Open in the brick wall: how to make and strengthen the opening under the door, windows

March 17. Repair and construction work Views 3494. 2 comments To write the opening in the brick wall: how to make and strengthen the opening under the door, windows

Often, performing repair work in the house, you have to deal with difficulties in the device of an additional door or window. Of course, it is impossible to say that this task is simple. Rather, on the contrary: both complicated, and responsible, but perfect. About how to make the opening in a brick wall, our article will tell.

First of all - preparation

To perform the opening in the brick wall should be approached with full responsibility, otherwise not to avoid trouble. First, disperse, what kind of applied for the device a new door or window scheduled for the device, which is hidden from her inside.

Types of walls

All of them are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Carrier. Her name itself suggests that it is loaded from above. In the case when you manage to find a plan at home, you can easily learn where which walls are located. If not, then focus on the following signs indicating that the wall refers to the carrier:
  • exterior walls;
  • common with neighboring apartments;
  • overlooking the staircase;
  • the walls on which the slabs of the overlap are based on a smaller side;
  • brick wall thickness greater than 380 mm.

2. Non-carrier loads. Represent ordinary partitions loaded only by their own weight.

Necessary wall details

Deciding which wall we will have to deal with, learn more about it:

  • whether inside the hidden wiring;
  • does the wall fittings or pipes in the wall;
  • there is a chimney and in what place is located.

Simply inspectorate this information is not possible, so it is necessary to use a metal detector. Discovery of any obstacles does not even indicate that it is impossible to make the opening in the brick wall. Problems just eliminate:

  • electrical wiring to be transferred to another place;
  • from the chimney, we retreat at least 300 cm;
  • with pipes, it's a little serious, it's not to do without a specialist.

Recommendations of professionals

When applying, the opening is recommended to consider the following points:

  1. The magnitude of the opening must comply with the construction standards.
  2. The height of the opening in the bearing wall should not exceed 2.1 m, and the width is 0T 0.7 m to 2 m. If the apartment is placed on the first floor, then the maximum width of the opening is limited to 0.9 m.
  3. The location of the opening center is the center of the wall.
  4. It is correct when the top of the opening in the brick wall coincides with the cement suture of the masonry.
  5. Having arranged a new door, do the opening for it so that the backlash is 2.5 cm on the sides and 0.6 cm between the door frame and the wall. The same rule acts when performing window openings.
  6. The opening of a width to 0.9 m in additional strengthening does not need. If the width is more, then the wall is necessarily strengthened. The device of the opening in the bearing wall is always accompanied by installing the firming structures.

How to make openings in brick walls

Armed with knowledge of theoretical, proceed to the use of them in practice, but first we reserve the tool:

  • perforator;
  • bulgarian with a diamond disk;
  • chisel;
  • kelma;
  • hammer;
  • jumper;
  • meter line, square, tape measure.


It is impossible to start work without the necessary materials:

  • wooden bars;
  • corner minimum 35x35 mm;
  • necessary components for concrete solution;
  • boards;
  • hardware.

Start a breakdown of the doorway in the carrier brick wall

We perform work in such a sequence:

  • Bring the brickwork at the place of the future opening.
  • We carry out markup using a ruler and a large square.
  • Delayed the places for the jumpers, and if the open is wider than 0.9 m, then, retreating 150 mm from the edge, mark the installation points of the support to strengthen the structure.
  • Cut a corner of 2 pcs. 30 cm longer than the open width.
  • We set a diamond disk on the grinder and make a slot on the corner on both sides. Under the profile 40x40 mm deeper by 40 mm.
  • We lay the corners in the resulting niches, fix them with stiletts. Sluts fill in cement mortar.
  • We do around the perimeter of the planned opening of 2 vertical and 6 horizontal slots on each side. The depth of them is equal to the size of the shelf of the corner used to give greater strength to the Obra.
  • We cut the corner, which is inserted into the slots and fold pairwise left and right elements.
  • We fasten the clamps of 2 billets, and perform holes in each pair.
  • We install first vertical, and then horizontal profiles in the slits and through the holes available in them we drill the wall. So in pairwise mount all the blanks.
  • We insert into the harvested holes of the screed in the form of spills from the reinforcement with a minimum diameter of 1.2 cm. I fix them very tight on each side with a complex fastener consisting of a washer of ordinary, engraver and nuts.

Now, when the load on the wall is distributed evenly, you can proceed directly to the breakdown. So, we continue the device opening in a brick wall:

  • drill hole punch in several places to weaken the masonry;
  • i kill bricks with a hammer or sledgehammer;
  • beat off the speakers of bricks, we clean the resulting opening of garbage;
  • we carry out welding profiles, stripping welding seams, painting the entire metal structure and seal all the gaps with cement mortar.

The opening in the brick wall is performed and a little different way:

  1. As in the first case, after marking in the wall, the strokes for installing the jumper are performed.
  2. The channel is cut into 2 equal slices and put into the shorters from two sides of the future opening.
  3. Drilled holes with a diameter of 2 cm, the distance between the centers of which is 0.5 m. Bolts are inserted and the sections of the chapellery are inserted.

If the wall is not carrying, then immediately proceed to break the opening, and if you have to do the opening in the carrier brick wall, you can not do without gain.

Install the supports

Construct support by retreating from the wall 600-900 mm. As material for their construction use:

  • brick, laying out the columns from it;
  • bakes are reinforced concrete, wooden, metal, jacks.


Window opening in a brick wall

As a rule, it is arranged window opening in the brick wall of self-supporting. The works performed during the device window opening in the brick wall are similar to those provided by breaking the opening under the door:

  1. Marking is better outside if the conditions allow.
  2. Punching shit under the jumper.
  3. Bookmark jumpers from a corner, chapeller or reinforced concrete beam. If the last option is selected, then the hole is made through.
  4. Mark of location beams outside.
  5. The drilling of the wall is outside with the purpose of transferring the internal coordinate to the installation of studs.
  6. Installation of studs made of wooden bar. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that their ends are equally performed both from the inner and the opposite side.
  7. Installation of supports with subsequent styling on them wooden bar to disperson the load.
  8. Fixation of the support structure with nails connecting studs and support bars.
  9. Removal of bricks in the place where the installation of the jumper and mounting the jumper itself is scheduled.
  10. Dismantling of the first row of bricks under the jumper. That's right when it is done on both sides.
  11. Removing the rest of the brick masonry and the upholstery of the protruding edges of bricks. If you work with a diamond instrument, then the opening will immediately get even.


And in conclusion: the device of the opening in the carrier brick wall is a very responsible thing. Do not start anything while you have an approved project on your hands. It is especially important to comply with this condition, if you live in a multi-storey building. Because of your incorrect actions, the design of the whole house can break.

But video about how to make the opening in a brick wall:

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2 responses on the opening in the brick wall: how to make and strengthen the opening of the door, windows

  1. Alexander:

    We offer mutually beneficial cooperation in Moscow in the field of diamond drilling of holes, diamond drilling walls, diamond cutting of openings in walls and overlaps, strengthening openness with metal, welding and metal cutting. Company Braschik - Please contact: +7 (495) 991-81-26 Alexander. We will be happy to meet you and your colleagues.

  2. Alexander:

    We offer mutually beneficial cooperation in Moscow in the field of diamond drilling of holes, diamond drilling walls, diamond cutting of openings in walls and overlaps, strengthening openness with metal, welding and metal cutting. Company Braschik - Sverlenie-Otverstii Please contact: +7 (495) 991-81-26 Alexander. We will be happy to meet you and your colleagues.

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