How to deal with a bear on the country

May 7. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2539. Comments to record how to deal with a bear on the summer site No

The news that you have started a bear can not disappoint. The pests are attacking, which means that the crop will be at risk. How to save the garden and drive an uninvited guest? Why don't these pests like the owners? Is it not so easy to get rid of them? About how to deal with the Medveda, read on.

Pest need to know in the face!

The insect reaches relatively large sizes - about 5-8 cm long. The bear is difficult not to notice with a rustle of the site. It quickly begins to go ripped back, from where it dug, and it makes it quickly and elegantly. Accordingly, it is impossible to slow: rather, destroy it with a shovel in half. You will be surprised, because after a deadly blow, the Medveda will still try to escape and continue to dig an earth, but as a pest will not be terrible.

Medveda - insect, which even knows how to fly, although low. Nevertheless, most of the time the pest holds precisely under Earth. There is a bear's pool: they lay eggs, spend the winter and grow whole labyrinths. I ignoring one female, you "take under the custody" about 500 her baby. And this Guard will not regret neither potatoes, no cabbage, no other vegetables on the site.


And in honor, the Medveda has many garden plants. She does not look so much among vegetables. To taste not only potatoes, but also cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, cabbage. If a salad or onions are met along the way, then the Medveda will not be against such a "snack".

How to get rid of the Medveda - Tips for experienced

There are always enough ways to get rid of a pest. Yet the Medveda is not such a simple enemy. For many years of permit, she learned to bypass many traps invented by mankind. We emphasize - quite a few, but not all. Consider them more specifically.

Folk remedies

1. For a long time, it was known that the soap solution does not like this pest. Bay him in holes, you once and forever ride a bear. Whether the times have changed, or the bear wisely, but now the soap solution is not so effective. You can only scare them for a while, but for complete confidence, use something else.
2. Fresh manure. Most gardeners have always at hand. The baits from the manure will help to cope with this attack. To do this, you need to switch the plot. Break down the soil, you will give a signal to the awakening of pests. Next, make a couple of bait - a bunch of manure, full of soil.


Weeks after 3-4 Go to check: Most likely, you will find eggs or larvae of the Medveda, but also the adults themselves, peacefully resting. Such a find must be immediately exterminated. The easiest way to burn it is.


3. The third method is the most interesting. Who would have thought that the Medveda is a drop of alcohol! It is the smell of a beer drink manits the pest as a drug. Noticing this feature, experienced gardeners came up with a bottle of 50-100 g in a bottle and bury in the ground under the slope (approximately 45 °). Gorry neatly tied gauze. The trap acts as follows: The Medveda scans a piece of fabric and falls to the bottom of the bottle, and can't get out already. There is also a positive side in this - being in Western, she at least hear the smell of beer liked.

4. Method with honey similar to the previous one. This product is also a bear in the shower. Therefore, the owners smear the whole bank from the inside by honey, not reaching the neck a couple of centimeters. Next, roll into the ground, cover with cardboard, piece of iron, and from above straw.


5. The sharp smells of this absorber of roots also do not like it. Want to drive a bear from the site - get kerosene, cheva, velvets, leave the fisher on the plot.


Of course, special means from the store are used as a scarer. Many give preference to people's ways, refusing the impact of chemicals. Others, testing all possible methods, lowered hands and go to the store.

Such chemical preparations like "Medvetoks", "phenoxy plus", as well as "Prestige 290 FS" destroy the pest very quickly. The Medveda will not have a chance to escape or secure his offspring. The only negative is chemical preparations, so there is enough good here. Some gardeners after such an etching of the Medvedok give the soil to rest, not having a vegetable there.

Did you know?

Medved to the Medveda invented a lot, but the pest does no less cunning. Screwing the soil, you can throw it on the surface. She, it turns out to see you, may not move for a while. The color of its shell is not catchy, it differs little from the shade of the soil. Consequently, in this duel, they were combined.

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Fresh alder twig, stuck in the ground, is another your strategic partner. Medveda for some reason do not like the smell coming from the tree. They better leave this territory and look something more acceptable. And the pests love silence, and the noise and vibration for them are real stress. Some gardeners noticed that by installing homemade windmills on the plots, the bear was driven. Such structures create noise with each impact impulse. Of course, this is an alarming situation for the insect. Noticing the Medvedka on the site - start fighting immediately.

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