Wedding beetle: ways to fight

May 26. Useful advice, Plot. Views 3752. 1 comment To the entry of the beetle Woodrel: Wrestling Methods

The beetles of the woods are a serious threat to the wood and everything that is done from it. Such pests are affecting home furniture, plants in the garden, walls of log cabins and other structures made of wood. In this article we will tell, what are the beetles of the woods and how to get rid of them.

Types of beetles of tree bugs

There are several varieties of insects, which can be attributed to the concept of stalls beetles. Consider in more detail what these pests are:

  1. Usachi house, which is also called the black house mesache or house wood-shop - this is an insect, which most often amazes the trees of coniferous rocks. Usach, houses like dryness and warm, so his females begin to actively multiply in the summer, laying the larvae under the bark of coniferous trees. It is worth noting that in the living trees of these beetles it is almost impossible to find, because they do not tolerate moisture. But if you are harvested by boards or there are any objects made from conifers, this parasite can harm it. Recognize these insects is easy, in the process of their livelihoods, they leave winding moves in the wood. The affected items can be covered with white mild ripples. Usayach houses Most of all to taste the coniferous bark, so when the wood harvesting should be carefully removed even the small fragments of the bark from the trunks.
  2. Polyzoroored, also called a hood - this is another of the types of vertoon beetles. These insects are often inhabited in latitudes with a warm climate, and they can affect almost any wood, it is easy to cope with even sturdy oak boards. As a rule, pelvicoroids tear down the moves along the fibers of the material, making wood fragile. Such pests most often can be found on the support pillars, fences, in wells.
  3. The beetles of weevils are dangerous that they are striking not only dead wood, but also live trees. Such insects prefer a wet environment, so the traces of their destruction can be observed among the woods lying in the raw woodlocks or directly under the open sky. To avoid damage to the walls of wooden dwellings, baths or sheds, try to store firewood as far as possible from such buildings. From the beetle weevil should also take care of fruit trees, otherwise you can lose both young seedlings and adult plants.
  4. The bugger's bug deserved its name due to the characteristic trails left in the wood. The diameter of its moves is rather significant and is approximately 1-2 mm. Interesting is the fact that food for such a pest is not wood herself, but the mushroom growing in the channels they did. Oaks and nuts are considered favorite breeds of the parasite. Fortunately, these trees are not used as the main building material in the construction of log cabins, but the first crown of construction, as a rule, is carried out precisely from oak trunks. Among other things, the bugger is often striking coniferous rocks, and especially their bark. If conifers grow on the site, they must be periodically processed by the necessary insecticides.
  5. One of the most common types of pests is a beetle grinder. You can meet this beetle of an elderochka, for example, in wooden furniture and in the walls of street buildings. This parasite eats even the wood of live plants, which makes it a dangerous garden pest. Female beetle of the grinder lay eggs in a dead or dying wood, the insect loves high humidity and actively fruit in the northern walls of the cuts. It is almost impossible to notice the affected boards or trunks, since the beetles will renew their central part, leaving the outer sheath of untouched. Experts can determine the presence of a grinder in wood with the help of electronic stethoscopes. The device catches the sound signals that males are served by females in order to attract their attention to continue the genus.


How to detect beetles in the wood

The destruction of the elders should be started with their detection. Let's look at what features you can find out the affected tree:

  1. On the surface and inside the material can be observed winding moves. In the process of its activities, the beetles leave the drilling flour, which looks like a yellowish or brown powder. As a rule, in case of damage to the crust, this substance will have a light shade, and with a violation of the deep layers, the drilling flour will be dark.
  2. From the moves drilled by the woods, a brown liquid is distinguished with a sharp sour smell.
  3. The affected and dried bark is easily separated from the tree trunk.
  4. Directly under the wooden design or plant, you can observe the tracks that are climbing to another object.

The detection of parasites in the walls of the construction or furniture says that it is time to immediately begin to eliminate insects. If the wooden object does not carry a certain value, it is best to burn it entirely or cut and burn only the affected part. But in the case when it is impossible to do this, you should take advantage of special means for the treatment of wood from beetles.


How to deal with tree

Folk remedies

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to notice the affected wood in the early stages. Sometimes the owners of the house do not even assume that parasites began in the walls of their logs, and when the signs of attacks of beetles become quite obvious, whole insect colonies already live in wood structures.

To eliminate tree beetles, various methods are used. The simplest and most affordable means include such:

  1. The solution of the cooking salt is applied to the surface of the tree in any convenient way. Unfortunately, this method is not too effective, since the means in a short time is washed off with rain.
  2. An aqueous solution of fluoride or silicone sodium sodium concentration of 2-2.5% is also easy to prepare. This agent is used at the rate of 200 ml per 1 m² of area, processing wood with a brush or spacing.
  3. Another folk agent from the beetles of the treasures is the composition prepared on the basis of resin, black carboles and naphthalene. All components are taken in the same ratio, are thoroughly mixed and applied on wood with a brush.
  4. If the parasites attacked the old furniture, the former beauty of which you do not seek to keep, then try to soak the wood with hot oil. But if the furniture is value, and you do not want to deprive her decorative properties, it is better to refuse this method.
  5. Sometimes in order to combat pests, wood is treated with kerosene, linen or spent engine oil. You can simply paint wooden structures as often as possible.
  6. Another popular recipe assumes the use of the following mixture: 3 parts of the turpidar are connected to 1 part of kerosene and are thoroughly mixed. The wooden surface is treated with a vaseline, in the proceeds done by bugs, this composition is poured, after which the holes are embarrassed by paraffin.

Most of the beetles of the treasures love dampness, therefore, to prevent the appearance of parasites, it is desirable not to store wood in wet unpaid rooms, in an open-air or near the northern walls of buildings.


Insecticides from Zhuka

We ask the question of how to get rid of tree beetles, pay attention to special means against insects - insecticides. There is a huge amount of such drugs, they can be sold in the form of powder, gel, or liquid. Powder and gel forms of funds are unlikely to effectively cope with the problem, but liquid solutions are perfectly penetrated into the tree structure and etching parasites. So, what subtleties should be considered when processing wood insecticides:

  1. Residual insecticides are applied on wood with a spray gun. It is very important that the remedy fell into all the smallest slits and the most hard-to-reach places. Such drugs not only etch the pests on the surface of the material, but also lure the beetles from their shelters. The advantage of such funds is that for people and animals they are practically harmless, so after processing wooden surfaces, residents can return to the room after a few minutes.
  2. Insecticides of acute action are considered very toxic for insects and kill them from the first seconds after applying. For people and animals, such poisons are harmful enough, so after processing the room you should wait at least 4 hours before returning to it.
  3. Particularly inaccessible places can also be left without attention. For example, preparations in the form of sprays are used to process the inner surface of the floors, but they are not applied at all by spraying. In inconspicuous places, for example, on the joints of the boards, a small holes are drilled. Then, after a thin tube, they pump the poisoning agents, after which the holes are close to wax, paraffin or something else. Insecticides with time impregnate boards, killing parasites. After such a processing, it is not recommended to return to the dwelling over the next few days.
  4. Walls of log cabins laid out of thick bars are processed in the same way. In the process of work, it is advisable to use long-term drugs, such means refers, for example, Lignofix i-Profi. If the house has already been attacked by tree beetles, do not regret the strength and time to process. In each log, you need to drill holes whose depth will be equal to its thickness. The holes are located every 5 cm above each other, the distance between the rows is 1 m. Drilling such a move in the vertical wall, you need to make a small tilt down, so that the insecticides are subsequently outlined. After the work is done, each hole with a syringe is filled with an agreary beetles. After absorbing poison you need to repeat the procedure 2 more times. Then the holes are lubricated with hermetic composition.

Having thought about how to get rid of the vertices, carefully examine the industrial funds that are available on sale. Popular compositions include such:

  • Empire-20;
  • "Woody leak";
  • "Antihuk";
  • "Belinka Belocide".

All named funds have a long period of action, quickly absorbed into the structure of the tree and destroy the beetles for a long time. When buying an insecticide, examine its label. It should indicate information that this tool is intended to combat flying insects. It is these drugs that are destroyed not only by the beetles themselves, but also their larvae. After the processing of the premises you need to leave the house for a while, it should not light fire near the processed items.


How to prevent the appearance of tree

Above, we looked at how to deal with the beetles of the treasury, now I would like to pay attention to the prophylactic measures that will help avoid the appearance of parasites in your home. To prevent the damage to the wood by pests, the processing of the material must be carried out at the construction stage of the house. As preparations for processing logs, such compositions are used as "Pinotex", "Phoenix", "Sezh", "Lignofix I-Profi", etc.

Rooms of wooden buildings are also important from time to time to ventilate. The surfaces themselves should be kept clean, periodically conducting wet cleaning using the "polyrol", "gloss", monochloramine and other similar means. Wooden designs should be regularly opened with varnish or paint, and those surfaces that should remain at an initial form, it is necessary to cover the thin layer of vaseline oil from time to time.

Beetle Wedding, photo:





How to deal with the beetle of the woods. Video

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One answer to the beetle Woodings: ways to fight

  1. Anna:

    It will be able to get rid of the reaches of the shower. I have already reassigned

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