Form for tracks: design ideas in the country

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The comfort of using the garden plot depends largely on its improvement. Tropicks, garden tracks and small alleys are designed to perform important practical and aesthetic functions. The tracks will help facilitate the life of the site owners and tie together its various elements into a single territory, while entering important accents into the overall picture of landscape design and act as its decoration. Carefully fasten the track, the results of their work can be enjoyed for a long time.

Advantages of using forms for tracks

To comfortably move around the plot in any weather, when the garden area is arranged, it will be necessary to pay due attention to paving tracks. Subsequently, on any days, including the most rainy, it will be pleasant to walk along the house and garden territory. At first glance, pick up suitable materials for creating cute tracks is easy. Nevertheless, many gardeners refuse standard methods in favor of a more creative approach. Having considered a variety of design ideas, you can create original tracks, which are organically fit into the design of a specific garden site.


The advantages of applying forms for garden tracks can be attributed:

  • in a similar way, it is easy to save money on the payment of the finished paving or tiles, as well as on the delivery of it to the site;
  • easy and ease of use of shapes - with their help, you can lay the tile on the tracks by element or sections;
  • ability to create tiles with original non-standard design.

Make a durable and reliable material for paving the tracks are quite real. It will only be necessary to prepare a high-quality cement solution and pour it into the form for tracks. If you wish, you can add different ingredients into it - river pebbles, broken brick fragments, ceramic tiles or glass, crushed stone, stone crumb, etc.

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It should be noted that the quality of the forms used will depend much - about 50% of the success of the manufacture of tiles. Ready-made forms for filling tracks from plastic, rubber or silicone can be purchased in construction stores - they can be bought by the piece, "on the sample". These products, as a rule, are distinguished by durability and withstand a plurality of tile molding cycles. For example, the convenience of use is the form for the garden track Lerua Merlin - it will only be necessary to install it on the prepared base and pour the construction mixture into it, and then after some time it is carefully removed and proceed to the manufacture of tiles in a new place. Plastic forms are suitable for the manufacture of tiles with a simple ornament. Silicone products allow us to transfer various nuances of complex patterns (it is also necessary to note that this material sometimes gives a skewer under the weight of the solution, as a result of which the linear forms of tile elements may be distorted).

In the process of independent formation of the tile, it is easy to choose the most suitable thickness of the products. Using the form for making tracks, you can create an alley of almost any sizes and configurations on your site. Tracks may have the shape of straight segments, without clauses connecting destinations, or it is a winding, harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

How to make molds for tracks with your own hands

Saving some amount is easy, adapting as forms to fill tiles to boil materials. Such products made by their own hands may not be distinguished by ideal geometry - but in the process of conducting such work, you can show your fantasy to get the original result. Having revealed some skill, with the help of independently made forms it will be possible to make concrete tiles, not inferior to the quality of purchased products.

First you need to decide on the size and shape of the tile for the track. You can use large tiled elements laid in a row, as well as fine tiles of arbitrary shape (it is worth noting that the second version of the design of garden tracks looks more naturally). On the track from the tile with dimensions of individual elements, about 50x60 can be conveniently moving around both an adult and a child, in addition, it is easy to transport a garden wheelbarrow. Large elements of the tile are more convenient to form independently - in a similar way, even without having special skills, you can lay out a day to 10 meters of track. It should also be taken into account that large tiles are distinguished by considerable weight. Small elements weigh a little, however, to form a garden track from them with a clear pattern, it is desirable to use several special forms at the same time.

In general, for the manufacture of tiled elements, you can use any more or less suitable bases - for example, baking molds (products of any shapes - round and oval, rectangular or square, in the shape of a heart, butterfly, etc.) are convenient to use for fill Cement mortar Food containers of suitable dimensions, as well as small boxes available in the farm or boxes.

With a desire, make your own shapes for garden tracks with your own hands.

Wooden forms for tile

For the manufacture of wooden shape you need to cook:

  • several segments of the wooden bar - they will need to be copping between themselves so that they formed the frame;
  • a sheet of plywood or metal that will serve as a bottom bottom.


To reliably fix the wooden bars, you will need to cut into them the grooves and spikes of the corresponding form. In addition, it is possible to make a frame of metal corners or braces made of thin sheet steel placed on screws. It should be noted that in the case of a form of large sizes when filling the cement-sand mixture, it will be necessary to use reinforcement with a metal grid.

From above, the surface of the tile can be decorated with pebbles, small shells, etc. This decor must be placed on the bottom of the form. To do this, it will be necessary to pre-stick it on a sheet of thick paper, and then lay it on the bottom of the decor shape up. Bay cement-sandy solution, it will be necessary to wait for it to frozen. Next, the tile element is removed from the mold, and then from its surface are washed off with warm water paper.

Forms for plastic and silicone tiles

It is easy to make a plastic form. To do this, make it necessary to make a matrix of wood. It is necessary that the internal dimensions of this frame be suitable for the dimensions of the tile, which will be required to be modified. Product details should be tightly copped with screws, the seams are to shut out with a sealant. If you have a suitable ready-made container, you can use it. Next you need to pour molten plastic into the matrix. After about an hour, waiting for the frozen of this material, the finished shape is removed from the container.


To make a shape for a silicone tracks, you will need to prepare a container from any rigid material. The surface from the inside of this container must be deguted. Next, you should prepare a silicone mixture in accordance with the instructions. In the container on the sculptural plasticine layer, the model for the cast, lubricated with butter, is placed. From above, the silicone mixture is neatly poured. After a day, when the mass freezes, the form can be taken from the container. The irregularity of the product will be necessary to trim with scissors.

Metal forms for tile

Successfully imitates the natural stone for paving the tracks is easy, applying a homemade shape of a metal sheet. You can make a maternity shape with your own hands using iron hoops tightening a wooden barrel. In addition, it is not difficult to make the form, using a galvanized metal sheet, cut by strips with a thickness of about 50 mm (they will need to bend them at the edges with a hammer). Metal strips are fastened together in the form of a circle, which will be necessary to give a slightly incorrect oval shape, resembling natural boulders.


To create a track with imitation of natural stone, no preliminary preparation of the foundation will not be required.

The sequence of actions to form a garden path with this form will look like this:

  • the form is placed in the right place and drive into the ground, rushing with a hammer, to a depth of about 5 cm;
  • after that, you should choose from the inside of the form of the soil and rush to moisten the resulting recess, and then pour a little gravel to the bottom or broken brick;
  • next, it will be necessary to pour in the form of cement-sandy solution, prepared in proportion 1: 4 and diluted with water in such a way as to obtain a consistency of thick sour cream (if desired, a filler can be added in the form of a rubble or pebbles);
  • to flow water from the track, tile elements should be slightly convex, aligning it with a trowel;
  • next, the surface of the tile must be treated with a mixture of mineral dye with cement;
  • after the solution is frozen (it will take quite a bit of time, about 5-10 minutes) should be carefully removed the hoop. Next, it can be reused to form new elements of the garden path.

The elements of the track molded in a similar way will finally be dried after 2-3 days. In order to prevent the cement cracking into the heat, the tile is recommended to cover with the film and leave in such a state until the final frost.

Using the products made independently for the tile, you can significantly reduce the cost of living the country area. Original garden tracks will help carry out the zoning of the territory and give it a special harmony.

Garden tracks - Photo








Making forms for tracks - Video

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