Undercalinking Tomato: Practical recommendations, features and norms of application

September 5. Plot. Views 2170. Comments To recording support Tomato: Practical recommendations, features and norms of application No

Every year, collecting hasty bright fruits from the bush, gardeners dream of a rich yield for the next year. Understanding your mistakes, they try to pay more attention to growing, watering and feeding a tomato. It has long been known that if you enrich the soil, then the plants will better grow and develop. Tomatoes are just positively responding to feeding - plants try to extract maximum benefits from substances, so it is so important to choose the right fertilizer.

Most of the lovers of gardeners believe that it is better to undermine the plant fertilizer than to overgrow. After all, it is known that the oversupply of nutrients can adversely affect the development of tomatoes and even destroy it.

Care of tomatoes

It is important not only to know how to properly and what to fertilize the soil, but also be able to care for them. And you need to start with watering. From how correctly this important part of the garden culture will be performed and the future harvest will depend. After all, watering bushes, we have the opportunity to make useful additives and feed the plant.

Tomatoes negatively perceive the oversupply of moisture and strong drought. Optimal combination of soil and air humidity: 90: 50%. It should be relatively dry, heat, but at the same time the soil should be sufficiently moistened. As experienced gardeners say that tomatoes love when the "head" is dry, and "legs" remain wet.

If tomatoam is not enough moisture, then it can immediately see. Look at the bushes of tomato, if the leaves began to turn around, blame, and the buds drooped (even the marking can fall on the ground), then tomatoes need abundant watering. And vice versa, when the soil is too wet, the plants will hurt, the fruits do not ripe and begin to burst, some are black straight on the bushes. The taste of fruit becomes watery.

You need to know how to water the tomatoes. As soon as the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is important to moisten the soil well and leave the plants for 3-4 days alone. Next, watering tomatoes must be 2 times a week, and abundantly. When watering it is important to take into account the size of the bush, variety and weather conditions. If it rains, it is not necessary to water the soil.


For the lowest varieties of tomatoes, it is enough to highlight 3 liters of water for each bush, and for high plants it is necessary 2 times more water. If you see that there is a lot of fruits on the bush, it can be increased by watering to 10 liters.

Some daches, based on personal experience, advise newcomers to water tomatoes 1 time per week, and in a strong heat watering not to participate. It does not need to listen to the advice, since tomatoes can grow in different soil and in a completely different climate. Therefore, you need to choose the gold middle. Tomatoes themselves "will say" when they need watering. As soon as you saw that the leaves began to fall down, it's time to take care.

Watering the plants is best early in the morning and only under the root. After the water is absorbed, you need to slightly explode the soil. Water is better to defend in advance and it is possible to warm. It is impossible to water the tomatoes immediately from a well or a reservoir so as not to destroy the plants. If there is a water tank on your site, it is possible to fill it and wait for it when the water is heated in the sun. So that it happened faster, the tank can be painted with dark paint (suitable blue, dark greens, brown and black).

From the hose from above watering the bushes tomato is forbidden - from such a ridiculous soul the plants will die quickly.


If you have the opportunity, organize drip watering on your summer cottage, tomatoes will feel great and the strong heat and drought are not terrible.

Fertilizers for tomato

You can feed tomatoes and need. Many dackets are wondering when it is best to do which feeders can be used for plants and when it is worth stopping fertilizers. Let's see in consistently in this matter. Let's start first and learn how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse.

The first feed must be entered into the soil immediately when planting seedlings to the greenhouse. To do this, you must first prepare the wells, put compost (or humid), to plug a bit of wood ash. These substances contain many minerals, and in the ash there are macro and trace elements that will help the plant faster and form.


Among the garders there are a lot of disputes, which fertilizers can enrich the soil to grow and collect a good yield of tomatoes. Some believe that without shopping feeder can not do, others argue that these are chemistry and you can avoid these fertilizers.

As the first feeding of tomatoes, immediately after planting seedlings can be used herbal decoction. Plant injury will not occur, and the feeder itself contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.

You can cook for tomatoes on your own, for this it is necessary to take several types of grass (plantain, nettle and even weeds). Then wood ash (1 cup) and liquid korovyat (bucket).

Infusion is made as follows: it is necessary to take 50 liters of water and 5 kg sliced \u200b\u200bvery finely grass, add ash and a cowbody to this mixture, mix thoroughly and leave for 2 days. Just during this time, natural fertilizer is imagining. Next, we add another 50 liters of water (total volume is obtained 100 liters), mix and pour in approximately 1-2 liters of infusion under each bustice.

If you are confident that there is good soil in the greenhouse, then feed the tomatoes immediately after the landing is not necessary. After 2 weeks or a little more (20 days) will be held, you can make the first feeding. To do this, you need to take mineral fertilizers and dilute in 10 liters of water. As feeding, we take such fertilizers: potash (15 g), phosphate (40 g) and nitrogen (25 g). The mixture is stirred and brought 1 liter for each bush.

For some time, we leave the tomatoes at rest so that the plants are growing. For the appearance of a good zeroze, you can perform treasury tomatoes yeast. By the way, this fertilizer can be made 3-4 times over the entire period. Such fertilizer does well and stimulates the growth of plants. Prepare feeding simply, you need to take only 10 g of yeast and breed them in 10 liters of water. A mixture of watering tomatoes.

During flowering, you can help tomatoes and prepare the following solution:

  1. Take 10 liters of water.
  2. Add potassium sulfate to water - 1 tbsp.
  3. Add a bird in a mixture - 500 g.
  4. Then put 500 g of liquid cow manure.
  5. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  6. For feeding plants, it is enough for 1-1.5 liters of fertilizer for each bush.


Cowboy can be completed in the first days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. Marthansya (3 g) and liquid korola are added to the water. For low-speed tomatoes, 1 l is sufficient under the bush, and for larger and tall tomatoes - 1.5-2 liters.

When the tomatoes begin to bloom in order to prevent plant infection with vertex rot, it is necessary to spray the bushes with a saltter solution. For this takes 1 tbsp. l calcium nitrate and divorced in 10 liters of water. Plants spray from the spray gun.

When marking is formed, it is necessary to help tomatoes to cope with increasing load. To do this, we make such a nutrient mixture consisting of boric acid (2 g), wood ash (2 l) and 10 liters of water. Water must be boiled. After 5 minutes, when it starts cooling, add all the components and mix thoroughly. The solution is left for a day so that all useful substances have time to dissolve in water. There are many useful macro and trace elements in such a mixture that will help tomatoes to form correctly. Watering tomatoes is best in the morning under the bush of 1 liters.


The latest feeding specialists are advised to accomplish when the tomatoes enter into an active stage of fruiting. This is necessary in order to improve the taste of fruits and speed up their maturation. For this, the royal feeding is made. The mixture is prepared from 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. Sodium humate (in liquid form) and 2 tbsp. Pour 1 l feeding for each bush.

Fertilizers for seedlings Tomato

To get a rich yield of tomatoes, you need to grow good seedlings. The tomato seedlings with a thick stem and the first brush, which is located at the bottom is considered strong. If you sowed seeds in good soil, there should be no problems with growing seedlings. Another thing, if the soil is poor, then you must make nutrients.

When choosing feeding for tomatoes seedlings, it is important not to rearrange. For example, if a nitrogen fertilizer to reconcile the plants, then young shoots and leaves will begin to grow rapidly, and this already says that there will be no good harvest. Based on this, you can make certain conclusions: if you have strong plants with juicy green leaves, and the stem of purple shade itself, then it is possible to feed the seedlings only 1 time. Optimal time - 10 days before the landing of tomatoes in the ground.


To abide by the balance and not to overstat the seedlings with useful substances, it is important to be able to consider the problem in time:

  • if tomatoes need nitrogen, then the leaves of the plants will turn yellow and fall. It is only important not to get confused, excessive watering and low temperature can also affect plants;
  • when tomatoams lack phosphorus, then plants become purple;
  • chlorosis or lack of iron manifests itself in the pallor of the leaves.


Based on this, we can make such conclusions: it is not necessary to feed the seedlings if it is strong and the above-described manifestations does not occur. Therefore, it is not necessary to overload another rapid seedlings with all sorts of feeders to not harm. Another thing is if the plants are forced to "live" in a close drawer and if the tomatoes are watered sterile water. Then the plant is simply nowhere to take nutrients. When the seedlings of the tomato is planted into a special soil - this will be enough, and the main feeding can be performed already when transplanting tomatoes for a permanent place.

A clear instruction when you need to feed the tomato, the frequency and what the nutrient mixtures should be used, does not exist. Each Ogorodnik must decide on the choice of feeding for tomatoes on their own.

Useful recommendations

Noble soil for the cultivation of tomatoes should be prepared in advance. In the autumn you need to do the soil. To do this, at the peroxide, it is important to make useful substances - just one rewind manure or humus. Organic fertilizer can serve a mulch that renounced per season. Just during the cold season, she will have time to decompose and will serve as a good fertilizer not only in the greenhouse, but also on the open soil.

Scarce and acidic soils need feeding. Autumn - a favorable time for making dolomite flour (for 1 m 2 800 g is made) or lime. You can also use any organic fertilizer - manure, compost or chicken litter. If the soil feels well before planting, then in the autumn period there is a fairly good peroxide (on the shovel).


With the onset of spring, it is necessary to switch the soil in the greenhouse, make a humid or sawdust. For poor soil, it is possible to make a nutrient cocktail of wood ash and humus. Proportions: 1 cup of ash and 7 kg Humbering on 1m 2. If last season you made a lot of organic fertilizers into the soil, then before planting the land does not fertilize. Excessive completion of feeding may worsen the development of tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes on its plot, you need to familiarize yourself with these recommendations.

What is undesirable for tomatoes:

  • fat and fertilized soil (organic substances);
  • in the wells undesirable to lay the manure and chicken litter, because then the plants will grow abundantly, and the fruits will not be;
  • feelable to cow dung tomatoes by 1-3 times per season;
  • under plants do not put urea. Spraying is allowed during the growing season, but only 1 time;
  • nearby are not planted different types of tomatoes;
  • it is impossible to plant seedlings too thick;
  • in the shadow, tomatoes grow poorly;
  • tomatoes are not allowed to float so as not to disrupt the enrichment of the root system with oxygen;
  • at the soil level, tomatoes are not planted, it is better to plant seedlings on a high bed;
  • fertilizers change undesirable. Stop on the same complex (mineral fertilizers) and alternate them with organic;
  • consider the features of the soil;
  • starting from mid-July, feed tomatoes undesirable.

Observing all the recommendations, you can grow and assemble a rich yield of tomatoes at its summer cottage.

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