • fasteners elements;
  • drill with a perforator;
  • kit drill;
  • hammer.


Installing blinds with your own hands trem. Scripts:

  1. Collect the management system from the left side, and the lamellaes - with the right.
  2. Place control with planks on one side.
  3. Collect management on one of the parties so that the planks move from Center to the edges.
  4. Collect management on one of the parties so that the planks move from region To the center.

So You will be able to make originality and diversity in the interior, because in the assembled form of the blinds will look different. You can attach them to the ceiling, wall or hang directly on the window profile.

Mounting Scheme-Vertical Blind

How to install vertical blinds:

  1. Using the construction level and ruler, make marking at the point of attachment of the cornice. It is very important to adhere to strict horizontality, especially if the walls in the apartment are not quite even. Otherwise, blinds will be crooked.
  2. Useful Tip: If you are planning hang Blinds on the ceiling or attach to the wall, they must go for the window opening At least 5 cm so as not to "steal" the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  3. Screw the wall or ceiling brackets.
  4. Secure the cornice on special latch.
  5. Eating lamellas for slats to runners, without breaking priorityin which they lie in a roll (very simply get confused and believed wrong). It is very important to comply with the sequence on models with drawings.
  6. Connect the weights to the connecting chain.
  7. Reflect the vertical bar so that they hide parallel.
  8. Now you can check the operation of the system - the lamellas should smoothly move on the eaves, and the planks are gathered with "accordion", not confused with each other.

Useful advice: Never shift the planks aside if they completely overlap the light shelves - you must first pull the chain to deploy them sideways, and only after that shifted the sidel. Cleaning such blinds should only be a dry way - a vacuum cleaner or a special broom.

Installation of rolled blinds is not fundamentally different from the installation of vertical. For greater clarity, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the training videos on this topic:

As you can see, install plastic blinds of vertical or horizontal type not at all difficult. It is only necessary to understand the principle of operation of mechanisms and armed with the necessary tools. What concerns automatic systems, then their installation is better to entrust professionals, especiallywhat Many firms when ordering models offer free shipping and installation.

Blinds: Photo

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