How to get rid of mold and fungus in a private house and your own hands

December 12. Useful advice Views 687. Comments to record how to get rid of mold and fungus in a private house and the apartment do it yourself No

The mold in the house is the source of the unpleasant odor and the cause of certain diseases, therefore, from such an attack, if it appeared, it is desirable to get rid of as soon as possible. Fortunately, for this invented many ways, and in this article we will tell how to get rid of mold with their own hands.

Types of mold and its influence on our life

Let's break in more detail with what kind of types of mold fungus and how it affects our body:

  1. White mold - most often it can be found in flower pots where home plants grow. It appears with abundant watering of cultures or in the case of the use of some fertilizers. White mold is harmful in that it may cause allergic reactions.
  2. Green mold often comes across to spoiled food products, but may also meet in other unexpected places, for example, on building materials. To use food infected with such a fungus, in no case cannot, otherwise it is possible to seriously harm health.
  3. Black mold is considered one of the most dangerous types of fungus. Unfortunately, it can appear almost anywhere: on any surfaces and building materials. The disputes of this mold negatively affect the human organs, the respiratory and nervous system suffer from it. A person begins to suffer from headaches, insomnia, elevated temperature, dizziness. In advanced cases, the fungus causes dermatitis, allergies and serious lung damage.
  4. The fungus blue can most often watch on wood, for example, on a parquet or boardwall, as well as on the furniture. This parasite destroys the material and its decorative coating.
  5. The rotting fungus also affects wooden surfaces, which under its effects change the color on gray or brown. Wood is subsequently covered by cracks and deformed.


Causes of the appearance of mold in the home

To effectively remove the fungus and mold, you need to figure out why it at all appeared in your home. Eliminating the root cause, you will be sure that such a problem will not pursue you later. So, the causes of the fungus may be such:

  1. Increased air humidity in a complex with insufficient ventilation. So, a bad exhaust system in the bathroom, in the toilet or in the kitchen, with a lot of probability can provoke the appearance of mold.
  2. Wall freezing is another risk factor. Walls of dwellings should be well insulated.
  3. The flow of roofs and water supply. Sometimes the sites are not in sight, and the presence of mold in the house you will not know immediately.
  4. The reason for the occurrence of mold can become primer dampness or poor heating in the house or in the apartment.

The appearance of the fungus makes itself felt not only visually. Often it is accompanied by an unpleasant characteristic grinding smell, dampness. On the affected surfaces, black, greenish, gray, sometimes white spots appear.

So as guaranteed to get rid of the attack, the problem should be approached. That is, perform the following actions:

  • eliminate signs of fungal lesion from the surface;
  • process the affected area with the relevant composition;
  • throw away everything that is badly damaged by mold, but it is better to burn at all;
  • eliminate the cause of the fungus, ensure good ventilation, sufficient temperature and acceptable humidity in the home.


How to get rid of mold: effective means

Primer surface with antiseptics

Many are looking for a right decision to remove mold in the bathroom or in another wet room. Special antiseptic compositions are one of the most effective means for a similar purpose. There are many options on sale, for example, popular funds in Russia are considered:

  • "Fongifluid Alps";
  • "Dali";
  • "Olympus Stop-Mold";
  • "Biotole Spray".

These means after applying to the surface destroy the existing fungus and do not give it to grow further. Most often, such substances are implemented in the finished form, but sometimes require water dilution.

Before using the tool, it is very important to carefully clear the affected place from the tracks of the fungus, even if this will require several layers of building materials. The primer itself is applied with a tassel or roller, the base should be dry.


Use bleach

Those who are not lucky to have a black mold in his house, and who does not know how to remove it, you can advise a bleach based on chlorine. This method is available, does not require the purchase of special compositions, and the bleach itself is inexpensive. The substance that kills mold and is present in the bleach is called sodium hypochlorite. Along with a black mold, such a component kills other species of fungus.

Use bleach on such surfaces:

  • cafe;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • other non-porous materials.

For wood, fabric, drywall such a method is not suitable. Chlorine does not penetrate the pores, and it disappears from the surface of the material, but the water, on the contrary, fills the cavities and provokes further development of the fungus. In addition, some materials under the action of the bleach deteriorate and change the color.

Here is what you need to know when working with chlorine:

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • it is necessary to work in protective rubber gloves;
  • the bleach is diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10;
  • the surface is pre-clean from the traces of the mold.


Application of acetic or citric acid solution

How else can you delete mold in an apartment available to methods? For example, use vinegar. It is as cheap, as well as bleach, but it wives much faster, and his evaporation is safe for health.

Working with vinegar is easier than simple:

  1. At first, from the working reason you need to fully consider mold.
  2. Then the vinegar should be sprayed on the surface using, for example, a spray gun.
  3. An hour later, this zone needs to rinse with water, and the room is perfectly ventilated.
  4. A week later, this procedure can be repeated again.

The same antifungal properties as lemon acid possesses the vinegar. To prepare a solution of the desired concentration, dissolve 1 tsp. Acids in a glass of water, and then spray the remedy for the surface. Best of all citric acid copes with mold on ceramic tiles.


The use of aromatic oils

Natural anti-grapple means should include some aromatic oils. Especially effective is the tea tree oil - this natural antiseptic is completely safe for a person, but it copes well with bacteria and fungi.

1 tsp Such an oil is stirred with 200 ml of water, and then treated with a sponge surface or a sponge. The peculiarity of this fund is that it is not necessary to wash off the oil, on the contrary, the dried oil film will protect this zone from the appearance of molds in the future.

From aromatic oils to combat fungus, lavender and rosemary are also suitable. The principle of working with them is the same as with tea tree oil.


Pharmaceutical Tools

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - perfectly copes with most types of mold fungi. It is applied to the damaged surface, purified from mold, in its pure form, that is, without having to be pre-water. Please note that this agent has a whitening effect, therefore is not suitable for painted and tissue surfaces.
  2. The ammonia alcohol is another pharmacy, effective against mold. Like a bleach, it is suitable for working with non-porous smooth bases: glass, tile, stone, etc. The ammonia alcohol before applying is bred with water in equal amounts, then spray on a damaged place, and after an hour wash off. After all manipulations, the room is thoroughly ventilated. Such a means is safe for the respiratory tract, although it has a sharp smell. In no case do not mix the ammonia with chlorine - the reaction of the two these substances leads to the production of toxic gases.
  3. The bora is also harmless to humans, but more precisely is considered an effective insecticide, herbicide and fungicide. It is often used to handle toilets, and with mold it copes excellent. Buru is dissolved with water before starting the work: 1 cup of powder is used for 2.5 liters. Apply it with a rough brush with a long and rigid bristle, which in the process of work is also written by the mold itself. The boor is then not flushed, and the surface is simply dried. In particularly launched cases, damaged zones are processed several times.


Liquidation of fungus food soda or manganese

How else can you remove mold cheap undergrades? You can use an ordinary food soda. The soda is dissolved in water at the rate of 1 tsp. On 200 ml of liquid. An hour after applying, the soda solution was washed off from the surface, although this can not be done. Soda absolutely does not harm neither health or treated surface, and its thin layer will protect the material and in the future.

To combat fungus, a solution of potassium permanganate is sometimes used. 1 liters of water are divorced 1 tsp. Manganesev, and then handle damaged areas as usual. Manganese can also be flutchered too.


Prevention of spread of mold in the apartment

As you can see, remove the home fungus is not so difficult, but better if it does not appear at all in your home. We give some useful advice on the prevention of the appearance of mold in the house:

  1. The dwelling should be well insulated, its walls, the floor, the ceiling should not be wrapped. Heat in the premises allows moisture to evaporate in a timely manner, which reduces the risk of fungus.
  2. Always watch the heating system in your home have been good.
  3. Observe moderate humidity in the rooms. If the humidity is raised, install the air conditioner or make a good ventilation system.
  4. In the kitchen, bathroom and the toilet should also be present an outflow of air through the outstands. Check if they are not clogged.
  5. Try to dry the wet underwear outside the dwelling.
  6. During cooking, turn the hood.
  7. Regularly venture all the rooms in the house or in the apartment.
  8. Check the roof and water supply system for leaks, eliminate them if there is.
  9. The development of mold in the house contributes to the presence of some plants, namely, violets and geraniums. Try to minimize their presence in the house.
  10. If there are places in the dwelling, from your point of view that the fungus is inclined to appear, process them with the facilities to be prevented.


How to remove the smell of mold

Mold is not just dangerous to health and unattractive, it is also capable of spreading an unpleasant smell. Even if you cleared the area affected by the fungus, the characteristic smell in the house may remain some time. Absorbing substances will help to get rid of it: soda or charcoal.

The soda is applied to the zone previously affected by fungus, and after a day, clean with a vacuum cleaner. You can also buy charcoal in briquettes and simply decompose them indoors. A few days later the smell must disappear.


Useful tips on eliminating mold from walls and from the bathroom

  1. Starting to fight with mold need immediately as soon as you discovered it. It quickly grows, and not only on the surface, but also deep into her. During the year, fungal is able to get to concrete and brickwork.
  2. Through the colored walls mold penetrates more slowly, and spreads over the surface. Nevertheless, if you notice the mushroom on the paint, such a decorative layer should be considered, and then apply neutralizing agents.
  3. Many do not know how to remove mold from the walls decorated with plasterboard. Indeed, this porous material misses the spores of the fungus, eliminate which can be far from all the methods. To clean the plasterboard walls, it is best to use professional formulations.
  4. On the wallpaper, the mold applies faster than everything, so that in this case they will have to be removed. However, at the initial stage you can remove only a small area, treat the surface, and then paste a piece of new wallpaper.
  5. In the bathrooms, the mold most often appears at the junctions between the wall and the plumbing, in the intercutric seams. Remove the fungus on the walls in the bathroom by any means described in this article. To begin with, you will have to remove the struck sealant, then clean the seams with a rigid brush, process them with the desired composition, how to dry and take it again.
  6. If the fungus originated on the ceiling, then you will have to consider whitening and plaster, cover the surface, cover it with antifungal primer and dry. Then you can apply primer penetrating actions and separate the ceiling again.
  7. Small areas on the ceiling in the bathroom can be treated with a bleach, soda, vinegar or tea tree oil.


How to get rid of mold. Video

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