How to make ventilation in the sauna

January 27. Interior decoration Views 4982. Comments to record How to make ventilation in the sauna No

The main purpose of the sauna is to conduct a spiritual and bodily rest. The leather is cleared and the body's tone is improved. But often buildings where the sauna is located, they begin to collapse. Especially important is for wooden buildings.

Prerequisites for creating a ventilation system

The main causes of destructive phenomena:

  • negative impact of a wet environment;
  • the presence of temperature differences;
  • lack of effective air exchange.


Elimination of the last problem:

  • create uniform and rapid warming;
  • significantly expressed the service life of the sauna;
  • make more enjoyable procedures.

On how to make ventilation in the sauna, and will be discussed in this article.

Two factors affect the choice of ventilation schemes in the sauna:

  • features of the building of the building;
  • his location, taking into account the "Roses" of the winds and landscape.

Nuances of ventilation devices

Some saunas have simple ventilation. Air intake from the street occurs through the crowns at the bottom of the wall. Such an option is quite suitable if the furnace enters the air in the steam room itself. Then for the receipt of fresh air it is necessary to simply switch the front door a little.

But such an airbreaker is possible only with a constant burning of the furnace. In the saunas with the irregular functioning of the "Kamenka", another version of the ventilation system will be required. In any case, the principle of its work must be accompanied by the flow of fresh and removal of the exhaust air.


Fresh air flow can be carried out from:

  • doors;
  • footers;
  • sunshine.

Exhaust air leaves the room in:

  • the furnace povered;
  • ventilation holes.

Ventilation holes are mandatory equipped with valves. With their help, the process of distribution of air flows indoors occurs. Due to this, absolute security is achieved when conducting therapeutic procedures.

The main steps of creating ventilation in the steam

The sauna ventilation project with the creation of beads can be embodied in reality one of the three main ways:

  • the holes are located on the opposite walls on the same line;
  • placement of beads at different levels of opposite walls;
  • holes are placed on one wall.

The last option disappears immediately. It does not provide the maximum comfort of stay in the sauna.

In one line, the inventory is better to have at the bottom of the opposite walls. So the maximum heat preservation is achieved in the steam room. The system is recommended to supplement the device that will be forced to ventilate the room. This problem can be solved using a built-in air duct or a conventional fan.

The principle of operation of such ventilation in the sauna is as follows:

  • the air flow of the fan leads to a decrease in pressure in the air duct;
  • removal of exhaust air;
  • lifting reduced pressure in the steam room;
  • fresh air flow.


The greatest effect will bring the ventilation device in the sauna at different levels. Usually, the outstands on the opposite walls are placed in this order:

  • one - 30 cm from the ceiling;
  • the second is 30 cm from the floor.

Through the lower vent hole, the influx of fresh air is carried out. He moves past a burning oven. After heating, the air rises up. With the help of the upper outstand, air exchange is happening in the ceiling. The length of the valves in the holes is determined, based on the size of the wage (per 1 m³ of the room - 20-24 cm).

It is recommended to provide for the possibility of changing the speed of air flows that move along the steam room. To this end, the sections of the channels are made adjustable. When creating a supply ventilation system, an air duct is mounted. On it, the air is falling at once from the street.

There are such requirements when using ventilation holes in the steam room:

  • with the furnace furnace, the outstands are covered. When the optimal temperature regime is reached, the subsequent adjustment of the microclimate in the sauna is carried out by moving the valves;
  • the size of the exhaust hole must be identical to the dimensional dimensions. The inconsistency of the sizes of the holes may result in the occurrence of reverse thrust. It leads to a decrease in the volume of income fresh air.


It is worth creating with your own hands and floor ventilation in the sauna. The space at the bottom of the room should be ventilated. Usually the removable tin box is used, which connects the "Kamenka" with underground space.

In one of the opposite corners is mounted for ventilation. It can use a pipe from asbestos cement. It should exceed the roof level. A deflector is installed on the riser.

It is not recommended for ventilation for ventilation to display in the attic room. In the winter, it accumulates the air, which will fall inside the sauna.

Finnish sauna and steam room

Nowadays, the construction of the Finnish sauna and the arrangement of the steam room in the residential premises are pretty popular structural solutions. In these cases, it is also necessary to thoroughly think about creating an effective ventilation system.

The ventilation of the Finnish sauna provides for air flow under the oven. To do this, it is necessary to install the grid for ventilation. So it will fall into the steam room. The second outlet is created diagonally on the opposite wall. It connects with the main ventilation system using corrugations. It turns out a natural extract.

To ensure the effective circulation of air flows in the steam room, it is possible by means of a loose laying of floor boards and creating a vent hole with a valve on the ceiling. After the adoption of therapeutic procedures in the Finnish sauna, the plug is removed and the steam room is ventilated.


The sauna ventilation device in the house is carried out similarly to the system of Finnish steam room (with the exception of a loose laying of the flooring). The only difference is that the room intended for the sauna should be securely hydroizing. It is desirable to arrange it closer to the bathroom, where there is already its own ventilation system.

Ventilation video in the sauna:

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