How to glue glass

January 26. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 1766. Comments to record how to glue glass No

Girls, characteristics and operational qualities of which satisfy even the requirements of children's and medical facilities are becoming increasingly popular among the diverse finishing materials. At the same time, the final result of the finishing of such wallpaper depends not only on compliance with certain rules of the acclaiming of the room, but also on the quality of the materials involved in the installation process.

What are attractive glassworks?

For the production of glasses, a certain grade of glass is used, which at high temperatures melts to a homogeneous liquid state. The molten mass is placed in a special centrifuge, where glass filaments differing in the density and thickness are formed under the influence of the centrifugal force. The fibers obtained by this method, passing through the weaving machine, acquire the view of the web. The standard width of glasses is 1 m, and the length can be 12.5, 25 and 50 m. To improve the strength characteristics, the finished canvases are impregnated with a special composition consisting of a modified starch, then dried and roll into rolls.

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Despite the technology and composition of the manufacture, glazes have a number of indisputable advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to occurrence of molds and fungi of various kinds;
  • high strength;
  • nonseasing;
  • absence of harmful elements in the event of a direct contact with fire;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • excellent reinforcing qualities;
  • possibility of masking of small irregularities and surface imperfections;
  • the possibility of multiple staining;
  • ease of use;
  • durability of use is 40 years.


Among the few drawbacks is attributed:

  • presence of overalls and masks during the installation of wallpaper;
  • multiplicity of dyeing a negative impact on the bump material.


Covering the cost, along with the quality, it depends on the complexity of the figure, the thickness of the material, as well as the manufacturer, so the choice of goods is necessary to take seriously.

The choice of fiberglass

Aesthetics interior finish using fiberglass as well as the performance of such unusual decor directly dependent on the right choice of the material relative to the purpose and conditions for future use.

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class fiberglass

A huge range of this kind of wallpaper is divided into 3 classes:

  • Class 1 - characterized by high levels of quality and cost, as well as the durability of the material;


  • Class 2 - stands nonstandard roll length or minor defect that is caused by an acceptable cost. In this case, quality indicators are at a high level;


  • economy class is represented by the cheapest category of goods, which has a low density and strength of the material. On the durability of fiberglass economy class will also have to forget.


Covering type

Considering the complexity of the ornament and the type of fabric, glass divided into:

  • Smooth glass fleece or painting - characterized by simplicity without weaving pattern, the low strength and thickness. Such fiberglass density varies between 30-50 g / m². Paint fiberglass used to produce a perfectly flat surface that no additional work is suitable for painting. In addition, smooth fiberglass prevent the occurrence of small cracks, resulting from shrinkage at home.


  • Relief glass - differ from the smooth presence of various patterns of the tree type, rhombikov, vertical, chess, leaflet, etc. Sometimes there are models when a compressed fiber is applied on top of the web, which makes the drawing more voluminous and attractive. The textured wallpaper is inherent in a two-layer structure that contributes to an increase in density to 220 g / m², strength and, accordingly, the wear resistance of the material.


Thus, the greasy glass is the perfect option for pasting the ceiling, and stick it is much easier and faster than to put it, and then sand surface. For decoration of walls, on the contrary, relief glass windows are more suitable, the photo of the interior decoration is presented in the article.

Manufacturer of glasses

The cost of glasses is directly or indirectly interrelated with the quality of the released goods and is formed under the influence of materials used in the production, as well as the complexity of the manufacturing process.


Among the diverse range of glasses, the leading positions belong to the following product names:

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1. Gymelomes Vitrulan Germanic production represent the most expensive group of goods characterized by high strength and aesthetic indicators, which is produced in 3 fundamental collections:

  • Classic Plus - stand out by classic patterns of patterns, low material density and low cost;

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  • Aqua Plus - from other types of collection is characterized by the presence of the adhesive layer. In a few minutes before the salary, the involving side of the wallpaper is enough to moisten with water, and when the adhesive composition is swelling, it is easy to fix on the decorated surface. The Aqua Plus series has an average cost and sufficient to finish the walls of the structure density.

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  • Phantasy Plus - includes a variety of textures and ornaments designed by designers known in Europe. High density and price of glassware contribute to the decoration of walls in premises with a large passability of people (clubs, restaurants, private clinics).


2. Wellton glass windows are characterized by a pronounced material relief, withstanding multiple staining without visible textures, as well as a large range of goods at an acceptable cost. WELLTON products have several series, among which uses the greatest demand:

  • Classic (Sweden) - has a low density, typical structure of the canvas and a low cost;

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  • Décor (China). The uniqueness of the collection lies not only in the presence of rolled cloths, but also decorative panels at quite reasonable prices;


  • Optima (China). The category of goods has a high density with various classic and original patterns.

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3. Along with Wellton, Oscar Gymeloboes are also produced in China. However, they have a simpler structure of the canvas and less cost.


4. Economy class is represented by the Tassoglas brand. Gymelomes are produced in Chinese or American factories and have low density, classical varieties of drawings, as well as relatively low cost.


Thus, it is possible to buy good quality glasses with any financial capabilities.

Selection of adhesive composition

Gymelomes are a fairly heavy finishing material, so the glue must have good adhesive abilities to keep it on the surface. With such a difficult task perfectly cope:

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  • Glue "Oscar" - produced in the form of a dry or ready to use the mixture and is suitable for the installation of glasses in high humidity. After gluing the web, you can adjust its location on the wall for 20 minutes. After drying the surplus of the adhesive composition, which fell on the surface is not yellow, preventing the formation of unwanted spots. Low cost and good performance contribute to an increase in demand.


  • Metylan glue is implemented by a dry composition based on PVA and other synthetic resins. It has a high adhesion adhesion to most materials, it is easy to apply and not yellow after drying. However, it is more expensive relative to the species of adhesive compositions.

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  • Clay "Kleo Ultra" is used to mount wallpaper with a normal degree of humidity, since it does not contain PVA. Full drying lasts 24 hours, although the coloring of the wallpaper is possible to start 2 hours after the surface is seized. Related to other materials has an acceptable cost.


In most cases, well-known manufacturers produce their glue to each type of wallpaper, although any composition for heavy materials can be used as glue for glazes.

How to glue glass windows?

The process of pasting with glass windows of any surface takes place in 2 stages, each of which affects the aesthetics of the finished option.

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Preparation of the foundation and materials

The appearance of the glitched glass winds depends largely on the quality of the work carried out at the preparatory stage, including:


  • getting rid of old wallpapers, detached plastering and other elements;
  • putty deep cracks, junctions between plasterboard sheets;
  • purification of the prepared base from dust;
  • primer designed for pasting surface wallpaper.

While the primer dries up, it is necessary:


  • with the help of a stationery knife, cut wallpaper on the strips, based on the height of the room, not forgetting to leave the allowances for the fitting pattern;
  • dilute glue, according to the instructions specified on the package.

Sticking glass

Before proceeding with the immediate sticker of glasses, it is necessary to eliminate the formation of drafts and the effects of the direct rays of the Sun, which prevent the uniformity of the drying composition drying. Then:

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  • apply adhesive directly to the prepared base, a little exceeding the width of the canvas;
  • stick the strip, spitting well to the surface;
  • smooth the cloth, removing air bubbles with a rubber roller or a special spatula;
  • subsequent strips are glued in the same way;
  • after each glued strip, it is necessary to go well with a rubber roller on the weld of the pillars of the canvas.


After the glue is dry, you need to brand the glassworks to avoid paint recalculation, after which you can start painting. Latex or acrylic water-based acrylic paints are considered the most appropriate variants for staining of glasses, since they have high wear resistance, and also underlined, and not clog the structure of the material.

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Thus, before you find out what glass windows are like glue, you need to choose them. Especially since any glass windows are glued similar to other types of wallpaper.

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