Laying cork sex with your own hands

October 1. Repair and construction work Views 2291. Comments to record locking cork floor with your own hands No

Thanks to the practicality and low price, the cork coatings for the floor are increasing their popularity every day. The range of such products is constantly increasing. Manufacturers work daily on the creation of fresh options that would be perfect under the interior of a particular dwelling.


Laying of cork sex - the occupation is pretty simple. Thanks to this, the material and becomes so popular and common. This coating cannot be called universal, but the laying of cork material is produced in many types of rooms.


Varieties of cork floors


  1. Whole cork veneer is the most expensive. Its analog is a cork board, which is produced by cutting the cortex of cork oak. This is an eco-friendly material that combines all the best quality skills.
  2. Cork panels MDF. Also, this material is often called cork laminate. The cost of panels is at the middle level. It is made by MDV with hot pressing. The surface of the material is covered with varnish or vinyl film. Quality is quite comparable to a solid cork veneer.
  3. Pressed cork crumb, based on which is manufactured by a popular cork tile. Thanks to the inexpensive production technology, the material can be purchased at a fairly low price. At the same time, the quality and durability of the material is worthy of only positive feedback. Due to the fact that the extruded material is made from a variety of small elements, there is an opportunity to create complex figures. The sizes of cork elements can be varied, but no more than 60x90 cm, otherwise the probability of cracks and other flares appears.


Positive and negative sides of the use of cork coverage


It is worthwing to know that the cork covering of the floor has many positive characteristics. First of all, it has good thermal insulation properties, excellent environmental performance. Also, such a floor withstands major loads, which is very useful in private houses. The cork coating well springs and absoluses completely.

At the same time there are negative aspects of the use of cork materials. Most of the cork materials have a high price that many are not caught. Also, this coating is rather fragile, so throughout the entire time of operation, it will be necessary to regularly replace parts of the material.

The basis of the negative feature of the use of cork coatings is the serious expansion of the material at high temperatures. Also under the action of moisture, the cork coating swell significantly.

It is worth remembering that it is possible to cover the floor with cork material only in some rooms. When using traffic jams in the bathroom and toilet, there are practically significant deformations of the material. The swelling of the cork coverage makes a cork surface with an unfusive in the plan of further operation.

Cork-floor pluses-and-minuses

Best cork application


Specialists advise you to lay a plug immediately in several rooms. First of all it is a children's room. The cork floor is always warm, so the child will be comfortable. Also, the plug surface is somewhat elastic, so the drop in the child will not cause any damage.

Often, the plug applies and to cover the floor of the living room, bedroom and work office. In this case, the plug is shuffling external sounds and creates a good insulation. It is worth understanding that the durability of the material is low, so it is sooner or later to replace the coating will definitely have to be replaced.


Cork laying process


Preparation of the room

Obviously, any coating should be laid on the maximum smooth surface. The cork is a soft material, so in this case it is especially important that the floor is really smooth and not even rough. If everything is fine with that, then you need to check the surface moisture. Based on the fact that the sample does not tolerate moisture, the surface of the floor with a polyethylene film must not be left to the laying. Thus, we will ensure the complete absence of even minimal moisture.

Even experts suggest that 90% of all the troubles that happen to cork coatings occur due to high humidity. The importance of all preliminary action is obvious.

Floating flooring

Floating is called that cork floor, which consists of solid pieces of veneer or its large parts. The appearance of the material resembles a laminate. Most often, professionals are engaged in the arrangement of such coatings, since the purchase of floating material is not available to everyone.

The total process of laying the plug happens as follows:

  • first, the room area is performed, so as not to purchase extra material. The purchased veneer must be seen in the room where repair work will be carried out;
  • now the floor is covered with a polyethylene film with overlap. It is desirable that the film for several centimeters enter the walls. The joints of the material should be glued with scotch;
  • one side of the cork material has a groove, so if necessary, cut the coating should be across, otherwise there will be no possibility to cut the unit of material among themselves;
  • styling of cork floor begins with a long corner with transverse rows. In essence, this process of laying is similar to the design of the surface with laminate. If one part of the coating is not included in another, it is necessary to apply a Cyanka. Longly picking up the back of the material you can achieve a good fastening result. Strong blows can damage the plug;
  • already after laying an extra part of the film, you need to cut off with a building knife;
  • next, the installation of plinths, which must also be corks. Plinth must hang over a cork coating, however, just a couple of millimeters. To not guess with a height, you can put matches. Unfortunately, the space between the plinth and the coating is often clogged with garbage, but there is a chance that the floor will swell and remove the distance.


Laying cork tile on glue


  1. To begin with, construction glue to the floor surface is evenly applied. Its quantity should be moderate so that the coating is not "slid".
  2. Immediately put the cork tile on top of the glue layer. To ensure the flatness of the surface, you need to pump the surface with a roller several times.
  3. The surface must be as smooth as possible, so it is necessary to apply the level and check each stacked tile. If after some time the tile raised, you should press it with several light blows of the image. This should help entry the material.
  4. If, after laying the cork plate, glue made, you need to immediately remove it with a rag moistened with solvent. A typical cloth or cloth will not get rid of traces of construction glue.
  5. On the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to leave small intervals to successfully install the plinth.
  6. When all the necessary actions are completed, you need to leave the room for a day to frozen glue. You can open the windows in this case, however, you need to ensure that raindrop drops or other moisture do not fall on the floor.


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