Concrete floor grinding with their own hands

February 27. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 4387. Comments to record grinding concrete floor with their own hands No

Before applying any floor covering, concrete floor grind. Why do this give so much attention, is it possible to do it with your own hands? What tool will need? Consider everything in order in this article.

What is the grinding of concrete and why is it intended?

Grinding concrete floor is a mandatory stage before applying the final coating. It is carried out not only before painting, but also immediately before impregnation and dedusted. Sometimes the owners leave it that without resorting to the use of paints and varnishes, which also looks very attractive. In addition, it is practical, for example, in garage premises, some kind of buildings.


The main idea is to align the surface, after which it is already polished. Also in this way achieve a roughness to impregnating and protective compounds or any decorative covering applied easier. All this has beneficial effects on the durability of the floor. Impregnation is a kind of barrier that prevents moisture no chance to get inside and affect the integrity of the structure.

When still grinding is needed? It takes place during restoration work. The damaged layer is easily removed, but it is important that its depth does not exceed 1 cm. Ie, it can be cracks, small potholes.

Types of grinding concrete

Wet method

This method found an application when grinding mosaic floors.


The option of covering the marble crumb is also suitable. Of course, a wet method is expedient for residential buildings, where there is no such amount of dust as, for example, in industrial premises.

Because we are dealing with moisture, then the method is laborious (the floor should dry), takes longer. However, it allows you to achieve almost perfect polished sex without the polishing process itself, the use of various abrasive nozzles - from large to very small.

Requirements are presented to the wet method:
- Delta tolerance by horizon - no more than 5 mm;
- A significant thickness of the base to remove the layer of 3 cm in no way affected its integrity.
Only with their execution the method will be effective.

Dry method

A good option for large shops. It is not afraid of a short time, nor dusting of the territory. For this, grinding machines are equipped with a dust collector. Diamond elements in the aggregate make it possible to develop a considerable speed, so the method is extremely effective.

Despite the built-in dust collectors, it is recommended to use protective glasses and overalls. The respiratory system is protected by respirators. This causes inconvenience, but if the task needs to be performed very quickly, then this is the best option.


In the home source is possible grinding concrete floor with a grinder, this is the so-called manual way. It is compared with the work of the jeweler, because it is painstaking and labor. Therefore, the use of the grinder is appropriate in hard-to-reach places, and it is better to have an experienced master.

Equipment for grinding

Grinding tools are widely represented in any construction store. Foreign models are in great demand, known under the brands Bosch, Makita, etc. For some reason, domestic manufacturers are not yet able to present the machine for grinding the concrete floor without worse quality.

A complex mechanism with diamond nozzles is so famous, quickly and efficiently that the floor turns out perfectly smooth. The speed of grinding machines (mostly professional models) is adjustable, as well as water supply (for those aggregates that are intended for wet grinding).

Traced several laws:

  • the heavier the machine for grinding the concrete floor, the higher the quality of work;
  • the presence of a dust collector is well reflected in the price of the aggregate;
  • for homemade small worries, the grinder is enough, and the more her circle will be, the greater the load will be able to withstand the device.


Concrete floor grinding sequence with their own hands

1. Removing old floor coatings, if any.

2. Getting rid of the irregularities of concrete with the help of milling.
3. Slobolesale primary grinding of concrete. Use discs with a grainability of 25-30.
4. Elimination of chosel, seams and cracks. These defects get rid of epoxy mastic. They are applied in such a way that the grinding heads of the aggregate come into contact with them.

5. Well, the grinding itself, which is also advisable to divide into the steps:

  • check whether the uninterruptible voltage supply is available, because the differences in the network will not affect the operation of the device;
  • coarse grinding (diamond nozzles with grainy 40);
  • floor processing by a complementar, which closes the pores and protects against moisture;
  • grinding discs already with graininess from 400 or more;
  • polishing with diamond nozzles with grain rate from 1500 to 3000 (optional item, since after the previous floor will be durable and reliable).

How to calculate the price of the grinding of a concrete floor?

Having golden hands and the necessary equipment in your garage, you do not need to count anything. What to do the rest? In any case, it is less expensive in the efforts of grinding. You spend only time, and sometimes a lot. If you contact professionals, the cost of grinding concrete floor will fly into a penny: specialists take from 150 rubles per 1 m2. Considering the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the concrete floor of which you want to span, easy to calculate the price of the issue.

Deciding to polish the floor himself, it is worth understanding that this is a big responsibility. The negligence attitude to one or another stage can seriously affect the final result. Inattention will fall into loss of strength, and the hurry will lead to the worse quality of grinding. Before the occupation itself, consult with masters. It will be useful to watch the concrete floor grinding.

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