Methods of insulation ceiling

October 2. Repair and construction work Views 3708. Comments to record methods of ceiling insulation No

As you know, through the ceiling can leave up to 20% of heat. Therefore, the ceiling insulation is a very important event that should be carried out directly at the construction stage. If you do not insulate it, the thermal insulation of the room will be very bad. Unfortunately, such works have to be performed not only during the construction of the house, but also in other cases. For example, when wearing insulation in the old building.


Sometimes on the type of work they save and generally do not conduct them. This is fundamentally not true. And if you wish to prevent unnecessary spending, you can try to perform this type of work yourself, without the involvement of repair professionals. In this article we will tell you about the methods of ceiling insulation, and about the technology of their implementation.

About the need for ceiling insulation

In general, there are several ceiling insulation technologies, and which one of them, when to apply depends on a particular case. So, in private wooden houses, the laying of thermal insulation is usually carried out from the side of the upper room. This allows you to keep heat indoors. This will not require additional ceiling finishes. In addition, the processes that occur in thermal insulation material and overlap allow you to ensure dryness and heat of the materials and the room itself, the condensate will not form that it will not give the insulation to wet.

Consider some more details of the insulation of the premises of the attic. Modern materials for thermal insulation are air, which is concluded in a special way into shape. Why air? Because it is he who is the best thermal insulation material. Warming on the side of the attic also, in fact, uses air. From a long time, wooden houses are built with a two-tie roof. At the same time, the attic never heels and there is a pair of windows on its front wall. Such a roof is well delayed snow, and he also plays the role of insulation, and very good.

So, at a temperature on the street in -25 degrees, if there are snow on the roof, inside the attic temperature of the air will be about 0 degrees. Moreover, this air itself is a heat insulator. Changes to its characteristics can be achieved using the opening and closing of the window in the front wall of the attic mentioned earlier. At the same time, the sex of the attic always is always insulated with natural bulk material, which together with the air allows you to maintain the temperature inside the house at the level of + 20 ... + 25 degrees Celsius. In addition, the used bulk material does not repense. In order to dry it, it is enough to heat the attic. It is very important that the roofs of the roof can be insulated from the inside. Otherwise, the snow, which will lie on the roof, will begin to lift, because of what icicles will form on the atmosphere.

In apartments that are located in high-rise buildings, the ceiling insulation technology is different. In this case, it cannot be insulated outside, because it is a floor for an apartment that is located on the floor above. So, the ceiling can be insulated from the inside of the room. In this case, each subsequent layer of the insulation must have the ability to skip steam.

Heat ceiling Outside

This insulation technology implies styling material for thermal insulation on top of the overlap or in existing emptiness if available. This is how the ceiling in private wooden houses insulate. Selecting the type of material for insulation, and directly the technology of its laying depend on the overlap used. It can be concrete or wooden. Easy flowing materials are suitable for wood. Roll type materials can also be used. For the insulation of concrete, plates, dense mats, as well as heavy flowing materials are more suitable.

Ceiling insulation Minvata


Mineral wool has the following advantages:

  1. Not afraid of fire. It just does not burn and do not even smoke.
  2. It does not spoil neither insects or rodents.

Many confuse this material with glass gamble. They are actually similar, but they are very different from the properties. Glasswater is generally not recommended to use in residential areas. As for mineral wool, it is much safer. It is usually produced in the form of rolls or mats.

Mineral wool installation process Next:

  1. When the ceiling ursa is insulated with a mineral wool in two or three layers. At the same time, it is necessary that the fields of fittings of the mats are shifted by several tens of centimeters.
  2. If the installation is carried out between wooden beams, then the last layer is recommended to be put on top of these beams.
  3. You can use the foam plates in the same way. But such material has more flaws. First of all, he is fragile.
  4. The foam plastic is placed on a sealed layer of vaporizolation depending on the heat-engineering calculations into one or more layers.
  5. Between the beams can also be filled with granulated foam. This material is much cheaper, and it is not worse with thermal insulation than that of the plates from the foam.
  6. For bulk insulator, you can use clay. It fireproof is not damaged by rodents and serves long enough. But you should not forget that on thermal insulation properties it is worse than mineral wool. Consequently, a large thickness of the insulation is required.
  7. Before falling down clamzit, you need to make sure that the overlap can withstand the weight of the heat insulation layer.
  8. When the installation of the heat-insulating layer is completed, the floor can be token.

Warming sawdust


For a long time, sawdust is used for ceiling insulation. This material was the test of time and showed itself as a good insulation. One of the important advantages of the ceiling insulation sawdust is its low price. In some regions, the opil can be literally obtained for free. Some enterprises in order to get rid of him, give it in vain. But Opila has and serious shortcomings. One of them is the fact that this material is well lit. Because of this today there are several ways to insulation sawdust:

  1. The gaps are flashed with liquid clay, and sprinkled with slag.
  2. The surface of the floor is protected from moisture with sawdust and cement.
  3. The floor is protected from moisture with sawdust and clay.
  4. The gaps are flashed with liquid clay. Slag is not used.

Consider in more detail the technology of execution of each method. In the first case, the slit in the semi attack is embarrassed by a little liquid clay. After that, the sand is sprinkled. Cars can appear in clay. If this happens, then the resulting slots should be filled with sand. A sawdust layer can harm mice. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to float the sawdust of the lime, mixed with carbide. Then another layer of sawdust is superimposed. For each region, its thickness of the layer of this insulation is selected, but it should be at least 150-200 millimeters. Optimal thickness is considered 250-300 millimeters. To avoid firewood, the sawdust should be filled with a layer of spent slag. This is especially important to do around the chimney. From above this insulation does not need anything. You can only pave several boards in order to more conveniently walk in the attic.

The second and third way are similar. So, in the second method, protect the floor from moisture can be mainly in two ways. For example, you can lay a special waterproofing film on it, which has the ability to skip moisture from the side of the room, or can be placed the entire floor with clay. After that, you must first mix ten parts of sawdust with one or two parts of the cement, and then add one and a half of the water.

In order for the collection to the cement, he should wet. You need to pour the finished mixture into the inside floor. You can also fall asleep on the draft floor between the beams of overlapping. The mixture layer should turn out about 200 millimeters. Drying sawdust with cement requires a lot of time. So that they manage to dry, this work should be made in the spring.

The fourth way is similar to the first. But only the slag is not used. Sawdust to protect against mice can be smeared with medium glove thickness.

Warming with ceiling clay


With this material, wooden floors are not recommended, because it is heavy enough. Otherwise, under the weight of such insulation, the ceiling can simply fail. Therefore, the ceramzite is usually used to insulate the concrete overlap.

Heat process:

  1. First, the concrete floor should be seal with a vapor barrier film. Each fragment must be glued to another brass, gluing the joints with the help of the scotch. On the walls should be laid about 40-50 centimeters. The same film you need to puncture chimney and rafters.
  2. After that, the film should be laid mint clay. From above, it is necessary to accurately accommodate a ceramzite. So that the thermal insulation was better, you should take a mixture of large and small material. In this case, the petty will fill in the ceiling of emptiness, and the backstage itself will turn out much more homogeneous. For different regions, a layer of clay must be different. For the coldest regions, it is usually enough a layer of 50 centimeters. Due to the fact that a lot of material is required, the ceramizite is rare as thermal insulation.
  3. In addition to the ceramisit, there is a screed of cement and sand with a thickness of 50 millimeters, which also adds weight to insulation. In order for the screed solution to be shed deeply into the backfill, it should be quite dense. Of the advantages of such a coating, it is worth noting its high fire safety.

Warming of clay


Clay itself is usually not used as insulation. Because it would take a very thick layer. Such a layer of clay will not pass any wooden ceiling. Therefore, for the insulation, the clay ceiling is mixed with sawdust. To begin with, the floor should be sealing a vault with a vapor barrier film. Then you need to prepare a solution of clay with sawdust.

The process is as follows:

  1. Pour water into a large barrel.
  2. Add 4-5 clay buckets to it.
  3. We mix the clay in the water so that the water acquires a dirty color, and the clay itself almost dissolved.
  4. A piece of the resulting mixture is poured into the concrete mixer.
  5. The solution should not be liquid and not thick. It must be applied to the ceiling with a layer of 150-200 millimeters. After that, the surface must be loosen and dried. If cracks appeared during drying, then they are smeared by clay.

Warming with Ramyshoma


The ceiling of a wooden house can be inspired with the help of mats from the root. Today, special reed mats are produced for insulation, which are tied with twine and wire. This material simply stacked over the overlap. It is advisable to put two layers of such mats. The second layer is needed in order to overlap the joints of the first layer mats that can pass heat. Only this method has one significant disadvantage, namely fire hazard.

Warming algae


Algae is another natural material that can be insulated the ceiling. It is rather cheap, in the regions close to the sea, it is sold in almost nothing. The advantage of such a heater is that it does not cause allergies. Moreover, it is even good for health. The fact is that in algae contains iodine and sea salt, which are useful to man. In addition, in this material cannot be pests, and it cannot burn. He is not afraid of moisture. Therefore, you can save on vaporizolation. For insulation, it is sufficiently directly to the overlap to the ladders, with a layer should be about 200 millimeters. For convenience, you can put the boards on top.



Equata is a modern material on a natural basis. To reduce its fire hazard, it must first be processed by boric acid or antipirens. By itself, cellulose wool can absorb moisture. Therefore, the use of a vapor barrier film is not required. EcoWhat should be put on overlapping using a special blowing unit. At the same time, it fills all the slots, and the layer of heat-insulating material is solid. The insulation of the ceiling is an equally due to air inside this material. Most often, there are enough 250 millimeters of this insulation, but in the cold regions the thickness of this layer is often doing more. To accelerate the formation of lignin, water splashing should be included. After a couple of weeks, a crust is formed on top of the material.

Insulation ceiling by penplex


Penoplex is one of the types of extruded polystyrene foam. It is stronger than foam. Therefore, the Penoplex can be used as the insulation of overlapping from concrete before the filling of the concrete layer. Only wooden coatings will not be heated to them due to the fact that this material does not breathe. Because of this, excessive moisture will accumulate in such overlap.

Before laying the material, you need to check whether there are irregularities on the working surface.

The process of insulation in general is as follows:

  1. Align the surface.
  2. Sit the vapor insulation material.
  3. Dispatch the plates of polyplex in the disintegration.
  4. Secure slabs with dowels.
  5. The joints between the plates fill the mounting foam.
  6. When the foam dries, it should be pouring a layer of ties from cement and sand with a thickness of 50 millimeters.

Insulation foam


Polyurethane foam or simply foam is a modern material that manufacturers are positioning as the best thermal insulation material for attic and ceilings. He is not a fuel, harmful insects and microorganisms are harmful in it, it has good adhesion, waterproofing and sound insulation. In addition, foam is resistant to temperature fluctuations. Its main disadvantage is almost complete countertility, which negatively affects the microclimate of the room. For the insulation of the ceiling by foam, this material is removed under greater pressure. This allows you to close all the gaps. For thermal insulation, a layer is usually 100-120 millimeters.

How to insulate the ceiling from the inside

Heat the ceiling from within the room is extremely undesirable. The fact is that it reduces the height of the room, and evaporation of the material can get into the house. Executive insulation in this way should only be in extreme cases. Most importantly, do not use mineral wool for this. In addition, it is necessary to make an air gap between the trim of a solid and insulation.

Warming with extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS)


This material is well suited for the insulation of the concrete ceiling.

The process of insulation is as follows:

  1. The drywall is nailed for fastening plasterboard. At the same time, the height of the cluster of the fixed crate should be about a couple of millimeters more than the thickness of the insulation itself. Between each rail, there should be a distance equal to the width of Penoplas with a deduction of a pair of millimeters.
  2. Between the cage should be placed insulation and consolidate it with the help of a dowel.
  3. It is necessary to fix drywall to the crate to get a suspended ceiling.

Insulation foamball


Penofol is a foamed polyethylene, in which one side is covered with foil. The insulation of the ceiling by foam is worth using only if the heat loss from the room is sufficiently small. You need to fill the crate on the insulated ceiling. It will be attached to it with nails of Penofol. On each side of the material you need to make an air gap. Therefore, on top of it, it is pinching another crate, and plasterboard is fixed to it.

Warming insulating plaster


This material today is not popular. It is usually used to insulate the floor of the concrete. The advantages of plaster is that it is environmentally friendly, decorative, not afraid of fire and does not suffer from steam and moisture. In addition, it cannot form mold and fungi.

Cork insulation


This is another environmentally friendly way of insulation ceiling. The cork is good because it is convenient to fix it to the crate when installing the suspended ceiling Armstrong. At the same time, thanks to the moisture resistance of the traffic jam, the vaporizolation is not necessary.

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