How to make a foundation on clay

February 7. Repair and construction work, Foundation Views 1357. Comments to record how to make a foundation on clay No

Sometimes, when erecting a country house, some owners of land plots face a problem, which consists in the presence of clay soil under the layer of fertile turf. Immediately the question arises: what is the foundation on clay?

Requirements for the foundation

To avoid fundamental deformations, it is necessary to own information about the reasons for their appearance. The main ones are:

  • drawdown;
  • bulging;
  • shift shift.

The reason for the foundation drawdown is the inconsistency of the actual reference area of \u200b\u200bits norm. The occurrence of bulking and lateral shift is associated with improper depth of laying the base when the frozen soil affects the foundation.


What is the foundation on clay better withstand all loads, taking into account the horizontal and vertical oscillations when freezing the soil? Requirements that are presented to such a base are not so much:

  • it is forbidden to bookmark the foundation made from block elements;
  • mandatory use of the reinforcing frame throughout the area;
  • the presence is more significant in the width of the sole (if compared with the top of the foundation);
  • the use of material for waterproofing soles.

Choosing foundation

Before you decide on a variety of foundation on clay, you should consider:

  • the level of soil humidity;
  • the number of clay particles;
  • location of groundwater;
  • the depth of the soil freezing;
  • the material from which the building is erected.

To determine the humidity of clay under the foundation, you should dig up a small amount of soil and leave outdoors. If the drying process is delayed for several hours, this indicates increased humidity of the soil and its exposure to beanted during severe frosts.


The number of clay particles is determined by compressing the soil in the hand. It will be necessary to make a sausage from the soil. If there are a large amount of clay (will cause maximum complications when the foundation is erected) it will be possible to do this. If sandy components predominate in the soil, then a compressed piece must be seamless.

To determine the level of groundwater occurrence, a well is drilled. The depth of the soil freezing is determined by a special directory. If the drying depth of the soil lies below groundwater, it is better to engage in the construction of a monolithic belt foundation.

When groundwater is too close to the surface or the site is distinguished by solid drops, only the pile foundation for the house on the clay will suit. And you should use steel screw piles, which consist of two parts:

  • metal pipes with acute ends;
  • blades that are at the end of the devices.


The advantage of steel piles in front of concrete structures is that they do not break the soil. Soil will remain as dense as before it is choke.

During the construction of heavy buildings, the slab monolithic base should be used, which is characterized by excellent strength and high supporting characteristics. It should also be noted that the shrinkage of massive buildings may take a long period of time. This is due to the ability of clay layers to compress.

Technology creation design

Now let's talk directly on how to make a foundation on clay. At the initial stage, the drainage system is carried out. For houses standing on clay soil, done ring and Wailed Drainage. Pipes are stacked under a slope to the water collectors. After that, begged to bookmark the foundation.

Monolithic ribbon foundation

The main distinguishing feature of the device with their own hands the foundation on the clay is that the creation of a solid sandy-choggy pillow (thickness up to 30-35 cm) is a mandatory procedure. Only so you can avoid negative deformation phenomena and remove excess moisture. In addition, the sole of the base should exceed the top part of the foundation at least 25%.


The procedure for creating a monolithic belt foundation consists of such consistent actions:

  • marking grounds;
  • riveting trench (width of 2.5-3 times more foundation);
  • devices sand and chump pillows;
  • styling waterproofing rolled material;
  • creation of formwork and reinforcing frame;
  • preparation of concrete mix;
  • pouring and rubbing concrete with a vibrator.

After pouring the concrete, the formwork is removed. The foundation itself is exposed to thermal exposure. For this, it is plated by firewood, which ignite. In the firing process, the trench is covered with metal sheets. After final burning firewood, the trench falls asleep. Crash around the foundation.

Pile Fundam

Now about how to make a foundation on clay using pile devices. One of the advantages of this technology is the possibility of installing them to various depth. This is very relevant for the terrain characterizing the unevenness of the soil composition or a strong bias.

Installation of pile designs is mandatory:

  • in the corners of the future building;
  • in places where carriers and inner walls come into contact;
  • under the carrier walls in a step of 2 m.


After determining the calculated load of the house on one pile determine their number. If necessary, increase the amount of piles and the drawing mark their location.

Installation work consist of:

  • surface cleaning from garbage;
  • cutting the soil throughout the area;
  • pile location marks;
  • pile screwing;
  • installation layouts of the floor construction (50-80 cm from the Earth);
  • circumcision of unnecessary pieces of piles with a grinder;
  • filling the designs of concrete;
  • pii Schweller strapping.

Muffle piles easier using a special device. In the process of performing the work, it is necessary to break the correct vertical location of each pile. You can not allow deviations because it is fraught with a distortion of the house.

Each pile must be screwed below the levels of frozen soil and groundwater. When the piles are lacking in length, it will have to produce its extension.

The best strength of pile designs can be achieved by filling them in them concrete. This is done after circumcision of unnecessary pieces. With too much depth of minting designs, the concrete solution is subjected to a sealing of the reinforcement rod.

At the final stage of piles, with the help of welding connected with a chaserler. Or the pile design can be tied with a timber.

What is the foundation on clay - the preference of each owner of the country site. But it should be noted that the base of the house for the house of the screw piles for sites, which are on floating or on frozen soil, is carried out in the maximum deadlines.

Video on the foundation bookmark on clay:

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