Bulk cellar with their own hands

January 6. Construction, Plot. Views 9561 Comments To record a bulk cellar with their own hands No

In the countryside, the cellar is a practically indispensable structure that is used for the storage of the harvest. The process of its construction is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, such work to make your own hands with almost everyone, even without having this experience.

The main thing is, to comply with certain rules and recommendations of specialists, so that the finished cellar can really keep all the workpieces all over the year.

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Types of cellars

All cellar depending on their design and construction method is made to divide into the following types:
- Outflowed earthy;
- ground cellar;
- bulk;
- terrestrial attached cellar;
- cellar with concrete or brick walls.

How to choose the design of the cellar?

To properly choose the cellar must be considered:
- features of the soil of this locality;
- type and depth of soil freezing;
- The groundwater level.
The bulk cellar is most often chosen in cases where the groundwater is at a small depth. Such a structure does not require large expenses of their own forces and materials.


Construction of bulk cellar

Choosing a place

Before starting the construction of a bulk cellar, you need to choose a suitable place in advance.

  • Experts recommend to arrange such a room on an outdoor dry and a little sublime area.
  • The base of the cellar should be located at an altitude of up to 0.5 meters relative to the groundwater level.
  • Entrance to the room is desirable to place from the north and around it to plant small shrubs, as the trees with their roots can destroy the whole design.

Choosing materials

The construction of any cellar, including bulk, must be carried out in the warm season, better in the summer, when the groundwater level is minimal. At the same time, it is important to choose the appropriate period when the precipitates are unlikely, as they can cause the flooding of not yet finished repository.
As materials for the construction of the cellar, you can choose only those that are not afraid of the negative impact of constant humidity. It can be:

  • concrete plates
  • wood
  • brick
  • ordinary land


If you are going to use wood, then pay attention to the fact that it is high quality and dry.

  • It is well dried and polished.
  • Then conduct thorough treatment with antiseptic means.
  • Finally, it is dried again and only then the tree can be used to build a bulk cellar.

Preparation of the foundation

  • The selected land plot is predetermined from the turf and vegetation, and also remove the top layer of the soil.
  • Then make the markup of the finished site.
  • After that, they move directly to the arrangement of the storage base, which represents a clay area with a thickness of up to 20 cm. It is made from a well-stronger simoling mixture.
  • When the base is completely dry, a layer of fine rubble is poured over it with a thickness of 50 to 80 mm thick and completely impregnated with hot bitumen.


Construction of walls and ceiling

The next no less responsible stage of work on the construction of a bulk cellar is the construction of walls and ceiling. They are the basis of wooden boards, the so-called rectangular box is built from the cooked, with a height of approximately 1.8 m, up to 3 meters long and 2 meters width.

  • First, they roll into the ground at the corners of the placed platform four column with a diameter of 20 cm.
  • After that, they are trimmed from above with three sides by boards, tightly fitted to each other.
  • The gaps between them need to carefully cross and deceive bitumen.
  • Then they are sampled by a layer of rubberoid and brick laying are built around.
  • The finished walls of the brick outside are welcing again using bitumen and another layer of rubberoid.


Heat and waterproofing ceiling

  • The ceiling of a wooden box for heat and waterproofing of the room must be covered with hot bitumen, and then two layers of rubberoid.
  • After that, we laid the insulation, on top of which a layer of a claying mixture with a height of about 0.5 meters.
  • When it is completely dry, it is covered with waterproofing. Thus, it is possible to provide high-quality and reliable protection of the entire wooden structure from the processes of rotting and extend the life of this cellar.

Flooding the cellar of the earth with embankment

  • After the heat and waterproofing of the room, as well as the installation of the ventilation pipe is necessary throughout the perimeter of the walls to embed the root of the earth. At the same time, it is worth considering some features. Namely, that the slopes of such an embankment should have an angle equal to 40-45 degrees, its upper part is covered with a layer of rubberoid, followed by a layer backing of the layer of 50-100 mm.
  • Next to the finished embankment do not forget to cover the plates of the turf thickness up to 10 cm.


Interior decoration of the cellar

An equally important point in the construction of the repository is its interior decoration.

  • The floor of the bulk is usually made from concrete or brick.
  • Doors should be double and insulated: from the outside with metal, and from the inside wooden, better and oak. They need to be good to cross and paint the oil paint.
  • In the process of arranging the internal space of the finished repository, electrical lighting is also carried out, the thermostat is installed, the comfortable staircase and shelves are installed.

Olympus Digital Camera.
Erected a bulk cellar can serve its owners about 25 years.

More detailed about the construction of the cellars with your own hands on the video:

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