How to repair the garage gate

February 3. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 6049. Comments to record how to repair the garage gate No

The duration of the operation of the garage gate directly depends on the quality of the model selected when the model is installed. But even in the most reliable mechanism, malfunctions may result. Many of them quite easily fix it without resorting to the services of expensive specialists. It is enough to correctly determine the cause and know its technology eliminating.

Types of gate

There are several basic types of gate design:

Sectional models are more in demand for the garage. Rolls are also installed, but in the case when the main criterion of choice is cheaply.

Important! Sectional structures differ not only for higher price, but also appropriate reliability. Due to the special strength and technical balance, the repair of sectional garage gates is required much less frequent than other models. brama4.

According to the principle of opening, the following types distinguish:

  • Swing garajnye-Vorota-Raspashnye-Metallicheskie-2
  • Lifting. 07.2006_215

Here the selection determines the area of \u200b\u200bopening and personal preferences.


The main requirements of installation and operation

When building a garage, keep in mind that it should be very closely related to the installation process and the repair of the garage gate will not be required. This approach is needed because the design will constantly be loaded, and, accordingly, all its elements must be mounted correctly to withstand it.


Important! All existing types of damage can manifest itself in any design, but there is a list of the most frequent problems for each individual system.

Gate design scheme

In order to perform all troubleshooting work correctly, learn the pre-garage gate scheme.


Thus, you will understand the principle of connecting structural elements and the process of its work.



Browse the video in which the principle of the section of the section gate is clearly shown, the location of individual parts and the installation process. This will allow faster to navigate and identify the cause of any breakdown.

Repair of swing garage gates

The most frequent problems that occur in the work of the swollen gate:

  • creak
  • schedules of crafts of sash
  • tight course when opening-closing
  • malfunction of the shut-off mechanism.


Creak or knock when moving sash

The cause of the screens or knock is most often the pollution of the loops, the ingress of solid dirt particles, stones in the holes.

To fix defects:

  1. Carefully inspect the loop.
  2. Clean all grooves and surface.
  3. Lubricate one of the special tools, such as graphite lubricant, SCLS-4, Litol-24, cyatim. sMAZKA-SHRUS.

    Important! Note that the use of one of the above funds not only prevents the occurrence of this kind of damage soon, but also eliminates the flow of mass when water gets. That is, the surface will remain clean and processed by the protective composition even during the rain. 40696498053

Schedules or deformation of sash

The reason for the appearance of this defect is an excessive loop load. Most often requires repair of iron garage gates or from heavy alloys. Metal cargo over time with regular operation leads to a breakdown.


To avoid this:

  1. When installing, make an additional ribbies and durable frames by contour. It will support the shape of the sash, not allowing deformation. 04
  2. Correct the location of the loop.
  3. Cut the loops and install new if they wear out. pic_3.

    Important! To replace the loops on the sash, when repairing the garage gate, the welding will become excellent, the only right, solving the connection of fasteners with a frame. Samsung.

Tight course, stopper doors when opening-closing


  • schedules
  • the appearance of the irregularities of the foundation, the threshold.

Methods of elimination:

  1. In the first case, perform repairs exactly with the method described above.
  2. When revealing irregularities, clean the surface.
  3. Align all potholes and irregularities that interfere with the slightening of the gate, the material that is most suitable for the base. 66EC6B2C455560241CC85BD0616EDE5CC16A6C151171208.

Malfunction of the locking mechanism

Persons for breakage are the most diverse: from wear to improper handling of the lock. Therefore, when this problem appears, eliminate it, based on the cause of the breakdown, or replace the entire mechanism new.


Repair of lifting gates

The need for repairing garage gates of lifting occurs in the following cases:

  • creak
  • bias
  • spring break
  • barbana breakdown
  • breakdown shaft, gearbox
  • screw lift.


Screenshots or knock

The causes of the appearance are the same as the swollen gate. To fix, check the fastening mechanisms and lubricate the special protective solution.


Barbana breakdown, shaft, gearbox

The malfunction of this nature occurs most often due to the poor quality of parts or long life.

If one of these mechanisms fails, it is impossible to recover. Make a replacement of parts new.


Displacement or cable break, spring deformation

Such problems are mainly due to improper load distribution or detail wear. Another option is incorrect operation, and more accurately enhanced pressure on the cloth with manual opening technology.


To restore the operating position of the gate, do the following:

  1. Replace spoiled details new.
  2. Adjust re-balancing.
  3. Carefully open and close the gate. 14

Enclosing a web

Causes of the appearance of a stopper with a rise - weakening fasteners of the rollers, brackets or deformation of the guide poloz.


For correction, take the following measures:

  1. Check the integrity of the above parts.
  2. If the problem is detected in the guides - otdenly.
  3. Replace the details with new, if it is impossible to fix. rVO4.

    Important! When installing rollers rolling, special attention is paid to the correct location and fastening. In case of non-compliance with technology, a similar problem will appear soon enough.

If the cloth rises, but it does not ignore - the problem in the fault of the photocells, the main task of which is to exclude injury. Most often, it will take a replacement for photocells to eliminate the problem. The rest, working out the work of the gate security system, in this case, leave without updating.

BFT Cellula-500x500

In the case when the shutter of the gate does not reach the end positions:

  1. Check the digital settings of the finite location of the web.
  2. Correct the settings of the battery and ceiling drives.

Bridge the video installation of drives to clearly imagine the principle of the device and configuration.

Repair of automatic garage gates

When installing such a popular automatic system today, there are also a number of certain problems characteristic of this type of gate:

  • uneven opening and closing, movement of jerks
  • no action when pressing the remote control buttons.


Uneven movement of the web

When manifesting such a breakdown, look for a reason in the board of the ceiling drive or the control unit of the battery:

  1. Adjust the settings.
  2. Lubricate the mechanisms with a special composition.


No gate action when controlling with d / y

If such a problem occurs, keep in mind that it is not necessary the root cause of the console itself. There is quite possibly insufficient connection of communication between the control unit and d / y or the problem in the work of the mechanisms of boilers and ceiling drives.


Repair problems as follows:

  1. Check the level of console.
  2. Check the remote settings.
  3. Reprogram d / y. feA5C4.
  4. Install the outer antenna with a bad connection with the signal receiver.
  5. Adjust drive settings.

Repair garage metal

Strong metal gates are more popular. But when they are installed, some defects may appear over time:

  • corroding
  • violation of the integrity of individual sections
  • cracks, chippers.



The appearance of rust after long exploitation is not completely excluded. With timely detection, the problem eliminate it is easy enough:

  1. Remove all manifestations of rust. 0_4e9b0_29501dab_orig
  2. Clean the surface. vOROTA-SVOIMI-RUKAMI-FOTO-0
  3. Treat the protective paint to the color of the color of the gate. gar_up_door_out2.
  4. Wait for drying.

Violation of the integrity of individual sections

Given the fact that the canvas is constantly being mechanically exposed and shocks, even with the most accurate and more careful attitude towards its property, it is natural that after a certain period of time, the web will need to be updated.


Repair work to eliminate this problem are very simple:

  1. Buy new fragments of spoiled details.
  2. Pay attention to the shade, often in different batches the tonality of the same color is different.

    Important! This condition is of great importance, the attractiveness of the canvas continues directly from it.

  3. Install the new parts in accordance with the instructions. remont-Vorot-1

The appearance of cracks

If the integrity of the canvas appears, to repair the garage gate, take the following measures:

  1. Clean the surface.
  2. Restore the coating with welding.
  3. Dawn, compare the surface.
  4. Cover the protective paint in the tone of the entire surface or update the paint layer of all gates with a large area of \u200b\u200bdamage.
  5. Wait for complete drying before further operation.



To prevent the frequent occurrence of various problems, observe simple rules of operation:

  • Carefully open and close the doors at a manual method. Do not apply superstructural efforts.
  • Observe the sequence of automatic and digital mechanisms.
  • Do not speed up and do not slow down the process by helping manually.
  • Regularly lubricate all fasteners and driving mechanisms. This approach will not only eliminate the appearance of problems, but also will extend the entire service life.
  • Regularly conduct a preventive inspection of parts to perform timely replacement with minor damage.

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