What stones to choose for alpine slide

July 30. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2218. Comments To write which stones to choose for the alpine slide No

The alpine slide of stones arranged in the country area creates an excellent opportunity for the transformation of the landscape. At the same time, for the organization of such an exotic flower garden, you can take any breeds that do not transmit salts of heavy metals into the soil and do not have oxidizing properties.

Stones for alpine slide


A stone, which is a characteristic element of the design of the alpine slide, is able to express the relief feature and transmit a certain flavor of the terrain. Its selection depends not only on the form and rock, but also from the design of the designer and plants, which are supposed to land in this territory. In addition, factors such as air temperature, drainage and illumination are always taken into account.

Recommendations for choosing stones to alpine slide


  • do not mix different color, shape and structure of boulders, as it will not look organically;
  • decide in advance with the desired amount of stones. At the same time, the vertex is desirable to designate one large breed, and the rest will be located at the base with either groups;
  • minor copies are usually left to include them in an already finished composition;
  • for mountaineering, it is desirable to use stones with a mass of 10-100 kg or more;
  • if the locality is more than 8 m, then the stones are recommended to hide up to 1 m in height;
  • breeds are recommended to take the same color, irregular shape and with acute protrusions, as well as various values \u200b\u200b(from 30-40 cm to 60-70 cm);
  • do not use granite - it is not suitable for the Alpine slide, since it is non-hygroscopic and acid. In addition, he has a rounded form, which makes it difficult for its styling;
  • it is not recommended to apply marine and river stones with a smooth rolled smooth surface;
  • if still there is a desire to use this breed, then using it you can build a separate element.

Qualities that should have stones on the alpine slide


1. Have an uneven rough surface.

In this case, this requirement is rather aesthetic, since the coated and rough stone makes the composition of the greatest naturalness.

2. Have layered.

The breed should consist of the simplicity of the most different thickness, but should not purchase stones in which it is less than 1 cm. Such a structure allows you to get any slop configurations, up to the sheer walls.

3. The breed should be porous.

This condition is the main thing, since without compliance it is impossible to support normal humidity. So a stone capable of absorbing water during its excess, and then allocate with a shortage, is considered a kind of guarantee from planting plants or drying them in the summer.

Alpine slide: stones


The perfect decorative stones for the Alpine slide are the following:

1. Sandstone.

This breed has a coarse-grained structure and a wide variety of shades, ranging from brown, sandy, ending with red and creamy. At the same time, sandstone remains strong and is a good basis for planting plants.

2. Limestone breeds.

Such stones are simply created for landscaping, because the air and moisture are perfectly passed, and also create an optimal medium for the growth of high-mountainous plants.

These include decorative dolomite and all covered tuffs.

Limestone looks very harmonious and naturally, because over time is covered with moss or lichens. At the same time, it is convenient for processing, and the corners are independently smoothed as a result of the influence of weather conditions.

Today you can buy such a stone for the Alpine slide in several colors: with a blue tint, cream, golden, gray and white.

3. Slate.

Shale are suitable for different types of stony gardens. When making the main thing that their color does not stand out and harmonized with the surrounding landscape.

4. Basalts.

Are durable and well opposed erosion. In addition, there are few cracks and pores. The main disadvantage of this breed is high mechanical strength, cost and density, respectively with them difficult to work.


Such a breed is easy to give the form and it looks great in the mountaineering, but it is considered not durable.

6. Marble.

Refers to the most expensive decorative stones for landscape design. That is why for the Alpine slide should be used less catchy.

7. Pink marble.

Suitable for various types of rocky gardens, and its large copies can serve as the center of the overall composition. It combines such a breed with coniferous plants, deciduous shrubs and perennials.

8. Volcanic rocks.

Suitable exclusively for large gardens, because small copies do not have such a pronounced structure as large.


Thus, stones for the Alpine slide, the price of which is quite widely varied, originally must meet your requirements and tastes. In addition, experts recommend to leave a place between them for planting green plants or colors. Only so the landscape of your garden will acquire a special highlight and give the sophistication to the entire site. The main thing to remember - everything should be a measure.

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