Mastic for roof

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Mastic is a material manufactured from mineral filler, organic binding components and diluents of various compositions. The largest spread of mastic and derivatives, bituminous materials were obtained in the repair of finished and arrangement of new roofs. Due to the simplicity of application, a wide range of prices for bitumen mastics for the roof and service life for more than 10 years, such compounds are successfully used for roofs with a slope and flat roofs.



Types and scope of mastic

Mastic laying methods

1. Heated. The mastic before use is heated - from 70 ° C to 180 ° C, depending on the composition. Hot mastic (including a mastic for roof repair) is prepared at the place of work. Often it does not have sufficient indicators due to the impossibility of high-quality preparation, and its consumption is significantly higher than the permissible norm.

2. without heating. Cold mastic are ready to use in temperature conditions up to 5 ° C, and under reduced temperatures it is heated to 60-70 degrees. Due to the addition of the solar oil, the bitumen is dissolved and the seeping of cold mastic in the base of the rolled coating occurs. It is applied by a thin layer that does not require pre-cleansing the material, and firmly glues the coating layers with its base. Another advantage is the possibility of manufacturing a trip (per month before use), as well as the possibility of mechanized application and submission.

Mastics, applied and the other method, are characterized by good adhesive ability and waterproofing properties, and some even biological resistance. On the surfaces are collected within an hour. There are curable and elastic (non-violent).


The main components of mastic

  1. Fillers. Perform tasks for the economy of the binder; Increase heat resistance and reduce the fragility of mastic at low ambient temperatures. Distinguish:
    • fibrous (asbestid chrysolite, asbestos dust, Minvat shortwater);
    • dust / dust-shaped (dolomite, quartz, limestone, cement, etc.);
    • mixed (are combined by both fillers.
  2. Diluents. Mastics are injected for dilution oil oils, water, solvents of organic origin, bitumens, fuel oil, etc.
  3. Binders (recycling, bitumen polymer and bitumen components).

There are a large number of mastics distinguished by the functions performed.

  1. Print mastic. Glue rolled materials. The basic requirements attributable to them are heat resistance, good adhesion to all components of the rolled coating, waterproofing properties and rapid drying. Applied and hot and cold, but the last method is preferable.
  2. Mastic for gluing materials with synthetic components. It is used for polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, asbestosmoly, kumarone tiles; Pergamine polyvinyl chloride, glyphthale linoleum and other materials.
  3. Waterproofing. This mastic is used for roof waterproofing and to protect the coating of building structures from moisture penetration.
  4. Mastic for dispensing seamless flooring with a thickness of up to 5 mm.
  5. Mastics for gluing ceramic tiles, tiles and drywall. Due to the thin layer of application - about 5 mm - significantly save resources, space and facilitate labor.
  6. Mastic for putting damaged surfaces prepared under painting.
  7. Anticorrosive mastic. Lining mastics must have chemical resistance, well absorbed and resist abrasive effects.
  8. Sealing mastic. Used to provide joints with waterproof properties.
  9. In the production of w / w products applies masses for malades of metal forms.
  10. In widespread use of mastic is used to produce roofing, outdoor works and for walls.

The most common mastic for repairing roofs

repair Celebrate

The greatest distribution to laying on flat roofs (up to 3%) and the roofs of a small slope (up to 25%) were soft roofs. They are made using Degtevaya and bitumen rolled materials and serve 3-5 and 10-15 years, respectively.

Degtellic materials:

  • degteavy mastics
  • constracial and roofing only
  • others

Bituminized materials:

  • hydroizol
  • ruberoid
  • bituminous mastics

Mastics used when gluing a soft roof:

  • hot - BN-IV bitumen (70-90%) + filler
  • cold - Delet (Pek) (70-90%) + Filler

Mastics used for the device of bulk roofs:

  • cold - BN-V bitumen (40%) + solar oil (40%), + cement (12%), + asbestos (8%), brand Eb-X-65, Eb-X-75, Eb-X-100
  • hot bitumen - BMK-85 brands, MBCT-85, MBC-100, MBK-75, MBK-G-65
  • hot bitumen rubber MBR-M-65, MBR-G-75, MBR-G-55, MBR-G-85, MBR-T-100

For a device of waterproof mastic cover, along with mastic, reinforcing glass materials are used.

The most popular domestic mastic manufacturers are: Tekhnonikol, OJSC "Roof", "Alkid", "Acryvlan", OJSC Kostromakrovlya. The price of mastic for the roof (packing - a bucket of 20 liters) reaches 1500 rubles, and the most expensive brands - and over 3000 rubles.

Buying mastic, remember that you choose a reliable roof that should not deliver you trouble in the next decade. Therefore, take this material only from proven large companies, and not in small "shrubs": the pursuit of cheapness can turn into poor quality roofs for you.

Popular marks of roofing mastics, tested not at one thousand homes:

  • "TEKHNONICKS № 41"
  • "Tex"
  • "Ultrasil"
  • "Hydrolyn"
  • "Tekhnonikol №31"
  • "Urbit®"

Pros and Cons Mastic for the production of work on the roof

metal masta

Mastic roofs possess such positive qualities:

  • waterproof coating and seams;
  • ease of applying cold mastic;
  • the speed of the roofing devices;
  • good adhesion and gluing properties;
  • roof monolithination;
  • environmental and humans;
  • long service life of bitumen roofs.

Negative points of use of mastic and rolled roofs:

  • mandatory compliance with the temperature and technology of the device;
  • coating exposure to mechanical damage;
  • the complexity in achieving the perfect thickness of the coating layer;
  • flammable roofing;
  • the inconvenience of the use of hot mastic is the risk of burns, high labor and energy costs, etc.


Preparation of the root base for mastic

Before applying mastic on the treated surface, it should be prepared to achieve a better interaction of the mastic compositions with the roof.

Mastic is applied to reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces of the plates covering the upper floors of houses and structures, as well as the available coatings of insulation. Having an inhomogeneous, rough structure, overlapping and insulation do not provide the desired clutch with mastic. Therefore, the preliminary cleansing and drying of reinforced concrete screeds and the test of their horizontal. If the surface irregularity is detected (bias up to 3%), then it is poured with cement-sandy solution.

Further, the surface is ground with cold bitumen mastic for the roof, which can be prepared in advance, and to deliver to the roof in hermetic tanks. Method for cooking cold mastic:

  1. The kerosene is administered to molten at 220 ° C, without stopping stirring, bitumen.
  2. The primer temperature is reduced to 16-20 ° C.
  3. The finished composition is placed in the container and transport to the site. Soil mastic consumption - 300 g per square meter.

Sometimes to create additional protection and waterproof fresh cement coating, the primer is applied without pre-drying the screed. It is impregnated to the depth of 2m. In this case, bitumen take the BN-70/30 brand, and the ratio of the solvent is accepted as follows: one part of the bitumen to two / three parts of the solar oil or kerosene.

The old scial is soaked with strips of 5 meters and give 12-48 hours for drying.


Production of rolled and busless coatings.

Allocate the main steps:

  1. Primer screed.
  2. Formation of waterproofing.
  3. Application layer protection.

Depending on the skate, the roofs of bitumen materials and mastic are:

  • 2-layer - a bias of more than 15%;
  • 3-layer - bias of more than 7%;
  • 4-layers - a bias of more than 2.5%;
  • 5-layer - a bias from 0 to 2.5%.

In the case of a slope to 15%, rolled bitumen materials are placed perpendicular to the water of water if the slope is over 15% in parallel.

roll scheme

After preparing the base under the rolled soft roof form the main surface carpet. It is glued with a stacker and brush so:

  1. Pre-tighten the threads to control the directness of the stressed materials.
  2. The bits of bituminous material rolls half meter and turns away to the side. A mastic is applied to the screed and unscrewed side. Trying not to move the roll, the stacker sticks it on a lubricated surface, smoothing from the center. The procedure is repeated every half meter-70 cm.
  3. The glued area is smoothed by hands and rolled rolled rolling.
  4. When the first strip is glued, they produce the same actions with subsequent, having a 10 cm.
  5. Using cold mastic, it is poured under a roll and smash on the basis of the movements "Forward-back", reaching a uniform distribution.

The device of busless roofs on the flat (slope is less than 2.5%) and the scanty (bite - from 2.5% to 25%) the roofs are made on the prepared screed or reinforced concrete floors. The surface of the topics of the same compositions that the finish roof is stuffed. From the slope varies the number of layers of water insulation and reinforcing gaskets. In the process of the device, gravel or sand is pressed into the layer of mastic, and then apply the glass.


Roof repair mastic


Over time, even on a strong and durable soft roof, cracks arise and hillocks - a consequence of the impact on her inexorable water forces. You can make an easy cosmetic repairs yourself, the main thing is to be patient and mastic for repairing a soft roof.

1. First, "we will pass" on all distinguished places and clean them from dust and garbage, and the buccorki will be crucial. It is better to repair in dry weather - it will give a roof to dry.

2. Mastic for a soft roof is more often used cold - it is more convenient. Prepared mastic (if on the street below 10 ° C, then it must be heated) are applied to the inner layer of the roof and on top glued the lining. Top once again wake up mastic.

soft gluing

If the roof is a metal roof, needing to be fully updated or local repair, then perform it without dismantling the metal is also possible. Polyurethane sealants and mastic for metal roof come to the rescue.

met roof

First step. Repair and sealing of a metal roof folding.

False damaged by frosts are spread, clean and dried, and then filled with sealant and closed.

Second phase. Rust removal and roof covering mastic.

From the entire surface of the roof, rust and dirt is cleaned, the metal is dry. For applying on a metal surface, polyurethane mastic masts are used for two layers. The first layer is applied as paint - a thickness of 2 mm. The second is according to the claimed flow, over the first one, and the color of this layer must contrast with the previous one.

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