How to insulate the facade of a brick house

September 18. Construction Views 2453. Comments to record than insulation the facade of a brick house No

It should be noted that brick houses now enjoy incredible popularity. This is a pretty practical material, but it also has its negative sides. First of all, we are talking about insulation. Without this, no full-fledged brick housing can do. This plan also arises a lot of questions. A whole set of materials for insulation possess both negative qualities and positive. Fortunately, nothing complicated in the arrangement of housing is practically no insulating materials. We can only make a choice in favor of the most effective material that will ensure optimal thermal insulation.

Features of the insulation of brick housing


Immediately, it should be understood that insulation is a tremendous complex of work, which will allow to maintain heat into the dwelling. The process of thermal insulation is made not only around the perimeter of the walls. Often, the floor and roof are insulated. It all depends on how necessary this or that warming, whether it is strongly affected by the temperature in the house.

It is also important to understand that the facades of brick houses can be erected from various types of bricks. This factor depends on exactly which material to choose for efficient heat insulation.

First of all, the brick is divided into hollow and full. Obviously, the first type is preferable, so every year it is used more often for the construction of private houses. So-called air pockets are also often used when laying bricks. This factor also significantly increases the thermal insulation of the room. It is worth understanding that the thickness of the walls in this matter is of global importance, but it often depends on the brick dimensions.

In the Nordic countries it is incredibly important to pay attention to the thermal conductivity of the room. With the autumn, the air temperature inside the room drops significantly. Also, thermal insulation creates the optimal temperature during warm times, which is very important.


If it is decided to use a solid masonry, insulation must be located all over the perimeter of the wall (often on both sides of the house). If the wall is quite thick, the insulation is required not so much, as in the case of thin-walled housing. Technology of well-masonry implies the placement of the insulation already inside the design. In addition, there are still many other ways of insulation of the house, but only a couple of classical methods that have the necessary reliability and durability may be suitable for specific cases.

In general, the insulation of the facade of a brick house is divided into three categories. It is often applied external, because it is easiest to apply at any time. Such insulation will give the dwelling of additional durability. As for internal insulation, it is limited to the arrangement of heat-insulating floor and roof materials. Another type of insulation can be carried out only during the construction of the house. In this case, the insulating material is shut-off inside the walls.

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The main aspects of insulating materials


Unfortunately, insulation of the facade of a brick country house the case is not an easy, where there are no universal options. As already mentioned, some materials are used only for internal isolation, and some are only for external. To confuse anything, you should contact a consultant when buying.

Definitely it is worth paying attention to the naturalness of the material. A variety of artificial fibers are good, but often their environmental performance and durability at a low level.

  1. The thermal conductivity of the material is determined by the thickness of the layer, which creates thermal insulation.
  2. Water supply material should be low. Resistance to moisture indicates high reliability, efficiency and durability of insulation.
  3. The flammability of the insulation is also an important aspect. It is best to make a choice in favor of materials that are as little as possible with ignition.
  4. The material density indicates a mass of thermal insulation. This is based on the main qualities of insulation.
  5. The question of parpropusk ability is also very acute. This is especially true for internal insulation, which must be missed through themselves moisture and air.
  6. Soundproofing is a serious quality that almost all insulation possess. It is worth saying that often people are equipped with thermal insulation primarily due to the soundproofing properties of the material.
  7. For durability should pay attention first. This property implies long-term use of the material without losing its properties. Unfortunately, not all insulation boasts sufficient durability.
  8. The insulation installation question is also very important. Most of the modern technologies for arranging thermal insulation are extremely simple actions. Accordingly, similar works can make newcomers without any problems.
  9. Ecology, as already mentioned, occupies an important place in the choice of isojonal material. The residential building must be as safe as possible, therefore natural insulation materials are the best option.


Nowadays, the facades of brick single-storey houses can be equipped with a variety of materials. Almost every large manufacturer offers its thermal insulation made by original technology and using special materials.

  1. Mineral wool is customary to use in most construction work. This is really a universal insulating material that has sufficient density and thermal conductivity. Unfortunately, the moisture absorption of this material is high, so that mineral wool uses only for internal insulation.
  2. Ceramzite is a well-known insulation material that has been applied for many decades. Unfortunately, it is impossible to call it universal, but it has excellent thermal conductivity and strength indicators. For this reason, it is often used during the construction of foundations and frames. It is also used for intrauterine insulation, but extremely experienced builders are engaged in similar works.
  3. Polyfoam also often applies in construction work. Unfortunately, it does not have phenomenal indicators of thermal conductivity, and even more so the strength, but the foam does not absorb moisture. Negative parties can also include low fire safety and overall reliability. The foam and for the interior decoration of the premises are used, and for external. Surely the main advantage of the material is its small cost.
  4. As for the extruded polystyrene foam, the main difference from the foam is less fragility. Accordingly, it is more reliable and durable. Unfortunately, this thermal insulation material also does not guarantee optimal fireproof.
  5. Cellulose wool is not the most popular insulation, however, it has good thermal conductivity indicators. It is worth noting that wool does not tolerate serious loads, so the arrangement of this material is indoors. The ideal use of cellulosic material is the arrangement of the roofs.
  6. Special warm plaster - a real find for those who want to warm their home as well as possible. The advantages of this method of insulation quite a lot. This includes luxury sound insulation, fire safety. Unfortunately, the allowable layer of plaster is quite limited - 50 mm. The material also has a lot of weight, and this, in turn, creates the need to strengthen the foundation. Despite this, such a method of insulation is applied regularly.
  7. Classic cork insulation is applied for a long time. This is known, natural material that has chic performance properties. Unfortunately, the cork insulation does not comply with fire safety requirements, so that it is often used indoors.


It should also be understood that the insulation of facades should be started from the project on which all sections will be depicted, as well as the volume of necessary materials. Obviously, all this should be done, if possible, even before the construction of the dwelling, otherwise there is a serious limitation of the choice of material.


Features of the exterior housing insulation


Of course, the brick houses are wisply to insulate outside. This will not only provide an affordable temperature inside the dwelling in cool seasons, but also improve the aesthetic quality of construction. After we learned how to insulate the facade of a brick house, you should begin the arrangement of this insulation.

The main thing in the arrangement of the insulation is the sequence of location of the material. At the very beginning, basic plastering is performed, which will allow to align the surface of the walls, then they are cleaned of dirt and garbage. Next, the surface is processed by primer. Now, with the help of glue or special dowels, shears of heat-insulating material on the wall surface are fixed. Often, such steps are used with the insulation of the dwelling of the foam. Ultimately, it is necessary to apply plaster or cement on the surface of the material.

As in the case of styling ceramics, the insulation sheets need to be equipped in the ranks, starting from the lower. Dowels will help more reliably consolidate the material, but if cement mortar is superimposed on top of the insulation, it is not worth worrying about durability. Also, the reinforcing mesh is superimposed on top of the insulation, which allows you to make the coating layer as much as possible if necessary.


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