Tire crafts with their own hands

March 19. Useful advice, Plot. Views 4468. Comments to recording crafts from tires with their own hands No

Car owners know the price of auto strokes. How to sorry to throw them after they worked out their long time. Previously, another 20-30 years ago, the school courts could see old auto strokes, which were used for the improvement of flower and physical education. If you show a fantasy, you can independently make a lot of interesting crafts from the tires.

In the 80-90s of the last century in the countryside, the children rode a swing made of old car tires. And this is not the only thing that can be built from this material. Crafts from automotive tires are very simple, the main thing is to armarate the patience of the necessary tools and a sufficient amount of material.

Tire Crafts for Garden

The country area is the place where any dreams can be implemented in reality and make crafts from the tires with their own hands. In order to make a figurine from the old bus, you must select a suitable place, determine the task, prepare the tool and proceed to work. It is possible to spend from 3 to 5 hours of free time on creating a simple craft, but for more complex designs will have to take a few days.

What are the materials and tools:

  • acute durable knife;
  • hoven for metal;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • metal line;
  • rope;
  • painting brush;
  • paints of different shades;
  • durable wire;
  • bolts;
  • auto strokes.

It is easier to work with imported tires - they are not so thick, it is easy to cut and well bent. When choosing a tires should pay attention to the type of tires - the winter tire will turn outward much easier than the summer.

From the tires you can make a lot of useful items. For example, it will be good to look at the garden in the garden of the tires, separating the plot or separating it into several zones: working, for games and rest. You can diversify the landscape design with beautiful elements or facing the table and chairs from the car.

Look at this image, make it yourself such a kit will not be a lot of work. The only thing you need to follow is not to put such furniture in the room, because even the old car tire will highlight the unpleasant smell of rubber. But for gatherings outdoors - such furniture is just useful:


You can still decorate the garden plot with interesting crafts: make a container from auto strokes for growing climbing plants, set a small pot or adjust rubber buckets.

Look at this image - this composition will decorate any garden and save place:


How to make a flower garden from a tire

The budget version of the creation of flower beds from auto strokes can be found in almost any yard. Automotive tires are built in the design (ring, fence, wave) and paint with multi-colored paints. There are many options for creating flower beds from auto strokes. The technology is simple: the tires are injected half into the ground, and the middle falls asleep the earth and sow flowering plants.

Complex structures, for example, an elevation-flower bed, can be done like this:

  1. It is necessary to prepare automotive tires of different diameters. Large tires will be used as flower beds, and small - to serve a fence.
  2. Discover the tires to the ground, and the small set vertically.
  3. So that small tires do not fall, they need to make a transverse incision and "plant" from two sides into large tires. From the bottom so that the design is stronger, it is possible to be made of rubber with wire or metal brackets.
  4. There should be a chain of tires.


Beautifully look at small islands-flower beds from tires in the form of tulips. To create such a flower bags, it is necessary to prepare 1 car tire with a disc.

How to make a club tulip:

  1. Return 1 cm disc and appline with chalk (it will be petals).
  2. Cut the tire around the wheel perimeter (without removing from the disk) by contour.
  3. Disconnect the parts and remove the bus - you will have a bowl at the stop.
  4. To give a beautiful view of the flower bed, paint the tire with multi-colored paints and draw patterns.
  5. After complete drying, the flower bed will be ready.


It is enough to make a flower bed in the form of a swan. To create a figure, you will need 1 automotive tire. Look at the scheme to understand how to cut the bus and make a swan neck:


The finished figure must be painted with white paint. After drying the paint in the middle of the flower, the land is poured and plant plants.

Another option to create a decorative figure of automotive tires. To work, it is better to use old "bald" car tires and a sharp knife. Take advantage of this scheme to apply a chalk line by which it will be more convenient to cut the shape.


Step-by-step creation of swan figurines:

  1. On the lines, cut out the sharp knife or the electric bike wings of the swan.
  2. Since this part of the work is done very difficult, it is necessary to prepare a sharp knife with a wide blade in advance.
  3. To make it easier to cut rubber, during operation you need to make it in the soap solution.
  4. Turn the tire. In the body of the swan and in the neck area, a screwdriver or a hand drill makes small holes to corrupt the wire with each other.
  5. Give the figure shape, cut your eyes and beak. Attach parts with screws.
  6. Swan paint into white, eyes leave black, and the beak paints in red.

How to make a craft of tires - Watch the video:

Make 2 tire figures and install them near a miniature pond, which can also be created from an old automotive tire.

To make an independently small reservoir, prepare such tools and materials:

  • wide tire;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • shovel;
  • building level;
  • crushed stone and sand;
  • waterproofing film.

How to make a mini-pond:

  1. Prepare a place - a plot must be smooth, without slope.
  2. Drop the shovel pit to place a tire.
  3. Squeeze the tire inside and check its location by the construction level.
  4. Pour rubble from all sides.
  5. Now you can, with the help of an electric jigsaw, cut the side parts.
  6. Put the waterproofing layer, put the rubble and sand along the tire contour, press the edges tightly.
  7. To close the film, the edges of the reservoir lay out the decorative stone.
  8. It remains to fill the artificial water with water.


Children's town from automotive tires

With the help of old car tires, you can build a whole children's town. Consider popular use of tires:

  1. Children's sandbox. It is not necessary to spend a lot of effort to create a sandbox, it is necessary to wear a tire to the ground half, revive the sandbox - to color it with bright colors and fill in sand.


  1. Baby swing. What else to do kid at the cottage? Of course, ride a swing, and you can make them from old automotive tires. Just cut the tire in half, cut out the inside, leaving the place below the seat, and hang out the ready-made swing on a strong rope. Little kids will love colorful pendant swings in the form of a flower or horses.

8 8-1

  1. Rocking. We'll have to work well to make a children's rocking chair. Work is divided into such steps:
  • tire preparation - cut the tire so as to get 2 identical parts;
  • preparation of seats - cut the board of the desired size, attach it to the tire;
  • decor - paint seat and base in bright colors.


  1. Machines, ships, horses, caterpillars. Kids very much like to explore the new figures - twist the steering wheel, sit on the horse. From old car tires, you can make a small car with a real steering, headlights and seats.


Crafts from tires can be viewed in the photo:




What else can be made of old tires

Man's fantasy has no boundaries. Incredible, but from old tires you can build not only beautiful features for the garden, flower beds and equip the playground. From the tires it is easy to make garden furniture or a launcher for a dog. See how beautiful and tastefully you can make a cozy corner for recreation:


Using the old bicycle tire you can make a stylish bracelet or a durable belt that will serve the owner for many years:


And here's another interesting idea - you can climb the old chest with a rubber belt from the automotive tire. It will not have to look very original to look at such furniture. It is necessary to cut the cloth and nail it with small cloves. It turns out an exclusive thing!


And in order to create such a figure, you need to familiarize yourself with the elements of the artistic thread and be patient. Not everyone can make such a masterpiece:


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