What is better to cover the parquet?

January 7. Interior decoration, Building materials Views 3761 Comments To write what is better to cover parquet? No

Parquet flooring is invariably in demand, since the Paul decorated in this way pleases for its attractiveness for a long time. Bribes the naturalness of wood, which gives a special flavor to the interior, a variety of possibilities of form, styling, colors.

parquet methods of protection

More often than not when deciding "what to cover the floor?" use lacquer. But, in addition to this method, there is treatment of oil and wax.


In order to determine the type of coverage, pay attention to the advantages of each method and disadvantages, as well as the application conditions.

Dignity and protection mechanism varnish


Among the advantages are the following lacquered coating:

  • Attractive appearance corresponding to a selected texture (gloss, haze and halftone)
  • The duration of operation of up to 7-10 years
  • The high rate of wear resistance
  • Ability to create additional effects and colors
  • A wide range of compositions, which allows you to select the most suitable, even for allergy sufferers
  • Easy to upgrade and repair
  • Easy-care surface during operation
  • Efficiency.


Lacquered parquet protective coating is a film which does not penetrate deeply into the wood, to a maximum of 1 mm, whereby the light is possible restoration process and the transition to a different way of handling the update process.

Oil dignity and the principle of protection


The main advantages of the oil coating:

  • Naturalness (base are mineral and vegetable ingredients)
  • The absence of mechanical stress limitations
  • Availability refurbishment of individual fragments decking
  • Excellent moisture repellent property while maintaining the effect of "breathing" wood
  • Surface defects less noticeable when they occur (scratches, attrition)
  • antistatic coating
  • Advantageous underlining structure and the pattern tree.

Important! Note that when the coating of parquet oil, real point to a continuation of the natural type of wood finish after this manner.


The principle of the protection action when oil processing: the substance penetrates deeply into the wood fibers and is absorbed, thereby strengthening plank flooring inside.

Waxing the parquet

Waxing often combined with an oil coating, as one of the components of the solution or special finishing decorative material. Separate registration wax is rarely used because of the need for regular weekly updates.


Important! The principle of protection similar to varnishing, creates a thin layer on the surface, the substance itself does not penetrate into the pores of the wood.

When to choose the oil, not paint?

In deciding whether to varnish or oil parquet, note the following guidelines for creating a protective layer. This will help to make the right choice of material.


The conditions under which the application of the oil more efficiently:

  1. Basis parquet - wood exotic or "nerve" of rocks.
  2. Regular swings in humidity and temperature.
  3. The installed floor heating system.
  4. Using the boardwalk in open spaces (pergolas, verandas, terraces).
  5. Installation of parquet flooring indoors with initially elevated conditions of humidity and mechanical load on the surface (bathroom, pool, corridors). parket_Dub_Rustik_Maslo

How does parquet floor update process?

Oil coating, waxing and varnishing is the final process of decoring wooden flooring. Mandatory, but rather laborious will be the stage of preliminary restoration and stripping of the coating.

Important! Only subject to all technological rules of preparatory work, there will no problems and defects on the completion of the coating.


Criteria for choosing a solution?


Given the fairly wide range of products produced by this species, make the most suitable brand, based on the following criteria:

  • Wood breed
  • Operating Conditions (Mechanical Load, Temperature, Humidity)
  • Availability of allergies in family members
  • Requirements for the strength of the protective layer.
  • When choosing an oil, keep in mind that the component of some brands is wax.

Adhere to these recommendations, regardless of whether you decide how to cover the old parquet or the newly created flooring.

What to choose a varnish?

In addition to general requirements for the quality of the solution, consider the features of the main species categories of the lacquer coating in accordance with the chemical composition.


The following groups are presented in today's market:

  1. Water soluble formulations. Different with the smallest toxicity. Do not have caustic odor and dry enough. But, the strength indicators are lower than that of the remaining solutions. A good option for premises with a small load and during the selection of environmentally friendly materials for home improvement. But take into account that it is necessary to apply such varnishes very carefully.
  2. Polyurethane. Excellent tolerate thermal impact, do not fade in direct contact with sun rays, very elastic and have high adhesion indicators. The disadvantage in the form of an increased adhesive property, which ensures the grip of the planks, can be taken into account with increased requirements for the mechanical load exposure.
  3. Alkyd and uretal oil. The basis of them is natural oils, thanks to which there is a deeper penetration of the solution in the pores of the wood. Thus, the durability of the parquet is attached not only outside, but also from the inside, increasing the natural characteristics of the strength of the chosen tree of the tree. In addition, varnishes on this basis more profitably emphasize the structure of the natural material. When choosing this type of solution, keep in mind that drying speed is significantly lower.
  4. Acid curing compositions. They are distinguished by increased characteristics of strength compared to all other species, non-condemns of the operating conditions and technology of application. Drying period is longer. From the explicit disadvantages, we note the caustic smell, because of which the solution is applied exclusively in the protective gauze bandage.

How to choose oil?

All oil solutions are characterized by the number of additives:

  • water
  • polyurethane
  • wax
  • dye.

Important! Depending on the amount of solvents, oil consistency is also changing - liquid, mean, thick.


Make the selection of the most suitable, based on personal preferences and requirements for the natural nature of the material.

Important! Note that for external and internal works, producers provide different compositions.

Popular brands of varnishes and oils for parquet


Among the most commonly used world brands, perfectly proven themselves note:

  • Synteko.
  • Sadolin.
  • Casco.
  • Tikkurila
  • Marshal.
  • Bona.
  • LOBA.
  • Pallmann.
  • OSMO.
  • Tex

Each series has its own options for both professional workers and self-processing surfaces.

Preparatory work

This process is a sequence of repair and restoration work.

Important! The room when performing all the works, up to the final expectation of the drying of the coating should be empty.

Strictly follow the following sequence:

  1. Repair the planks that need it.
  2. Replace those fragments of the flooring, which cannot be repaired.
  3. Split surface using a hand tool or grinding machine and emery paper of large grain. 50DCA44F2F06835426FAF9AA4F3E65F9.
  4. Collect the parquet of sandpaper shallow grain with manually or with a grinding machine.
  5. Carefully clean the floor from the formed garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.
  6. Sharpen irregularities. 113279839_4_644x461_restavratsiyaremont-Starogo-Soveetskogo-Parketa-V-Rovno-I-Oblasti-USLugi
  7. Collect wood again.
  8. Perform cleaning again.
  9. Decide than to cover the parquet after cycle.

Conditions of the microclimate of the room during the processing of parquet

In addition to standard procedures for the restoration and surface update, environmental conditions are important in the process of parquet cover with varnish or oil:

  1. Provide fresh air access.
  2. Exclude drafts.
  3. Adjust the temperature in the range of 15-20s.
  4. Adjust Humidity to 70%
  5. Check the moisture of wood, it must be no higher than 15%. bambukoviy_parket1

Tools and materials

To fulfill these and subsequent work, prepare:

  • Spatulas
  • Scissors
  • Cuccant or grinding machine
  • Entry paper of varying degrees of graininess (from P40 to P200)
  • Capacities for solutions
  • Brushes, rollers
  • Polishing Pads of various colors or rods of the appropriate type, intended for surface treatment of parquet
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • The pulverizer for wetting the surface in the cycling process.

Oil application technology


Initially select a suitable method of two existing:

  • Cold (easier)
  • Hot (time-consuming, but the degree of absorption is significantly higher).

Cold way

  1. Add a dye directly to the oil if you decide to change the shade of wood.
  2. Treat the surface with alkali solution, if the flooring is made of pine, fir or birch. This will prevent the darkening of the main material.
  3. Apply the first thin layer of oil with a spatula. oil.

    Important! Start the finish immediately after the end of grinding and cleaning dust. In this case, absorption will occur faster and the depth of penetration will increase due to the open.

  4. Remove the surplus with a rag after 5-10 minutes.
  5. Polish the coating with a special car with a beige pade or steel cotton on it. news_kiilto_2

    Important! Polishing will help remove the villi and give the floor perfect smoothness.

  6. Wipe the surface of the X / B rag. hOME0828.
  7. Look for up to 12 hours (depending on the speed of absorbing specific wood and in accordance with the instructions for using oil).
  8. Over the course of this time, periodically remove the emerging excess oil.

    Important! Carefully track the appearance of the oil drops on the surface. Do not allow the formation of peel and drying, it will reduce the appearance of the appearance.

  9. After each removal, polished the coating. sredstva-Dlya-Uxoda-Za-Parketom
  10. Apply the second layer of oil.

    Important! The consumption of substances at the second and all subsequent layers is significantly lower due to reducing absorption.

  11. Remove the surplus using parquet processing with black or green pead.
  12. Repeat the procedure for applying and removing surplus as needed.

    Important! The number of layers is determined by the degree of water absorption: the higher it is, the more the processing steps will be required.

  13. Polish parquet with a red pead. news_kiilto_3.

    Important! Prepare a pre-special cloth for caring the surface of the parquet if you perform by polishing manually without the help of equipment.


Review the video on which the entire sequence of carpet processing oil is displayed.

Hot oil covering oil

The sequence of actions is similar, but somewhat different in the preparatory processes of materials:

  1. Heat the floor with a thermocoupe.
  2. At the same time, heat the oil on the steam bath to the temperature of 80s.
  3. Apply neat oil to the surface. maslo Big.
  4. Observe the uniformity of the layer thickness.
  5. Flight with a beige pen or a specially prepared rag before full absorption. 1000
  6. Lose 2-3 hours. s03C3CVNQ9PP_2.
  7. Apply a second layer for similar technology. renew01

    Important! Repeated application when the hot method is used, it is advisable for surfaces with an estimated high load during operation, for example, on terraces, in corridors.

  8. Look out at least 12 hours before the start of floor operation.
  9. Install furniture in 3-4 days.
  10. Wet cleaning do not earlier than in 2 weeks.

    Important! Prepare a pre-special cloth for caring the surface of the parquet if you perform by polishing manually without the help of equipment.

Additional recommendations

  • Update the oil coating 2 times a year.
  • Use special surface care products.

    Important! Note that immediately after processing parquet oil, the speed of contamination will increase significantly until completely absorbed.

  • If necessary, restoration of individual parts in accordance with the initial oil application technology.

Parquet coating wax

Wax processing will help create an additional protective layer, which will reduce the amount of puffed dirt. In addition, it is the wax that will give a glossy shine, missing after oil use.


Conditions for the use of wax and subsequent operation of parquet are as follows:

  1. After the latter oil application, wait 2 days to ensure the necessary absorption.
  2. Apply wax drops to the surface with a white pad or roller.
  3. Slip the substance with circular movements into the surface with a white pad and a polishing machine or manually.
  4. Perform a repeated polishing after 3 hours.
  5. Look out the week until the protective layer is complete.


Surface varnishing

The whole process of registration of the floor parquet is not complex. It is quite possible without special skills to install, update and cover the parquet varnish with your own hands. The main condition is the correct and consistent implementation of all types of work.


Surface processing technology


  1. Perform the preparatory layer using a primer varnish or antiseptic. 00061748
  2. Apply a wide brush solution or roller. parket6.
  3. Passengers perform strictly "along the fibers".
  4. Wait for drying, the duration of which is regulated by the manufacturer and thickness of the layer.

    Important! The average duration of drying is 2-3 hours when using primer, up to 24 hours when using an antiseptic.

  5. Start processing the surface from the end of the room opposite.
  6. Apply the first layer of varnish using a roller or brush. lakirovka-Parketa_Big

    Important! When using a roller, perform cross-shaped movements (the first smear is the application of the solution, the second, cross, is spilling). For the brush, arcuate technology with a small bend angle is used, and each subsequent smear over a third overlaps the previous one.

  7. After the end of work, rinse the brush if a two-component solution was used or left in containers with varnish in one-component composition.
  8. Wait for complete drying.

    Important! Standard duration of varnish frost - 24-48 hours.

  9. Remove the villus by neat grinding with fine-grained emery paper.


    Important! Use circular movements to achieve a mining and clean surface.

  10. Apply subsequent layers of lacquer (1-2) in compliance with the rules of technology.
  11. Collect the surface before creating the last layer of varnishing. pokr_lakom_1_orig
  12. Getting started by parquet no earlier than after 3 days.
  13. Enter the furniture no earlier than after 14 days.


View the applied video below, which shows the varnishing of various tools.

Additional recommendations

Observe the rules for the care of the lacquered surface to provide long-term operation.


Conditions are very simple:

  1. Do not go on parquet in street shoes and on heels.
  2. Exclude sand entering to prevent the appearance of scratches.
  3. Use special carket care products.
  4. Control the level of humidity and temperature within the rate to maintain parquet in good condition.
  5. Heavy furniture legs wrap felt.
  6. For cleaning, use only a wet, and not wet cloth.



No matter what kind of carpet protection you have chosen, follow the surface processing recommendations. Perform restoration work on time and update the protective layer. This approach will provide long-term operation and will exclude frequent damage to the parquet.

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