How to make a mountaineering on the plot with your own hands

October 24. Plot. Views 640. Comments to record how to make a mountaineering on the plot do it yourself No

Camping is needed to all. After all, this chance to be away from dusty and stuffy air, noise and bustle of the city streets. Most often, the place for such a holiday is a personal country site. Rest to some extent contributes to the proper design of the garden. Agree, resting in the beautiful garden is much more pleasant than on an empty lawn. In general, every country plot is an extensive space for the manifestation of fantasy. And with its design, the taste plays an important role. The plot should not be too monotonous, but at the same time it should not overload it with details. In order to achieve this, it must be placed correctly. Careful planning will make the garden original, bright and unique. In such a garden, we talk with friends - one pleasure. The most successful design of the country area is considered to create a mountaineering with hands - a garden, in the design of which are present both plants and stones.

Alpinaria device with your own hands: Schemes and types


The correct land landscape decorates the environment and improves the quality of life. Here you can retire and relax. Green color soothes the nervous system, and the plants themselves purify the air. It depends on the right planning not only how many plants we can place in the mountaineering, but also how much they will look harmoniously. It is important that the design and planting of plants correspond to such conditions as the location of the site, lighting, soil and relief. About how to make a mountaineering with your own hands, step-by-step instructions and the phased creation of a beautiful country landscape will be submitted further in the article.

To equip a landscape for a holiday in a country house - this is not the task of light, so requires the cost of time, funds and fantasies of the site owners. Standard elements capable of giving the necessary design to your site are trees and shrubs. However, modern designers find many other bold solutions for registration of the household territory and the creation of alpinaria in it, for example, it is: flat stones, plates, squals, huge boulders, bamboo slices, logs of various decorative shades, etc.


There are such types of mountaineering:

  1. Alpine slide. This is the most popular way of making Alpinaria. In order to equip such a landscape, it is necessary to put a large boulder and small stones on the sides, on top of which plant plants. You can post this mini-alpinal with your hands on your own, because there is nothing complicated in creating such a landscape.
  2. Rocky slide. There is another combination of large and small stones, rather than in the first way of registration of alpinearia. So, the boulders are stacked near the base of the cliff, and on top are fried by small stones. At the base, low-spirited coniferous cultures can be planted.
  3. Mountain valley. This is the most successful solution for the landscape landscape in the country house. The valley imitates the natural landscape of a certain thematic content. For example, you can create a simulation of volcanic tuff and lava, low-spirited conifers or a small desert island in the garden and much more, on which only the fantasy of the site owners is. Moreover, today there are many high-quality materials that are suitable for creating a unique and original mountain landscape on your homestead.
  4. Stony horizon. This landscape is represented by a large flower club laid out of flat small stones. Alpine asters or other flowers are planted between stones. Typically, such a horizon is built on a flat part of the garden.
  5. Multistage slide. As it is clear from the name, this Alpinarium can be put on different levels of the site, so that the stones are located in the form of steps, on the slope of which coniferous or other decorative cultures will be planted.
  6. Czech slide. It is laid out of flat stones placed vertically. In the center of such a composition, small decorative shrubs are planted.
  7. Ravine. Boulders and stones are laid out under the tilt. In the center of such a design you can place an artificial reservoir.
  8. Border. Such a low design of stones can be an excellent fence in the zoning of the site. Next to the laid out stones you can land down the low plants.

As can be seen from the above, the possibility of creating a mountaineering in a country house depends not only on the consistency of the owner, but also from his fantasy, the ability to experiment and make bold solutions.

Alpinarium with their own hands: step-by-step construction

Alpinaria planning


If you decide to make a mountaineering with your own hands, then you need to start working with the preparation of the project. It will help not only speed up the work process, but also reduce its cost, as well as to predict all possible "pitfalls" when building a household landscape. The creation of the Alpinaria project is not recommended to be carried out together with the organization of work. Because simultaneously planning and building it is impossible. And if you can plan on a piece of paper, and with ease, replace the flower leaf on a gazebo or pool, then when working on improvement, such a "replacement" is carried out much more complicated, and it will also require additional cash investments. In addition, the landscape of the Alpinaria must comply with not only the architecture of the cottage, but also drainage systems, as well as other engineering systems available on the backyard.

An ideal time for creating a Alpinaria project is considered the period from the end of the autumn before the start of spring. The creation of the Alpinarium project is recommended only after the project of the future country house is drawn up. Since it is so possible to take into account all the peculiarities of future buildings, the installation of engineering systems, the location of all objects of territory improvement and other.


The main stages of the creation of the Alpinaria project on the nursery territory:

  1. Initially, topographic shooting of the land plot is necessary. If it is located on a convenient and flat relief, then such schematic images can be performed independently, measuring the contours of the site and plastered the planned objects on paper. If the site has a complex relief, the topographic shooting and computer simulation must be entrusted to professionals.
  2. Next, you need to apply underground communications, in order to avoid collision when gardening with, for example, high-voltage cable.
  3. For the construction of the initial foundation, it is important to take into account the specifics of the soil on the site. You still need to develop a system drainage system. This issue will help data engineering and geological shooting.
  4. It is then important to determine the individual preferences of the owner of the house and compare the wishes with the "possibilities" of the area, the structure of the soil, relief.
  5. And finally, a preliminary calculation of the approximate cost of work on the creation of a mountaineering in the preservation area is carried out.


Drawing up the estpinarium estimates

When planning and creating a mountaineering, in the country's hand, it is worth more to pay attention to the financial issue. In particular, you need to choose construction and vegetable material. The most expensive materials are not always the best. In addition, you will not receive from purchased materials of the expected result. If you want to plan the right landscape, then when you purchase, be sure to consider different local factors. After all, the plot can be both sunny and shady, the soil can be both low-grade and rich nutrients. As a result, if the landscape of the site is planned correctly, then you will avoid unnecessary alterations, which, in turn, will save a lot of money. On average, the creation of a project in the company engaged in the landscape design will cost the owners of a plot from 30 to $ 100 per hundred.

At the end it is worth saying a special software that will allow planning the correct landscape of the mountainaria. Using these programs, you can create a virtual version of the future rocky garden for the prepared plan. Moreover, these tools allow you to see how the garden will change with the change of seasons.

Selection of plants and alpinaria stones


Since the mountaineering must imitate the natural mountain landscape, then naval stones or pebbles are suitable for its creation, having a round and right shape. It is better to take depending on the type of landscape being created following the following stones:

  • Tile.
  • Flat (fightered).
  • Pointed.
  • Curly-shaped.

Most often used:

  • sandbox
  • limestone,
  • slate
  • basalt,
  • travertine,
  • lime tuff.

For the arrangement of the mountainaria, various types of plants are suitable, which should be selected in shape and size. Most often use the following:

  • Decorative coniferous cultures.
  • Primulus.
  • Armery.
  • Fern.
  • Gentian.
  • Poppies.
  • Camery.
  • Violets.
  • Badan.
  • Barwin.
  • Alpine Asters.
  • Iberis
  • Flox.

Alpinarium do it yourself: step by step photo

When the plan of the mountainaria is drawn up and the stones and flowers are selected for him, go directly to the installation work:

  • Initially select a site to accommodate the mountainaria. It is better to give preference to sunny glades where there is no dampness and shadows. If the site has too wet soil, then the drainage system should be equipped.


  • Next, markup is performed according to the diagram of the Alpinaria.
  • Then you need to prepare the base for laying the Alpinaria. It is cleared of garbage, weeds, roots, etc.


  • A small layer of the soil is removed in the place where the alpinary is planned.
  • After that, the drainage system is equipped. To do this, lay a layer of gravel, rubble, broken stones, etc.


  • Then the sand layer is poured, on which a large layer of fertile soil is stacked.
  • Then the alpine ensemble is drawn up, according to the plan previously made. It may be one of the options for arranging the mountaineering, which we talked above. Depending on the type of alpinaria selected, stones are embanked and the necessary plants are planted, which will complete the rocky composition.

As you can see, the owners of modern country houses seek to equip the household plot with everything necessary not only for a comfortable life, but for a cozy holiday. After all, that, like a garden, created from stones, near your own house, will be able to create the very necessary atmosphere of heat, comfort and rest. In addition, a competently equipped landscape for recreation can not only create a comfortable area for family leisure, but also to give the country house of elegance and playfulness, emphasizing the individuality of the structure.

Alpinarium do it yourself: photo

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