How to find water on the plot

March 5. Useful advice, Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2313. Comments to write how to find water on the plot No

What makes the first thing, mastering a new plot? Well, of course, try to find from where to stretch the water. Well, if it is served centrally, and if not? Then the exit in the arrangement of the well or the artesian well. If you start digging blindly, then it will take a lot of work, but you can not get to the water. On how to find water on the site, told in this article.

A bit of theory

Water in the ground is held due to the presence of waterproof layers. The depth on which it is caused by:

  • terrain;
  • the presence of nearby natural reservoirs or rivers.

The figure is inconstant. It changes and depends:

  • from season;
  • on the quantity of rainy days;
  • from how much snow fell in winter.

The waterproof layers are not a straight line, their geometry sometimes has bizarre curvature and bends. In these places and are formed under the ground of the lake.

Types of groundwater

Depending on the depth of the occurrence, the groundwater on the site is divided into 3 types:

  1. From 2 to 5 m from the surface - the ridder. It is small clusters of water formed as a result of melting of snow and seepage of atmospheric precipitation. Water here is dirty, and sometimes poisoned with all sorts of poisonous substances. In the summer and during severe frosts, it tends to dry out. If and use this water, then only technical.
  2. Starting from 8 to 10 m, and sometimes there are deep layers of water further. Just this water and is used as drinking, because She, passing through the layers of clay and sand, is perfectly filtered.
  3. At a depth of 30 to 50 m, the purest water in which there is salts and minerals, but it is unlikely that someone will dig so deeply.


Search for water by folk methods

People have been searching for water from time immemorial, so a considerable people's experience has accumulated, which is transmitted from generation to generation.

Clay vessel and moisture-boring plants

Our great-grandfathers have come up with how to determine water on the site with the help of submitted means:

  • they took several spacious clay tanks;
  • Collected a bouquet of plants that quickly burning or its absence: Medica, north flower, white incense, yari and placed in dishes;
  • Sheltered plants with genuine sheep wool;
  • determined the weight of each sudine with plants;
  • packaged each container in a bubble of pork or from other animals;
  • dropped out in different places a plot of pits with a depth of 0.3-0.5 m and put these peculiar moisture indicators there. Then the earth fell asleep again;
  • after the incident, 24 hours dishwashed and weighed. In the place where the heavy container dug up and dug well.

The phenomenon is explained simply: plants, feeling water, pulled it on themselves and where the groundwater on the plot was closest to the surface, they managed to absorb more moisture. The same will happen and when to put in dishes instead of plants:

  • dry silica gel;
  • pre-burned brick.


We observe and analyze

Search for water on the site is performed and without resorting to various devices. Sometimes nature itself suggests, at what depth is located under the ground.


Pay attention to the birch. If water is close:

  • her growth is small;
  • the trunk twisted, nodular;
  • branches modified.

If there are other trees, then know that:

  1. Pine will never develop on a plot with high groundwater. Her root is adapted to extract moisture with great depths. So the place where it grows immediately mark how unsuitable well for the well.
  2. Luxurious Iva and Olha testify to the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture on the site. A close aquifer is located there where they are tilted by Croon.
  3. On a plot with water closer to the surface, the cherries, apple trees are never froning. So, if notice that the fruits are disgusted every year, and the tree itself is ill, it means that you have this case.

Indicate the close location of the aquifers Herbate plants indicators:

  1. Music. In such places, it forms thick thickets.
  2. The stream or river gravel - the plant is super-sensitive to moisture and where it is well developing exactly there is water.
  3. The nettle, coltsfoot, Boligols, sorrel also there is a sign that your area with water.

It is also useful to watch the evaporation of the soil on the site, where you intend to place a well or a well:

  • survey the summer early morning into the yard or in the evening, when the heat starts to subscribe;
  • watch, do not form a couple above the ground;
  • raising post or sulfur fog will designate a place with close and abundant moisture.

We call on the help of science


If you got a plot, near which someone has already built a well or there is a pond, a lake or other reservoir, then it is possible to determine the depth of the planned well or well by calculations. We measure the height differences on the site, for which we will use the working device of meteorologists - barometer-aneroid. So:

  1. We take the device and measure the pressure at the reservoir.
  2. We carry out the same measurement where they plan to dig.
  3. We count the depth on which water is located using the results obtained. At the same time, we take into account that 1 tenthmm Mercury post is identical to the difference in the difference of heights of 1000 mm.

For greater clarity, consider an example. Suppose we received the following parameters:

  • the reservoir barometer aneroid showed 590.8 mm;
  • on the spot intended for the well of the well - 590.2 mm.

Determine the difference of drops and the depth of water, i.e.:

  • 590.8 - 590.2 \u003d 0.6 mm;
  • 0.6x1000 / 0.1 \u003d 6000 mm \u003d 6 m.

Electrical sensing


It is also used to search for water a geophysical method. It is unlikely to do it yourself, but a specialist will cope with this task. The essence is as follows:

  • measures are measured by the resistivity of the soil;
  • the aquifer is determined. This is usually a place where the readings from 50 to 200 ohms are fixed.

Keep in mind: if there are many engineering networks, all kinds of metal structures or a plot of iron ore, then it is not necessary to search with this method.


This method is very ancient and although scientifically unreasonable, but relevant today.

We are looking for water with a frame

First make a simple device consisting of 2 frames. To do this, find:

  • copper, aluminum, bronze or brass wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm or electrode. Cut length of about 40 cm;
  • aluminum or copper tube with thin walls:
  • tube plastic or straight branches.


  • bending a wire at an angle of 90 degrees, retreating from the end of 100 mm;
  • insert a short end into a plastic tube or in the cores purified by the elderberry branch;
  • we check whether the wire rotates well inside this case.

But in this video shows a frame of an improved design:

It remains only to take the device and proceed to the scheduled search, but in front of it:

  • notepad;
  • pencils color;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • wooden pegs.

Now, actually intelligence:

  1. In the notepad, draw a plan plan.
  2. Take the frame. Hands pressed to the body. Wires are parallel to Earth and relative to each other, directed forward.
  3. We pass around the perimeter of the plot, then several times all over the area, moving around the rows first from the northern side to the southern side, then with the east to Western.
  4. We drive the pegs at points where the framework was observed and mark them on the plan. Where the water is completely close, they rotate simultaneously to the right and left. If the main stream leaves the stream, its direction will show one of the frames. The position when one frame remains fixed, and the other turns inside indicates that another stream joined the main stream.
  5. Survey once again the entire area to secure the result.

The method of biolocation is determined not only by the location of water reserves, but also the depth of their occurrence. We do it like this:

  1. Take a ruler, thread and a gold ring.
  2. Tie a ring on the thread.
  3. We put the line on the ground.
  4. Hold an improvised pendulum over the ruler. As soon as he starts to swing, internize the amplitude. Suppose, fixed the greatest value within the figure 5. Presumably, the source is located on a 5-meter depth.

It is useful: those who are professionally engaged in water search, advise to reveal the plot not one stream underground, but several. The place where they intersect and is the most successful for the well device.

There are still rules that never violate experienced water deals:

  1. It is impossible to use a stranger device and leaving your own.
  2. Conduct searches at dawn only until 6 in the morning. In the afternoon, a favorable time from 16 to 17 o'clock, in the evening - from 20 to 21 hours, at night - from 24 to 1 hour.
  3. For the right and left hand, their frames are fixed and it is impossible to change them.
  4. The tool must always be clean and dry. Store sealed in a plastic bag.

Vine to help us


The tool is made simply:

  • cut off the young branch of the Willow or Willow, which in the process of growth revealed like a fork;
  • we clean it from the leaves;
  • we break the branches so that it turns out an angle of at least 150 degrees;
  • let dry and the device is ready.

You can proceed to the search for water on the site:

  1. We take a fit into your hands.
  2. Keep so that Rogatina is located parallel to the ground.
  3. We go through the site. Where close to the surface is the underground lake, the device will begin to attract to the ground.


Make the device is not all. As a rule, it is precisely determined by the places for the wells of the wells, people with special flames, intuition. If you do it for the first time, then you do not feel about experienced, so you do not get 100% results. So for reinsurance it is better to drill a control well.

How the biological framework works, tells the author of this video:

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