Installation chandelier on stretch ceiling

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The use of stretch ceilings creates some problems that sometimes it is quite difficult to solve. If we are talking about the arrangement of the chandelier on the tensioning surface, then all the actions relating to the installation should be thought out in advance. Already after the construction of the stretch ceiling, the installation of the chandelier will mean a violation of the integrity of the coating. In turn, we will have to spend money on the purchase of stretch material and again engage in its arrangement.

Fortunately, there are some ways that can help install chandeliers already on the lounge ceiling. There are also certain lighting systems that unambiguously should not be installed in such conditions.


Basics of choosing lamps and chandeliers


The selection of chandeliers should be based on the lighting system does not damage the expensive stretching ceiling. First of all, such troubles occur due to the strong heating of the lamp.

  1. Often experts advise to acquire chandeliers with energy-saving elements of lighting. The reason for this is a slight heat release, which is not able to damage the sensitive tensioning coating.
  2. It is also possible to use incandescent lamps, however, in this case, the chandelier must be equipped with a flappon, and the beam of light is directed towards the opposite ceiling.
  3. The base of the chandelier or lamp should not have sharp edges that could easily damage the ceiling tension material.
  4. Overhead chandeliers create a special danger of the stretch ceiling. When operating, the base of such lamps is significantly heated, which can significantly deform the coating.


Existing Mounting Options


First of all, it should be understood that the mounting chandelier depends on its design. It is for this reason that the seller should be consulted during the acquisition of the lighting system. The acquisition of the chandelier after the exhibition of the stretch ceiling significantly narrows the appropriate range of this product.


Hook mounting process

Most often, the installation chandelier on the ceiling occurs by using the hook. This embodiment of the fastening of the chandelier is made exclusively during the construction of the dwelling and only by experts. Together with the hook, you can observe the conducted electrical cable, which, when installing the chandelier, will be almost impaired. This method of setting the chandelier is the most popular, because in this case we have excellent aesthetic qualities of the lighting system. The hook can be installed not only the basis of the wall, but also on additional wood planks or mortgage elements, however, it is very risky to conduct such actions.

All the above actions should be done exclusively before the construction of the stretch ceiling. You should also take care of the ends of the wiring, which should not be inside the tensioning design. Already after taking the material, you should use the thermal gland, gluing it to the hook and output of the cable. Now, with the help of a building knife, you can cut a hole. Immediately, the chandelier can be hung on a hook and attach to the network. A special chandelier cap should hide the cut, if it is performed unevenly. Even without a cap, such a design looks modern and harmoniously.


The process of fastening the chandelier on the bar or plate

The setting chandelier on the stretch ceiling can also be made with the help of special fastening profiles. They are made of metal and installed on studs. In this case, the installation of the chandelier occurs on wood bars equipped on the ceiling. It is important to calculate the optimal distance between the tensioning coating and the ceiling so that the structural elements do not perform. Broat bars to the ceiling must be self-drawing with dowels. In order to cut the hole, as the last time, we need thermocole. Next occurs directly to the installation of the chandelier and the attachment of the studs to the holes.

Quite often you can meet the replacement of the bar on a special plywood platform. The wood material should be attached to the metal legs, which, in turn, will join the ceiling.


The process of fastening the chandelier on the cross-shaped bar


Installation of ceiling chandeliers can also be made by arranging a cross-shaped plank. This is exactly the case when the lighting system is too massive and heavy. For this reason, the mounting hole on the cross-shaped bar is at a great distance from each other.

As in the past method, a special wood base is placed here, which should not have a protrusion. It should maximize the sizes of the cross. In this case, it is necessary to do the whole five holes based on the thermal meter. Central will serve for food. If there is no thermocole, you can strengthen the surface with small pieces of plastic, which should also stick to the appropriate sprouting places of the screws. Without these actions, after a while, the stretch ceiling will begin to rush.

The last stage is limited to hanging chandeliers on the crossbar and fixing the lighting system with special nuts (come complete with chandelier).

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Other aspects of chandelier arrangement


Despite most aspects, the installation of the chandelier brings some danger with their own hands, because only specialists can guarantee the quality of such works. Lighting systems have a lot of weight, as well as many glass and metal elements. When falling, the chandelier can not only damage the floor, but also to create a threat to human life.

If you need to equip a tension ceiling with a plurality of light bulbs, you should still attract specialists to work that will easily cope with all the difficulties. Any instruction for installing the chandelier on the surface of the stretch ceiling may not approach specific conditions, it is worth it to keep in mind. The cost of installing chandeliers by specialists is almost always at a fairly low level.

Stretch ceiling, as you know, perfectly reflects the lighting, so specialists advise to establish huge classic chandeliers equipped with a multitude of light bulbs.

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