How to plaster foam

August 26. Repair and construction work Views 4501. Comments to record how to plaster foam No

Increasingly, during construction and repair, insulation of walls with the use of foam is performed. The advantages of using this material are obvious - it is not expensive, while it provides a decrease in heat loss to a minimum. But to protect against temperature drops, ultraviolet, moisture and mechanical loads require a finishing layer.

Due to the fragility of the insulation, the question arises: "Is it possible to plaster foam?". Modern technologies made it possible to solve many tasks, now it is not difficult to carry out finishing work even with such crumbling surfaces. kak-Vybrat-Valik

Resources for work

The process requires the following materials:

  • plaster mix;
  • water;
  • reinforcing grid;
  • primer;
  • coating for the finish layer.

From the tools you will need a standard set for plaster:

  • construction mixer;
  • bucket;
  • two spatula of various widths;
  • knife;
  • roller;
  • brush;
  • grater with a nozzle from sandpaper;
  • sponge.

Choose a mixture for high-quality plaster


In the construction market, their products for working with foam offer are offered by many firms leading: Ceresit, Ecomix, phrases, etc. Manufacturers produce a separate line suitable for insulation. Some mixtures are designed for gluing foam plastic to different surfaces, others - to arrange facing.

Accordingly, when you choose than plastering the foam outside, it is worth paying attention to universal formulations.

Such a mixture in the process will be needed to glue the reinforcing mesh and plaster walls, while the solution consumption is 4 kg / m2 and 6 kg / m2, respectively. Prepare a mixture in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. However, experienced masters recommend adding more water when grid sticking and make a sufficiently liquid mixture for foam plaster. Due to the specific surface, the solution should almost die from the spatula.

Another important advice is the use of material of one brand, because each manufacturer can make changes to the product. As a result, after the work done, the surface with a different result was obtained.

Technological process


Before plastering, the foam is worth considering the work of stages. The whole process occurs in 6 stages:

  • grid sticking;
  • grout;
  • laying the leveling layer;
  • grout;
  • primer;
  • decorative coating.

Fundament arrangement

The gluing of the mounting mesh as the base allows you to securely secure the layer of plaster to foam. The smoothness of the leveling layer directly depends on the density of the selected material, but it becomes too large complicates the design of the angles of the walls. Often, the grid is used for external and facade works, the density of which is about 150 g / m2. This selection refers to alkaline materials, so it is possible to close it with a mixture based on cement without concerns.

Work begins with the treatment of corners and various openings. For the design of the angle, the band is cut off with a width of 30 cm, the length should correspond to the treated area. But in the plaster, the facade of the foam is cut off stripes, a length not exceeding 1 m, because a larger segment cannot be glued due to the mixture setting speed. For reliable fixation, the mesh bend along the midst, after which the edge should remain. Next, the universal mixture of 2-3 mm thick is applied to the angle, the prepared grid is inserted into the solution. Fix the base with pressed and smoothing movements of the spatula from the corner to the sides. It is important to leave free pieces of the mesh for sizing joints.

For the decoration of the plane, the mesh stripes are cut down with a length of 1 m, then the solution is applied on the wall with a spatula with a layer of about 3 mm. From the cut band of the meter width, a section of 1x0.9 m is covered, the edges of 5 cm remain for the sickness of the joints. Fasten the grid by the smoothing movements of the spatula from the middle of the strip to the edges, for the full hide the base on the spatula is added a bit of a solution. For these vertical stripes closed the entire wall of the foam. It is important not to forget to leave the mesh for the joints and go well to speak.

The grid with the solution you need to dry, for this in the heat enough for several hours, and in cool weather you will have to wait. If during the grout in the grater it does not fall asleep mixture, then the nozzle is replaced due to the possibility of damage to the whole wall. Next, the surface is treated with a plastic grater with sandpaper. It is necessary to carry out circular movements with a small application.

Aligning layer


Next, the leveling layer is applied, for its arrangement, the same universal mixture is used. From the tool you will need 2 spatula - wide and narrow. With the help of the second, we recruit the solution into a large spatula and pour onto the wall. Thanks to the grouting of the base from the grid, the solid layer in 3 mm is sufficiently distributed on the entire surface of the wall. Work is carried out by sites, it is important to monitor the connections of individual strips - they should not match the joints on the grid.

The grout of the leveling layer is carried out in a day after the plaster, during this time the solution will grab well for normal operation. If you tighten the duration of the out of the layer will have to apply more effort for a qualitative result. The process is carried out with foam grades and emery paper, you need to clean the wall with circular motions until the smooth surface is obtained.



To ensure a good clutch of the finishing material, pores in the plaster need to fill in the primer. Depending on the chosen finish, the construction primer is selected. For example, if you need to paint the wall - a composition is suitable that does not contain a quartz grain. Then it turns out a smooth surface without roughness. And if it is necessary to use decorative plaster, it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the materials, then quartz are introduced into the composition. An example of the first type of product is Ceresit CT17, the second - Ceresit St16. Apply the primer with a short pile roller, it allows not to leave the flops.

Decorative plaster

Laying of decorative plaster is carried out in 3 stages:

  • application of the base layer, the thickness of which depends on the thinness of the grinding of the mixture. The larger the grains of plaster, the thicker should be a layer of solution. With the help of spatulas, a mixture is applied to the prepared walls, the main thing is to evenly distribute the solution over the entire surface;
  • formation of texture, which occurs with the use of a conventional sponge. On the base layer with a spatula, a grater and a sponge with large pores make a pattern on the working surface;
  • applying a protective layer after drying plaster. Often, paint is used as protection for facade works, but sometimes a colorless varnish is used.

After all manipulations, it turns out a beautiful and reliable coating of walls insulated by foam. In order to know how to plaster foam properly, it is worth viewing the following video:

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