How to protect the foundation from water

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For long-term and successful exploitation of the building, it is important to accurately adhere to technology, in the event of a foundation building, it is worth paying sufficient attention to its integrated protection. After all, the reliability of the structure as a whole depends on the quality of the founding of the building, which is why it is necessary to think over the foundation protection device in advance.

Drainage - Best Protection from Groundwater


The best means of protecting the foundation from moisture is the drainage, which removes the problems of flooding, the formation of mold and it. The device is possible at the location of the groundwater level above the floor level of the basement. The essence is to take water from the building to the nearest collectors or reservoirs. Sometimes it is not possible to carry out drainage due to the features of local soils, and ideally the system is scheduled at the design stage of the whole house.

Rules of organization drainzha

There are certain rules and recommendations for the organization of the drainage process:

  • time time with independent execution is delayed for 3 months, if there are qualified working hours, it is reduced to 1 month. At the same time, the optimal time for work - the summer months is permissible until the end of September;
  • it is necessary to collect all the information about the location of underground sources, the level of waters and the features of the foundation. Therefore, it fell in advance;
  • wooden ladder systems provide unhindered movement throughout the plot;
  • pre-drawing up a project with a list of all necessary materials simplifies the process.

Preliminary preparation of the foundation

kAK-SDELAT-DRENAZH-DOMA-SVOIMI-RUKAMIThe drainage device requires the initial waterproofing of the foundation. For this, the basis of the basis of the structure is being prepared:

  • furgent of the foundation, the trench must be about 1m width;
  • cleansing from the old insulating layer and land;
  • careful drying design.

Next, the selection of the device depends on the type of waterproofing, which are divided into:

  • coating;
  • penetrating;
  • hollow;
  • rolled.

It is considered a durable embodiment of the inlet type on a bitumen basis, in combination with a filling from gravel, a reliable drainage is obtained that protects the foundation from water. It is from the gravel layer that water will be well assigned to the simulatory pipes, it also contributes to ventilation and insulation of the structure. As a material for wrapping, geotextiles are used, which will protect gravel from clogging with small precipitation and casing. Drainage pipes should also have geotextile protection, viewing wells can be made of plastic.

Laying drainage

f1317474815After digging the trench and the implementation of waterproofing, drainage is stacked:

  1. it is necessary to dug out at a distance of 1m, the width should be at least 30 cm, and the depth to reach below the foundation;
  2. the bottom is aligned with sand 5-10 cm and shut up such a way 1:10;
  3. the sand is placed on the sand in rolls, the ends are strengthened on the walls of the RVA;
  4. next goes a layer of gravel 10cm;
  5. then the perforated pipes with the maintenance of 1 cm to the meter are placed;
  6. fall asleep with a layer of gravel in 10 cm above the pipes;
  7. cover the ends of geotextile, stitch them between themselves;
  8. the end of the pipe should be allocated from the house on 5m, at the end arrange the water receiver in a depth of 1 million;
  9. the pit of the water receiver is lined with geotextiles and insert plastic container, after having done the holes at the bottom of the tank;
  10. capacity fastened and sprinkle with gravel, which protects the foundation from the soil. On top of the gravel, the container is covered with soil.

Vertical waterproofing

69113317-Glubina-Zalozheniya-FundamentaDrainage refers to horizontal waterproofing, and the vertical responds directly to protect the foundation and walls. It can be anti-patch and anti-blocking, the first type prevents contact with water surfaces, and the second-penetration of moisture inside the materials. For their implementation, hot and cold mastics are used, their choice is based on environmental characteristics:

  1. with dry soil, the outer surfaces of the basement are treated with cement mortar with a further double coating of bitumen mastic;
  2. with a wet soil, the plaster is required by cement-lime mortar, after drying it is necessary to use a hot bitumen in two layers;
  3. for very wet soils, the plaster is carried out with additives or from cement of hydro-s grades, hydro-sun. They greatly increase the waterproof of surfaces.

The service life of the occasional materials is about 35 years, their use involves pre-priming surfaces. Glassizol is considered a popular inlet material, it ensures the protection of the foundation from the rain by 20 years, the longer service life has rubitex and glass eelast. The salary is performed with joints as in the brickwork, while the panels overlap each other by 100mm in longitudinal joints, and 150mm in transverse. The process is carried out from the bottom up, technologically used to apply a cold way.
Anti-capillary materials have a penetrating effect, due to the filling of the pore of the concrete additives for moisture there is no place. Different effects have hydrotect, aquatron-6, osmoseal. They are offered in the form of dry mixes that need to be dissolved with water and apply to the purified surface. In the interaction of active substances with concrete, a crystalline compound is formed that prevent moisture in the material that protects the foundation from the rain.
There is also a special device that, when connected to electricity, solves the problem of humidity is guaranteed to 10 years. Such a device is called "Aquastop", developed by Austrian V.V. Cubal. The principle of operation is based on the production of impulses, which charge the surrounding ground. In turn, they change the charge of water ions, and the moisture is heading deep into other layers of soil.

Designed systems for waterproofing- Effective wrestling of indulgence

The environment adversely affects the materials used, this is especially precipitation and groundwater. It protects high-quality waterproofing, it can be carried out with the help of rolled, painting materials or specially designed systems. A variety of efficient systems has been developed by the well-known company Tekhnonikol, a set of materials is individually selected for various objects. In this way, it turns out to save funds on the further repair of buildings, only high-quality materials and new technologies allow you to achieve the necessary characteristics. 2
For example, you can consider the TN-foundation system standard, which is designed to protect national foundations. It consists of: soil of reverse backfill (1), profiled membrane (2), the production of primer (5), bitumen-polymer mastic (3) and directate plates (4). Specialists from the manufacturer can offer various variants of materials, and the choice depends on the surrounding conditions. The rules for using such systems can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

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