PVC Channel Cable. Features of use

February 15. Repair and construction work Views 2133. Comments To record Cable Cable PVC. Features of use No

PVC cable channels - plastic structures designed for convenient placement of power grids in which it is possible to simultaneously lay power and low-current, television, telephone, electrical, computer wires, create structural information networks, security systems communications.

Why do you need cable-channel?

The use of electrical box is relevant in cases where it is impossible to hide the wires in the walls. For example, you need to install any technique or add a workplace to the office, and the repair has already been made. Also the location of the power grid can often change or need constant access to them. The room can be rented and need to give wires aesthetic appearance without construction intervention. Often it is used in wooden houses, and there is still a special style in the interior, when the tender situation contrasts with deliberately noticeable electrical wiring.

Cable Channel IEK

Calculated for long-term operation, the mounting box is usually a rectangular profile. The channel consists of two elements: housing and a lid with a latch. The flat and hard base serves to attach it to a flat surface - the floor, walls, ceiling, and the cover is tightly fastened or drives into the profile gutter and concludes the wire nested in the box, reliably protecting them from dust and external damage. If necessary, the mounting boxes are equipped with docking parts - connectors, plugs, L- and T-shaped corners, cable holders, housings for outlets. With their help you can repeat the shape of the protrusions, the corners of the room, go from the wall to the floor and so on.

Electrical chute are made of plastic, aluminum and even a tree, but by virtue of the set of advantages, the cable channels from PVC is the lowest price.

The advantages of non-controlled polyvinyl chloride:

  • does not burn;
  • dielectric, that is, practically does not conduct a current;
  • durable and flexible;
  • chemically steady;
  • not afraid of insects and rodents;
  • gives electrical wiring mobility;
  • low cost of installation and components;
  • perhaps daisy of fire safety elements.

Today, a self-fighting PVC is almost always used in the production of cable channel. This is due to a large chlorine content in the material that when heated, though quite dangerous to health, it becomes virtually liquid and prevents the spread of fire.

Types and purpose of PVC Cable Cable

PVC cable channels have different sizes, types, and, accordingly, destination.

  1. Main. As a rule, it has a large cross section and is intended for laying networks over long distances horizontally or vertical, for example, when swaying the track to the switching cabinet. Often the channel is divided into compartments and has branches.
  2. Modular. Such a box also has a large cross section and is used to place out the outlets. Can lead to workplace.
  3. Electrotechnical channel of small cross section. It serves to organize the route with a small amount of wires.
  4. Outdoor type. It is intended for communications along the floor, for example, to the table, columns.
  5. Plinth type. It is installed along the joint of the wall and floor and externally resembles the plinth. The constructing design does not spoil the appearance of the room and reliably hides all the wires.


How to choose the Cable Cable Cable from PVC

The standard length of one profile is 2 m and on sale they do not cut. Take always with a margin, as there are cases when a little bit lacks, and it will be difficult to find such a modification.

Choosing a box, pay attention to the quality of the lock. Slide and wear the lid a couple of times and look at the fastening density. Some manufacturers make convenient partitions inside the housings, which hold the nested wires until the lid is closed.

Experts advise to acquire profiles with a double lock, as it is not only reliable, but also saves a place, that is, more wires will fit into such a box. When the scope of work is significant, then such savings is very much by the way.

Buying colored plastic gutters or with a wood imitation, take care to find similar plugs, adapters, etc. Such manufacturers like "IEK", "Legrand", "DKC" provide a wide selection of not only colors, but also Accessories.

Features of the installation of cable channel from PVC

Before starting it is important to determine where the box will pass and what wires will be placed in it. They must freely be located, so choose the right size. Use the principle of branch: the trunk canal is the fattest, and the adjacent - thinner. Such a system looks technologically and stylish.


If your walls are uneven, then be prepared that the gaps, the curvature of the profile and complexity in the cover of the cover appear in some places. If you mount the channels already after finishing, keep care and not blurring walls and plastic.

  1. Installation is better to start from the corner of the room.
  2. To cut the plastic, you will need a knife or side view, the perfect option - Bulgarian (do not forget to protect the respiratory tract from dust).
  3. The joints of the bases and covers should not coincide, but to go with the displacement.
  4. Make a pencil note on plastics. When turning in angle by 90 °, the slice should be at 45 °.
  5. Depending on the magnitude of the profile, the boxes are attached to bilateral tape, liquid nails, selflessness or dowel-nails "Snake" and screws with dowels in the case of a concrete wall. If you make holes through the housing, it can crack. And be careful because when drilling the wall, especially under the ceiling, there is probability to stumble on the internal wiring.
  6. If the walls are smooth, the step is 40-50 cm, to ensure reliable fastening. Do not cost too part.
  7. Use level, roulette, building corner and plumb to ensure your design neat look.

When the work is completed, it is allowed to smear by sealant in color, as it is difficult to completely avoid the slots, but you do not need to put the box. Channel cable can be washed, they are not afraid of accommodation on the street and do not change their characteristics under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

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