Decorative reservoir do it yourself

March 30. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1477. Comments to record decorative reservoir do it yourself No

Decorative reservoir is able to decorate any household plot, and it is possible to place it even in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. Artificial pond, stream or waterfall will be brought into the surrounding space a little harmony, tranquility and peace, and you can create such beauty in your garden personally.

Types and forms of artificial reservoirs

By deciding on the arrangement of decorative reservoir in the country, first need to decide on its type and appointment. There are several common types of artificial reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • swamp;
  • the fountain;
  • creek;
  • waterfall or cascade.

Those who want to contemplate calm water, most likely give preference to the pond or a swamp. Waterfall, fountain and streams will look more dynamically and suitable for active, energetic people.

As for the form of a reservoir, there are practically no restrictions here. The pond with an incorrect, winding coastline looks natural, naturally and naturally. The reservoirs performed in the form of geometric shapes are more civilized: rhombus, circle, square, rectangle. Selecting the form for the future design, it is necessary to rely on the size and stylistic design of the site, the features of the landscape, but first of all on flavoring preferences.


Decorative reservoir device with his own hands

Features of the selection of the site

An artificial pond is considered the simplest in terms of implementation. It will go to the creation of the whole time, effort and financial costs, but to begin with, you should choose a suitable place. To understand where it is better to place a pond, you should focus on such indicators:

  • area of \u200b\u200bthe household;
  • terrain;
  • soil type in the garden;
  • the degree of illumination of the place;
  • degree of gardening.

Place the reservoir is best closer to the dwelling, so that you can admire the veranda or from the porch. If you do not plan to create a swamp, try to choose the most lit plot for the pond, which is under sunlight at least 5 hours a day.

Before making decorative reservoirs, carefully examine the relief of your garden. It is desirable that the pond was in a low-rise place. The degree of gardening also plays an important role. Please note whether large trees and large shrubs are not growing on your chosen territory. In the fall, such cultures will invariably pollute the water with foliage, and powerful roots are able to damage the protective film at the bottom of the pond.

When creating a decorative reservoir in the garden and the type of soil is important. It is best for a similar purpose to suit clays and loams, peat grounds. The chernozem often becomes the cause of the pond, and excessively acidic lands will require good wall protection and the bottom of the structure.


Arrangement of the reservoir from the finished form

The easiest and least expensive way to create a decorative reservoir is your own hands using finished forms that can be made of fiberglass or frost-resistant polyethylene. To choose the form for each individual case will not be difficult, since such products have different dimensions, depth and shape. Very popular today are products with incorrect coastal lines, which will appropriately be used in landscape garden gardens.

Selecting a suitable finished form, take into account the fact that the size of the reservoir will ultimately be slightly smaller. The depth also matters, because in a small pond water heats up faster, and, therefore, it blooms faster.

If you plan to decorate with water with vegetation, take the form with the marsh zone. You can do otherwise and prepare special baskets, fill them with soil, plant marsh cultures and immerse them in a pond on the appropriate depth.

The method of creating a design with your own hands can be described in stages:

  1. By choosing the right area, it is temporarily placed on it and it is noted by its borders using stakes and ropes. In the process of work, they make an increase of 20 cm, which will be needed for the installation of the structure and submissions of the Earth.
  2. In the noted area, the land is removed to the desired depth, they make it layers, first digging the soil to the level of the first form plane, then to the level of the second and so on. The bases of each plane and the slopes are well tumped, and the stones, roots and other trash are cleaned.
  3. When installing the form, the construction rules and waterpasses check its evenness. After that, the very deep part of the design is filled with water about 1/3, and then in the slot between the ground and the container gradually fall asleep. The sand is laundered with water, so that the form wish well and firmly fixed in the soil.
  4. Over the next 2-3 days, the soil near the pond is constantly wetted until it is finally wounded.
  5. At this stage, the reservoir is almost ready, it remains only to plant the selected plants on its shores, and the form itself is completely filled with water.

To create a small pond, in the garden you can use not only special forms, but also rebuild materials, for example, an old bath or other metal container. On the shores of the lake, you can decompose the pebbles or beautiful ornamental stones, you can arrange the coastline with sand or rubble.


Construction of a decorative reservoir with film materials

There is another way to create a pond, which involves the use of film materials: PVC, rubber or butyl rubber canvases. Choosing a film, do not buy a cheap option. Prefer more expensive, but high-quality and durable materials, then they will serve you at least 10 years.

PVC film is considered the simplest in operation and budget option. It is easily glued, but its environmental friendliness is in question. Butyl rubber canvas is more expensive, but it is stronger and more reliable. The minus of such a material is that specialists will have to be hired for installation and welding.

If you have decided to make a pond from a waterproof film, pay attention to the weather. Works can be carried out only in sufficiently warm conditions when the air temperature is not lower than 20 ° C. At such a temperature, the material becomes soft, pliable, elastic, it is easier to lay it in the prepared pita.

Creating a pond from film materials can be described in the form of such steps:

  1. Even before buying a film, it is necessary to accurately determine the dimensions of the future reservoir, to correctly calculate the desired amount of material. In addition to the waterproof canvase, you may need felt, a decorative film with stones for finishing coast, coconut fabric, tanks for marsh plants, special means for gluing canvases and to repair the film.
  2. A pit under the pond need to dig in the form of terraces, which alternate with slopes. The angle of slope of slopes should be a maximum of 45 °, and the minimum width of the terraces is 30 cm. The cauldance itself should be pulled out by about 15 cm deeper than it will be finished with water.
  3. Screw the pit, thoroughly clean it from stones, roots and debris, and then pour rubble layer. Failure it and cover the sand layer. After once again, I wake up with water.
  4. When the soil finally sees, you can start the installation of film materials. Initially, geotextiles or felt are sprinkled on the bottom of the bottom - these materials will protect the waterproof cloth from breaks and punctures. Film is laid on top of geotextile. All canvas are mounted braziness.
  5. Film before starting styling is recommended to spread out in the sun under the sun, so that it becomes softer and more elastic. Since on sale you can find the material of the most different thickness, it is better to get a film of this size, so that the whole piece is enough for the whole pit and did not have to glue individual fragments.
  6. Betting the cloth and raving all the folds, the pond is filled with water for 1/3 depth. After 3 hours, the water poured again. After filling the reservoir, you need to wait some time until the material stretches to the desired size. When this happens, you can proceed to further work.
  7. Excess the films are cut, the edges roll with a roller, after which the shores are decorated with any available way: fall asleep with sand or rubble, decorated with pebbles, plant plant, etc.


Backlight and equipment for the reservoir

Gardening reservoir will require some care from you, and to always maintain it in proper condition, it is worth getting a special equipment:

  1. The pump is the device, just the necessary owner of the pond. Water will have to pump off from time to time, for example, for the winter or in order to clean the pond. Using a pump, you can also partially update water. From a wide range of devices, it is better to choose the one that has a sufficiently high power.
  2. To control the pump, fountains and lighting near the pond will also have to equip a radio outlet. It is convenient because it allows you to connect all the lighting to one point. With a radio outlet, you can turn on and off lanterns and fountains without leaving home.
  3. For the submersible pump, you will need a mounting plate, and durable rubber hoses will be used to maintain the water.
  4. Those who plan to settle in the pond of fish will have to create a good cleaning and filtering system.
  5. Saccs, scissors, tongs and skimmers, special vacuum cleaners and bottom cleaners - useful tools for pond care.

Decorative reservoir can look very impressive in the dark, if equipped with lighting devices. The lamps for the pond can be installed under water, on land or swim on the surface of the water stroit. Underwater luminaires can be equipped with various light filters and arrange the devices at different angles of inclination to ensure a beautiful light effect.

Floating lamps are originally and unusual, which sparkle on the rays on a dark stroit, like stars. The shores of the pond and paths leading to it can be decorated with conventional garden lamps.


Decorative reservoir care

With hot weather, it often happens that the water in the pond begins to bloom and becomes an unpleasant smell. The ideal means of combating such a phenomenon will be a special water purification system, but it costs quite expensive and not everyone will afford. Instead, you can use a simpler method - immerse the bag with peat pills into the water. In some stores, it is sometimes possible to meet the means called the Killer for Algae, which will also help get rid of flowering water.

Those who in the pond live fish or decorative plants, it is recommended to purchase a "oxygen stabilizer", tool for maintaining the right level of PH, the biodeability regulator.

Periodically in the pond need to pour clean water in a volume not exceeding 15%. For the winter, a small reservoir is better to dry, and a large pond is preferably completely merged and clean at least once every 2-3 years.

Favoring leaves and trash must be seized. In the fall, the surface of the reservoir is better to close the grid. If there are any plants in the pond for the winter, it is desirable to transfer them to the deepest part of the reservoir. Fish can also be in a pond, but for them you need to create air access. To do this, the aerator is installed in the water, and after the freezing of ice is cut into several stubs.

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