Gazebo do it yourself from the tree

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To make your country plot more attractive and highlight among the others, many owners decide to build a wooden gazebo here. Sometimes these buildings are even more beautiful than the house itself. And you can do it even with your own hands without attracting specialists. The construction of the arbor usually begins with the construction of the foundation and the main framework. It is very important, because The strength of the rest of the rest depends on its reliability. In the future, the gazebo is painted or covered with varnish. Read more about the construction process - hereinafter.

Characteristics and advantages of wooden arbors


There are several types of arbors. In particular, there are designs:

  • open
  • closed.

Consider a little more open option. These structures can only be appointed in the summer. They usually have the shape of the "mushroom" and covered with a light one. If you connect several arches with each other, you will get another kind of open gazebo, which is called gazebo-pergola.

If you plan to use the arbor all year round, it will be better to stop in the closed version. In addition to wood, when erecting such structures, other materials are usually used (for example, brick, stone). Wooden gazebo can have a different shape. For example, you can build a circular design, as well as in the form of a polygon or rectangle. The last option is the most optimal for your own erection.

Separately, it is worth noting the arbor from the tree with a brazier, which are sometimes also called grilled houses. Their distinction from other structures is that the grill is installed in the center of the structure. In this case, the design material is impregnated with special mixtures to prevent accidental fire. If there is a desire, then you can equip the barbell separately from the gazebo and prepare outdoors. Often there is a table for a gazebo of wood with your own hands. This is particularly relevant in cases where holidays for guests are planned. In fact, any wood furniture will only complement the interior of the arbor. You can decorate the design with wooden lattices.


Despite the fact that today there is a wide variety of materials from which you can build a gazebo, wood remains the most acceptable option for the construction of such buildings. This material has a mass gain:

  1. In particular, he is externally attractive, which will make it suitable for the design of any site.
  2. In addition, wood is well combined with other materials, such as metal, stone and glass.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to note the strength and durability of this material. Moreover, after processing wood with special protective compositions, it can serve even longer.
  4. Of the advantages of wood, it is still necessary to note the environmental friendliness and simplicity of assembling the design.
  5. It is important that the wood is much more affordable than many modern materials.

Below are more familiar with how you can build a gazebo with your own hands from the tree step by step.

Choosing a place to build a gazebo


There are some recommendations following which, you can easily pick up, where exactly the arbor in my site:

  • So, in particular, it is not recommended to place it on the descents and in low-spirits. The fact is that moisture accumulates here more during the rain, and its excess can lead to the decoration of the structure.
  • The way close to the gazebo will be located on the house, depends only on the owner. Nevertheless, if it is in close proximity to the main building, it is important that their design is the same.
  • If the gazebo will be located somewhere in the depths of the garden, it should harmoniously fit into the environment. In any case, a beautiful view should be broken out of the construction, for example, on a flower bed or forest.
  • In addition, when building a gazebo in an open place, it is necessary to take into account that she has protection from wind. With this task, they will cope - a fence, thick thickets of shrubs or a wall of the house.

Before proceeding with the construction, you need to work out the drawings of the arbor from the tree with their own hands. It is schematically indicated where the construction will be located. In addition, a separate track is usually carried out to a gazebo in the garden, but they don't do it right. Sometimes paths make very uncomfortable, for which you can get to the building only if you get around the whole house.

Garden gazebo from wood with their own hands

Construction of foundation

na-Foto --- Osnovanie-Besedki-Ustanovlennoe-Na-Stolbchhatyy-Fundament

As for any other structure, the foundation for the arbor is required and is very important. But before they do, it is recommended to make sure that you choose the right place for future buildings. In particular, it is worth checking the reliability of the soil and discuss with your household whether the selected place is suitable for the construction of the arbor. This is important, because they will most often visit the future building.

If all these questions are solved, you can safely start working:

  1. In order to make a reliable basis, you need to dug out and connect it with the help of fittings. Make it you need throughout the perimeter. Corners or metal rods, bonded with a welding can be used as fittings.
  2. On the bottom of the dug, rocks or fragments of bricks are stacked.
  3. When it is done, you can start to fill the trench concrete. Usually, so that concrete fully hardened, it takes three days, after which you can start the installation of the frame.

Frame and roof for gazebo


When the framework of the frame is erected, the beams are initially installed. They are usually located in the corners of the structure. These beams are of great importance for the resistance of the rest of the design. Broad of vertical guides are bonded by crossings from a bar. The skeleton frame itself should not prevent air passage. Therefore, there is no tight walls here.

When assembling the carcass, wooden bars are usually used. The base from the boards is fixed using nails. As for the supporting supports, they are mounted from wooden bars. When the frame will be ready, you can sow wall. For this most often use decorative rails. In order to make the structure original, you can install wooden railing or partitions with windows. An even more interesting is a gazebo, decorated with openwork linings and carvings.

Thanks to the existing manifold of materials, the framework of the framework is not necessary to wash the boards. So, it can be fed by a decorative grid, branches for weaving, or spend special curtains around the perimeter. In order for the gazebo better to fit into the natural environment, the curly plants can be planted nearby (for example, roses, grapes or hops). These cultures will not only complement the natural landscape, but will also be able to protect guests from the sun and wind.

Now you can do roof. A slate, tile, etc. is used as roofing material. As for the roof design, it can be both a single and duplex. The first option is obviously mounted easier and in the end it turns out a single-handed gazebo with your own trees. If slate is used as roofing material, then you first need to cut the plate from it the desired size, and then nail them to lags with nails. If it is used for roofing tile, then, first of all, before it laying, it is necessary to strengthen the cooker OSB as a frame.

When construction is completed, it is necessary to place furniture for a leaning from a tree inside. In particular, in the course of operation of the construction, chairs, a table, a sofa, a banquette and barbeque can be useful. In addition, the lighting will be useful here. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out electricity here. It is important that the installation of electrical wiring is made before finishing work. At the same time, it is necessary that the entire wiring is laid on a special corrugation, which in the case of voltage jumps will protect against the emergence of a fire hazardous situation. After all, the tree refers to flammable materials, and ensuring the safety of the arbor must be one of the priority tasks.

Prolong the service life of the construction


Without a doubt, any owner of a country house wants a simple gazebo from the tree on its site remained in good condition as long as possible. To do this, it is recommended to take some actions:

  • So, every year at the end of the summer season, you need to clean the leaves with a gazebo floor. If this is not done, they can cause wood rotting.
  • In addition, it is recommended to hide the roof of the building with a film.
  • If rains often come in your region, the wooden surfaces are recommended to be treated with the compositions that will prevent rotting and corrosion.
  • In addition, you do not need to forget to dively paint the gazebo and open it with varnish. When cracks are found, it is necessary to sharpen them before painting them.
  • In addition, it is recommended to remove all unnecessary things from the gazebo for the winter.

Unusual interviews

Strike from glass bottles. This material can be taken practically for nothing if you purchase it in the reception items. The principle of erection of such a design is quite simple - the bottles must be stacked by rows, but to fasten with each other with the help of cement mortar. In this case, the bottles usually have in such a way that the necks look inside the arbor, and the bottoms were out. Sometimes it is difficult to braid bottles at the corners of the building. Therefore, to facilitate this task, you can post on only individual fragments of walls.

Cement mortar construction. This is a rather complicated option for self-erection. More difficult to make a hard framework from the reinforcement. However, a chain grid and finished reinforcement structures can still be used for the frame. In the latter case, you will need to conduct welding. When preparing a frame, you can enlist the help of specialists.

Stages of construction are following. When the frame is mounted, we prepare cement mortar. Then it must be accurately laid on the reinforcement structure with several small portions. When he gets up a little, it can be formed from it a beautiful shape of the wall and the buildings. Cement mortar allows you to imitate the trunks of trees that are intertwined with each other, exotic plants and lianas. That is, the fantasy is almost unlimited here. Alternatively, you can partially leave the reinforcement frame outside or use various metal parts in the design. As for the roof, it is best to use sheet metal as roofing material (for example, a professional flooring) or plastic (for example, polycarbonate) for such a gazeb.

Arbor do it yourself from wood: photo

Arbor-Wooden-Handles1   474C9D505601776021E8FCA04286AB04  besedka1. beedka2.  besedka-Iz-Dereva-Svoimi-Rukami   na-Foto - Gotovaya-Derevyannaya-Besedka  gazebo - Tree-Table

Gazons do it yourself from a tree: video

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