Granite mixers. Installation procedure

February 3. Plumbing Views 1246. Comments To record granite mixers. Installation procedure No

With the interior arrest, more and more people pay attention to exquisite details, they create a special atmosphere and comfort. Granite mixers, distinguished by practicality, reliability and aesthetic properties, are popular for the kitchen.

The bulk of the plumbing equipment is combined with a similar design with chrome spraying, but the hygienic characteristics and convenience in the operation of the stone attract more and more buyers.


There are products from natural and composite material in stores, but the natural stone is expensive. In this case, the functionality of the range of equipment is practically no different. Therefore, more often experts offer to buy a granite mixer created from an artificial material. Composite granite is a mixture of crumb, color filler and acrylic binder.

Characteristics of Plumbing


The mixer made of high-quality material has an incomparable advantage, relate to them:

  • resistance to heating;
  • high strength, the surface is not cracking and does not scratch;
  • practicality. Stone pushes fat, so during operation there is no traces of fingers;
  • practically silent work achieved due to the soundproofing structure of the granite and the special structure of the gland.

Granite faucets retain their appearance over long years, so the original design of the product will make a highlight to the overall interior.

How to choose equipment


As a rule, before purchasing the buyer looksches the kit to the kitchen consisting of a sink and a mixer. Ideally, the washing of granite looks, the market offers many products of various shades. As an alternative options, it is worth considering the combined models that imply inserts from stone, steel and chromium.

There is a classification of mixers - with low, high and retractable expulsion. The second and third option is more practical for use in the kitchen, because in the sink they put the dishes of various heights and tanks. In addition, due to the frequent and short-term need for water, the design is quickly wearing. This leads to a replacement of pads, which is better to do if there is a high tubular spout.

As for the temperature control and flow of water, the design may be a single-art or twin. Recently, people choose the first option, but the two-dimensional regulator does not give positions. The principle of the lever in all mixers is the same, the difference is in its size and bending. It is worth knowing the sizes of the sink to compare. The retractable shower is acceptable only if there is a deep and large shell, it gives additional comfort in operation.

The use of a granite mixer does not limit the capabilities and use of additional functions. If necessary, you can put the water purification filter. For this, the additional lever and the cleaning system are mounted. Further exploitation does not affect the water supply process.

Nuances of Montaja


If we consider the set of granite sink and mixer, then in separate models there is no mounting hole. Instead, the manufacturer leaves places or traffic jams with weakened edges. Then the hole is obtained by hammer, but it is important to hit the cork center. Therefore, it is better to put a chisel to the center, on it already beat. After that, sharp edges are treated with rasp.

Sometimes the plug is generally absent or the hole is not suitable by parameters to the fasteners. Then without a crown milling cutter with a diamond spraying, it is not enough to make a hole with the help of the tool. Experts recommend all work to lead while the washing is not yet fixed.

Installing the mixer


The installation process of the mixer under the granite sink can begin with dismantling the old equipment, in which case it is required:

  • clean the shut-off valve providing water supply. It may be on a tap to the crane, a collector or central riser. The position varies depending on pipe wiring;
  • disconnect water supply hoses from fittings;
  • unscrew nuts that fix the design. To simplify the task, the WD-40, kerosene or acetic essence is used. In extreme cases, you will have to cut the nut with a grinder, it is important to work carefully so as not to damage the sink.

After dismantling, clean the place for the new equipment and check it with the package. To do this, look at all elements, connect the parts without a seal. Next proceed to the installation:

  • a mixer with a wide base put on the landing place, naked nuts manually. At the same time do not forget about the pads. After leveling equipment, tighten the nuts with the key. Next, the sealant is applied to the basis, the handles and lining of the mixer are attached;
  • if the attachments are located under the sink, then the sealant is applied to the ground to install it in the sink. Next, the process is identical to the first option.

After installation, water is added, check the design for leakage. To do this, open the valve, pre-remove the extra sealant. For insurance, the nut in the process is twisted manually, only at the last moment is fixed by a wrench. An example of installation can be viewed in video:

During operation, granite kitchen faucets practically do not require special attention. Sometimes there may be spots from natural dyes, such as coffee or beets, a bleach solution is used to eliminate them. It is diluted with water and applied to pollution, after a few minutes they simply wash off with water. Natural stone and composite materials are afraid of aggressive cleaning products, therefore special deterges are used for care.

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