How to livel cracks in asphalt or asphalt repair in front of the house

February 21. Useful advice, Foundation Views 7123. Comments to write than to livel cracks in asphalt or asphalt repair in front of the house No

In this article, consider ways to repair asphalt at the local area. Thusll, what cracks are at all, the main reasons for their appearance, what to do to extend the durability of the asphalt coating. Consider the existing technologies of its repair, and especially those methods that can be applied directly at the railway site.

Causes of cracks

First, this is weather conditions. Water, in any way that fell inside the roadway, destroys it. A no less serious enemy is a salt that many owners like to use as a means from ice in winter. With all this, people miss the fact that the asphalt is so under a different annoying factor - an icy crust.


Yet with the weather you will not argue, but with a human factor you can try. Most cracks arise due to non-professionalism workers. Let's look at them closer.
1. Excessive shrinkage:
- large regular loads (such a private plot is rare, unless construction is being conducted and the car does not drive around the machine with heavy concrete blocks and other building materials);
- Seasonal deformation at high temperatures (when the sun bakes, do not force the asphalt to "hold" a big cargo).
2. Failure to comply with the laying technology. See who take to work, then after the grief workers not to repair asphalt with their own hands.
3. ignorance of the individual features of the site. Often, the owners are not at all interested in the level of groundwater, depth of freezing and other characteristics of the soil. Yes, it is not necessary to know everyone, but it is desirable to remember about their importance. There are companies that conscientiously laid asphalt and all measure themselves. There are also ordinary brigades that do not care how much the coating will serve you, they only perform work. They do not chase quality, but also do not hide up to the thread.

What are the cracks?

There are many of them, go through the usual central road of the provincial town and you will be sure about it. Transverse and longitudinal, similar to a web and with a shift - all of them somehow arose. And all of them must be "treated."

Longitudinal cracks occur not from regular loads on the site. They are a consequence of seasonal nature whims - alternate drainage and soil moisturizing. The rejunction of air emptiness, the high temperature of the manufacture of the mixture in the enterprise is the cause of group cracks. They intersect with each other at different angles. In the household sections they are frequent guests, because there are no regular loads that would attach elasticity to the coating.

Cracks resembling a web called "crocodiles".

Cracked asphalt

They are also called fatigue. The asphalt agitates, oxidizes and simply is not able to serve as a reliable coating, so it is advised not to repair, but to replace. Also offer to do with shear cracks. They arise due to the breakdown of the layers.


Asphalt repair technologies

Of course, at the local area, it is not so important to close cracks, such as, for example, on some highway, per day, hundreds of thousands of trucks. However, the appearance of possessions is the face of each owner. What is the difference in the crack on the asphalt in the yard from the bunting tile in the bathroom? That's right, everything requires repair.

Packaging technology of asphalt on points:
- first determined with the borders of the repair, outline the perimeter;
- cut damaged asphalt coating;
- remove the remnants of the material;
- placed asphalt concrete mixture (this is a compound of rubble, sand, refractory bitumen and mineral powders, which is available in stores);
- Align and compact coating.

Special attention deserves the technology of infrared repair of asphalt. This innovative decision leaves behind traditional ways to restore this coverage. No noise when removing damaged asphalt, work is carried out without restricting traffic movement - only some advantages of the method.


The use of infrared radiation (by the way, invisible human eye) allows you to heat the road leather from the inside without affecting the upper layers. In addition, this is a more economical method, if we compare energy consumption. Additional milling devices during repair is not required. The loosening of the preheated asphalt is conducted by infirred tools. As a result, we obtain the absence of seams and fewer defect to eliminate the defect. Yes, and asphalt concrete add less.

Features of the asphalt repair area

In most cases, asphalt on the plot is not so much to pay considerable money for the use of innovative technologies. The master for all hands will always find a way to cheap and angrily get rid of the defects of the coating.

Why dismantle a whole area, if it's easier to just shock the crack. Especially if there are several such troubles or alone. Being advised to fill cracks to use bitumen. The store is full of hot and cold sealants to eliminate this problem. Choose only to you because not every dare to work with high temperatures. For many, the price of asphalt repair is important. In any case, it is cheaper in any time. Sealants will protect the coating from the main enemy at the railway area - water.


Spectacle repair sequence bitumen Such is:

1. First, we follow the plot to be repaired.

2. Purge the place of breaking the coating, thereby removing the remnants of garbage, dust from it. At the same time, drying breaks, because there is quite likely the presence of precipitation or increased humidity. All this is not advised to make repairs, if the weather forecasters promise rain or snow.

3. The cavity of the crack is further warmed. For this use heat spear. It follows the surface until the bitumen starts to fill. It is important not to overdo it here, because his audit will entail the destruction of the neighboring coating.

4. Pouring bitumen.

Another option - using bitumen rubber ribbons. It is used both for sealing seams at the initial stages of the asphalt laying and for climbing cracks. Let's look closer and also such an option.

Repair Stages:

1. First, the edges of the cracks are cleaned from all kinds of contaminants.

2. The location splashes or flashes with a bitumen primer to form a good layer without spaces. Give dry.

3. The tape is cut into pieces of the desired length. They stick into the place of cracks and, putting considerable efforts, rocked by a hand roller. You can use any other press.

If the coating on the railway site got a crack-two, then do not delay everything in a long box. Check out photos of asphalt repairs and inspire work. If the coating "gave the slack" somewhere behind the predimental buildings, then the following option is advisable. You can get rid of the crack with the usual smear. It is impossible to say that the coating will find a new look - the traces will remain, but the problem with the crack will be solved.

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