Warming of concrete floor

April 8. Repair and construction work Views 1266. Comments To record the insulation of concrete floor No

The most effective way to maximize heat preservation in the house is the heat insulation of the floor. Our article we will talk about the insulation of the concrete floor.

Requirements for insulation

Now there is a wide range of insulation, which have different performance characteristics. This determines the scope of their application.

When choosing a heat-insulating material, close attention is paid to the indicators:

  • density (insulation with minimal density has less weight);
  • moisture resistance (especially relevant when insulating the bathroom and kitchen);
  • thermal conductivity (must be minimal);
  • strength (material must withstand loads);
  • ecology;
  • duration of the operational period.


Conditionally, all heat-insulating materials for the floor can be divided into three types:

  • fibrous (basalt, mineral and fiberglass wool);
  • foamed (foam, expanded foam, penurex);
  • sprayed (foamizol, polyurethane foam).

Features of the selection of thermal insulation material

A characteristic feature of fibrous insulation is good sound insulation. Products absolutely fireproof and easy. But have a significant drawback - when exposed to a wet environment, thermal insulation qualities are completely losing. Therefore, they cannot be used in the apartment when the concrete floor insulation in rooms with high humidity.

The most famous foamed thermal insulation material is a foam. The only "plus" insulation is low cost. Polyfoam - combustible and continuing material. This must be taken into account when making installation work. Foam plates are coated with floor surface, which can redistribute the load (drywall, chipboard or plywood).

The polystyrene was although it is an analogue of foam, but it is absolutely fireproof material. This is due to the fact that the bubbles of the material are filled with carbon dioxide (and not by air). Polystyrene foam is applied in wet rooms.


The best solution will be the insulation of concrete floor by penplex, which is essentially extruded polystyrene foam. Due to the increased strength, the penplex can be used directly under the concrete screed. Naturally, the service life of this insulation is much longer.

Pretty effective gender insulation technology is the use of sprayed materials. The most common is polyurethane foam. Thanks to the creation of a seamless coating, this thermal insulation material is not terrible, neither wet medium nor temperature fluctuations. The only drawback is that the polyurethane is not an eco-friendly insulation.

Methods of laying insulation

The insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • using the crate;
  • without frame.

The first option is advisable to use:

  • when old lags are in good condition;
  • if it is impossible to perfectly align the base with a concrete screed.

When applying the crate:

  • there will be a decrease in the height of the room by 8-12 cm;
  • laying in the minimum cross section 0.4 * 0.4 m is carried out in increments of 0.5-0.6 m;
  • waterproofing material is laid;
  • the insulation is covered by boards, plywood or chipboard;
  • after climbing the joints, the finish floor covering is stacked.


Frameless way of insulation of concrete floor in the house is a simpler technology:

  • concrete surface is aligned (polished or done screed);
  • waterproofing is stacked (if necessary) and insulation;
  • outdoor coating is laid.

Installation Nuances

Mineral wool

This thermal insulation material is used with floor insulation in residential rooms. Typically, the plates with a thickness of 5-10 cm lay between lags.

Stages of work:

  • preparation of concrete surface (removal of oily spots, sealing cracks);
  • flooring the waterproofing film;
  • sealing joints with the help of tape;
  • montage Lag. (their height must correspond to the thickness of the mineral wool plate);
  • the distance between the lags should be equal to the size of the heat-insulating material;
  • laying insulation (without gaps);
  • the membrane vapor-permeable film flooring (the smooth side is sent to the floor, rough - to the mineral wool);
  • plywood sheets or tipped boards are fastened to lags;
  • mounting flooring (linoleum, laminate, Parnet. or traffic jams).


Polystyrene foam (foam, penurex)

The insulation of concrete floor is polystyrene can be carried out in any room, including a kitchen, a bathroom or another room with high humidity.

Stages of work:

  • cleaning the draft floor from dust and garbage;
  • alignment of the surface (you can use fine sand);
  • laying the heat-insulating material for jack throughout the area;
  • installation of damper tape at the bottom of all walls (to ensure free screed expansion);
  • flooring of a polyethylene film over foam plastic with an overlap at 15 cm;
  • skinning a scotch of the films of the film;
  • installation of reinforcement and pouring concrete mix;
  • after soaring the concrete surface, the floor coating with a modern finish coating.

Often, the insulation of concrete floor by foam is carried out when the device is warm water floor. Heating elements are mounted on the reinforcement grid poured by concrete solution.

Polyurene Foenethane

The application of thermal insulation material is made directly to the concrete surface. As a result of this process, the seamless layer of expanding foam occurs.


Stages of work:

  • removal from the surface of dust, garbage, fatty spots (not needed to level the surface);
  • installation of wooden lags or boards;
  • moisturizing a concrete base;
  • deposition of polyurethane foam;
  • foam frozen (enough 24 hours);
  • floor flooring;
  • installation of the finishing coating.

It should be noted that when the floor insulation, the polyurethane foam flooring should be carried out in a short time. This is due to the fact that the material is subject to destruction when sunlight getting.

Alternative options

As a heater for concrete floor can also be:

  • ceramzit;
  • isolon.

Floor insulated with clay, differs:

  • long operational period;
  • low cost costs;
  • high degree of heat preservation.

For effective thermal insulation, the minimum layer of clay must be 0.1 m. Moreover, the material must be different fractions. Only so you can achieve an excellent clutch of the ceramisitis with a concrete mixture.


Stages of work:

  • waterproofing material is laid;
  • stacked clay;
  • the material layer is aligned and trambed;
  • rare concrete is performed;
  • after grappling the solution, the grid is stacked for reinforcement;
  • lighthouses are exhibited;
  • a concrete screed is poured;
  • after pouring the concrete, the finish coating is laid.

Mounting technology of isolone is largely similar to the insulation of the floor chipboard. Material laying also occurs on a concrete surface. Isolon was covered with solid flooring (laminate, parquet).

Special glue is used to fix soleton to concrete. The joints between thermal insulating plates are sampled by assembly tape. A polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.2 mm is placed on top of the insulation.

For the insulation of concrete floor, you can use other technologies. For example, "Warm floor" system.

Video on the insulation of concrete floor:

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